While your parents are getting 2 hours of sleep a night panicking about whether or not they are getting paid and how to feed themselves and your lazy pathetic ass you're here talking about video games.
Do you feel no shame?
While your parents are getting 2 hours of sleep a night panicking about whether or not they are getting paid and how to feed themselves and your lazy pathetic ass you're here talking about video games.
Do you feel no shame?
My parents are farmers, if anything they benefit from all this
No because I am not a neet and I have a good paying job which allows me to work from home. Sucks to be a poorfag wagie.
no because I'm the only one wageslaving from home
>Feeling bad about the boomer sickness.
Haha okay bruh.
I work from home while my parents are out of work. Now they come to me.
Mute EMH
fuck boomers
Do you feel no shame assuming whether or not I have parents before opening your uneducated mouth?
big dick energy
>Chloe Middleton: Coronavirus victim, 21, 'had no health issues'
>Teenage boy with coronavirus dies in U.S.
>17-Year-Old in Louisiana Dies of Coronavirus
>9 Year Old in Milan Italy Dies of Coronavirus
they are getting paid. they're literally sending out checks.
I’m married and own my own home, my parents are fine.
based Corona chan culling the weak
Piss off. Computer deactivate EMH program.
You forgot 16 year old girl in France.
shut the fuck up you're just a hologram you don't even need to eat
0.2% death rate for people between 10 and 40.
Have sex.
Nah, I'm thinking about how the last 2 years of going to the gym and having a healthy diet have made my immune system top notch,
and on top of that i am filled with happiness so my immune system is also be supported psychologically.
You might ask why I am happy?
Because Corona-chan is going to finally rid the world of a blight and exterminate it, the AIDS carriers, the faggots, and also the trannyfaggots whose immune systems are destroyed by their constant screeching, drugs, and other treatments for their mental illness.
The best part is that with millions of illegal migrants who are more entitled to antivirals than the LGBT, the LGBT's annihilation is assured, on top of Migrants murdering them.
>Me and Dad own our own business
>Is considered an essential service so we can stay open if we want
>Business savings allow us to shut for 6 months
>Just before lockdown sent out an invoice that paid the bills for 2 months
>Govt grant can keep business going for 12 months
>Our own savings will cover home expenses, his mortgage is tied to interest rate, at an all time low.
You are self employed, right user?
french aren't people
I agree, they allied independently with Muslims in history, can't be qualified as humans.
you'll be the first to fall once the civil wars start
the actual life threatening issues come when your immune system overreacts, as far as we can tell its actually just a roll of the dice for young people. Its why people with autoimmune diseases that make their immune system overactive are at risk.
>he actually believes the propaganda
where are all the dead 23 year olds in italy?
They are retired and I'm the one working and paying the bills. So no I dont feel bad at all about whatever bs you are going on about
working out has no effect on your immune system, it's how exposed you are to other ailments.
sitting and pushing weights up and down is the most useless and dumb fucking thing you could actually do for your physical health.
in coffins, burned, or buried. are you stupid or something ?
>TFW parents put me down for 'playing on my computer' instead of getting a degree
>They're both laid off now because they can't go into work
>Meanwhile I'm working from home because I'm considered 'essential'
Hope you guys aren't just playing console games and are actually picking up some useful skills.
Who the what now?
No idea or care for what my father is doing or if he's even alive and my mother definitely isn't alive so if she's only getting 2 hours of sleep I have an exorcism to perform on her nearly 8 year old corpse.
Lol, I treat my body like shit and have only been sick twice since 2005. Stop being such a healthlet.
where is your data or evidence pointing to a significant death rate for people below 40?
I got laid off because of coronachan and no one's picking up my applications
So I'm honestly not really sure what to do now.
all over the internet, you are stupid lol
if it's "all over the internet" surely you'll be able to provide some actual sources then
stop. its bait.
I'm lounging around and drinking on state's dime in my own apartment. My parents live like 150 miles away.
Hope you live in a country or state with good social welfare. If not I hope you can make a $1000* last 6 months.
Nah, it's people's inability to do the right things when lungs are getting filled.
I know because i've had an illness 5 or 6 years ago which had lots of gunk going down into my lungs and being near the threshold of lungs sticking which is the death sentence.
- The 1st thing: Throw milk, pasta, pastry, grain food, everything except salad and meat and fish out of your diet. Literally everything because everything increases your mucus production.
- The 2nd thing: Sleep at an inverse angle, that is to say sleep with your lower body angled in the air so mucus doesn't have an easy time going into your lungs and you also get good oxidation since blood is flowing more towards your brain.
- The 3rd thing: Get one of those bags that fill with extremely hot water which you can keep on your neck and chest to dissolve any mucus.
- The 4th thing: After the above, get that minty paste/gel, whatever it's called in English, which makes your skin kind of burn, and smother it on the neck and chest and THEN wrap your smothered area in transparent foil or aluminium foil if out of it to keep the steam and heat in.
Do all of this as soon as you sense gunk in your throat getting thick. You'll be avoiding your lungs getting filled and fucked that way and allow the body time to resolve shit gradually.
As you know, all that died, died from lungs being filled with slime and then coughing blood because they overworked their throats trying to cough out what can't be coughed out when it reaches the bottom of the lungs.
Basically i've been through the very shit Corona infected people go through already which kills them.
not me, i have rich parents
>he doesn't have food storage
normies are mentally ill
your internet broken stupid?
Bros...I thought the package was monthly...
My parents are literally retired boomers self quarantining to stay safe. Im a working adult in an essential job that is currently doing crazy business because of this shit. Stop projecting.
pikeys stole my internet cables
>thinks you can cure pneumonia with hot bags of water
I never thought people were this dumb. Thank you Yas Forums
lol I'm spending it all on gacha
>in a discussion to prevent it and minimize it as much as possible by resolving gunk
You tarded mate?
hasn't even arrived and you thought it was coming monthly. oof
My dad is working from home and I don't live with them.
>that quote at the end
one plague isnt enough
None of your business what my parents do, schlomo.
>user curse covid 19 with bags of warm water.
All all of the worlds health organizations BTFO
i never thought about mucus producing food, i have a bag of rice/pasta and biscuits, etc maybe i should buy more fish, also couldn't you just use the foil after/during a hot bath instead and get the same effect as the expensive paste?
More like user understands that Pneumonia starts in the upper air tract and has to trickle down into the lungs via puss to become deadly.
Yeah, kind of explains why those with covid who were taken to x-ray scans of their lungs and are cleared because they didn't have any puss in it, are cleared. Who would have thunk that there are Pneumonia has stages at which it can be prevented and is well understood now!
Computer thread emergency! Activate ECH!
I'm a multimillionare and so are my parents.