REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the Marauder is too hard and ruins the flow of the game

>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the Marauder is too hard and ruins the flow of the game

Why are people so retarded? The marauder is pretty simple to beat

Attached: 3964f0b.png (1232x872, 611.37K)

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Yeah, he's not so bad, just has a whole lotta health. If he's truly that difficult for you just falter him once and kill him in one shot with the BFG.

>resistant to super weapons

If you falter him he can't block the BFG shot.

Spawning a marauder in the middle of a demon swarm is kinda bullshit. I'm trying to kill an archville on the other side of the map and the Marauder fucking runs across the map and attacks me from behind in like 3 seconds

Have to evade him and kill all the lesser demons first so you can focus entirely on him.

People that complain about low max ammo limit should just fucking use a console and change it.

How the fuck do I beat that secret encounter where you need to kill a marauder in like 25 seconds?

Save up a BFG shot. Falter him and then kill him instantaneously.

>Hide around corner while my 1 chainsaw recharges
>Pop out and 1 shot something
>Shoot until out of ammo
So skill

People just think you have to stop all movement and focus on him completely.
You can juggle fighting a room and him pretty easily, just popping the occasional shotty shot at him.

Attached: 1585375613030.png (450x443, 92.42K)

Name one(1) time when this happens.

Use airburst.

Attached: Marauder.webm (852x480, 2.92M)

Shotgun, balista combo.

>wait for him to turn green
>repeat until dead
Its not hard, its fucking boring.


have you considered shooting him and not being bad

Mauraders are only difficult if there are other long ranged attack demons alongside him. With my first encounter, I got more annoyed with the imps and cyber zombies

>The marauder is pretty simple to beat
maybe that's not the point you brain damaged retard

based airburst chad, only scrubs use lock on

>dude just stay medium distance from him!

What the fuck is medium distance? This fucker just bum rushes me anyway and is fast as fuck so I can't really keep him at a distance

ebin doge :DDDD

About to enter Nekroval. The area they start you in looks awesome with the chained up giant demons. They really went above and beyond with the background imagery, much better than 2016.

that would be because you didn't git gud at staying at medium distance

>Let me help you to see, slayer
>Proceeds to beat the shit outta you
What did he mean by this?

>literally bad design that everyone acknowledges
>hurr durr git gud

Fuck off

Well timed grenades can kill him within seconds if you've gotten all the upgrades

Who's "everyone"? You and your fellow filtered brethren?

>literally a challenge
>hurr durr bad gaem desing

archvile literally survives a bfg shot

Good thing we're talking about the marauder and not the archvile.

While not the most dangerous I fucking hate these cunts with a passion, always sticking shields right in your face as you're about to lob rockets at something

Attached: D_TmwSeWkAIztE7.jpg (1200x675, 200.48K)

this kills the casual

it pulverizes the peasant

it terrorizes the tourist

it violates the visitor

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Just beat the gladiator boss on my first try, but it took me so long. Is there a way to beat it fast?

Stickies too, AI ignores them as long as you don't directly aim them at him.

Old advice but it still works on the marauder

Attached: shoot.jpg (300x319, 14.09K)

engage the weapon wheel after firing lol

>fps games suck! All enemies behave the same!
>Nooooo! What do you mean marauders have shields and a dash ability! Nerf him! Now!

>takes 3 chainsaw fuel to kill

Fucking bullshit

>Modders are already fixing the game
Blessed be their souls.

Attached: fixed.png (1221x720, 1.31M)

That's impressive. On Nightmare he was fucking me up.

Those snake whiplash fuckers and the Archvile/Buff totems are way worse than the Marauder.

Not really

I think it would be fun to see how many people that say "git gud" actually played on Nightmare.
I played on Nightmare and I thought it was hard as all fuck and many arenas took me upwards of 40 minutes a piece to get past because I suck at videogames and I had to ask my friend for tips on how to beat this lad, but my experience with it leads me to question how many other people actually stuck it out on Nightmare, and how many that are telling others "filtered" etc. played on a lower difficulty.
What difficulty did y'all play on? You're anonymous so it doesn't hurt to be honest, nobody will know.

It felt like I was cheesing him since I hooked around with the super shotgun farming armor and waiting for him to attack. He also has an attack where instantly recovers from too.

Lock on is sick for one shotting Revenants and mancubi. If I see one teleport in I usually lock, burst them, then double dash to glory kill or shotgun them and go dashing off to kill some other shit.

Played on Nightmare and he never was an unbeatable threat to me, in fact he is my favourite mini boss by far.
What I hate on Nightmare and where I struggle :

> Buff Totems, dying while looking for them
> Archviles, actually always save a crucible shot for the fuckers
> Whiplash, slippery cunts can OS you real quick
> Fucking Mancubus who have 0.01s reaction time when electrocuting the ground around them while you're trying to BP them

Literally all those enemies are greater threat to me than the Marauder who has a very clear, logical and defined dance to follow.

>Doom eternal
>Mod support

This, I loathe the whiplash cunts and honestly they are far worse then the Marauder but no one seems to care

If he uses the shotgun you're too close. When he throws axes you're too far away. Simple as.

Reminds me of that cut monster from DOOM 3. Perhaps it was an inspiration.

bro just ice bomb them

It'll still be used in SFM, so that's fine by me.

Just use grenades, rockets, or hook/super shotgun them for free armor.
They're really not a dangerous enemy, excepted maybe if she corners you in a dead end with fodder preventing you from moving away.

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>that satisfying feeling when you activate slow motion during your meat hook charge

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Buff totems are an absolute shitfest whenever they spawn in.

I have way more trouble with the Archvile than this guy. Whenever I see an Archvile I want to fucking die.

>Watch a no-death ultra violence run
>In the entire 5 hours on the hardest setting with 1 life, this pussy ass strategy never happens

sorry i meant ultra nightmare

> using slow mo in a fast-paced FPS
Absolutely disgusting

One of the few things I genuinely dislike about the game. Making me disregard and dodge enemies while looking for them did not feel fun. The problem to me is that the foes keep on respawning while they are not destroyed, so instead of a harder fight to look forward to, it turns into a "run away until you find the shit artifact".

for some reason when they do that ring attack i feel compelled to glory kill them. it feels like they're mocking me