Is there any realistic way for Yas Forums to improve as a board in 2020?
Is there any realistic way for Yas Forums to improve as a board in 2020?
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by not having backseat jannies like you complaining all the time.
fuck off to with your thought policing, faggot.
In which way?If you gonna say that all should have same opinions then screw you
Everyone has sex this summer. Problem solved. The casual gamers stuck here because if crippling depression and loneliness will go away which is probably 50% or more of the board.
three instant auto ban offenses.
1. Wojak and frog posting = ban
2. eceleb threads(includes retarded twitter garbage) = ban
3. All psudo porn threads = ban. keep it in /e/ or /h/ for fucks sake.
Psychopaths who use this place as an outlet for the addiction to antisocial behavior AND insecure faggots who need to virtue signal constantly about how they're superior to a certain group of people all catch COVID-19 and die.
why not put the whole board in a glass bottle?
disable Yas Forums on mobile phones
make me a mod
I will make Yas Forums great again
I think better moderation is the only real answer. Ideally you would fix it by reducing the population of Yas Forums but that's not going to happen.
Yeah fuck off lex. Gutting wojak spam would do nothing but improve this place fuck you
Delete it.
throwing people like you out would be a great start
Delete all coomer content and social media screenshots
Allow everything else
unfortunately for you, NEETs are the only ones who're going to survive this virus.
Ban pepe, wojak, and all the off-topic shit like the daily Yas Forums threads that are just excuses to blog in different languages. How fucking hard is it to keep the board clean? One person could do it. But instead all we get are some retards deleting threads they just don't like.
As long as people continue to act like JRPGs are good, this board is dead.
The board is a reflection of the state of games in general. To fix Yas Forums would require reshaping the industry into something that would please a bunch of disparate people with nothing in common other than hating the way things currently, and the smaller yet sometimes equally vocal contrarians who come here because they like to argue and there's not enough of that on reddit or wherever.
game development, media, criticism, journalist, etc. are all too fundamentally disagreeable for this to ever be a truly positive board
by adapting to the modern culture or somehow forcing a change that makes you feel comfortable
that's all there really is to it
alternatively you could not care so much
Only if we kill all females.
Banning OP and telling him to go back.
I'm a NEET myself but neither a psycho shitposter nor a tranny virtue signaller.
I know those "people" arent going to die from the virus but that's how the board would get better.
Change in moderation and website ownership
Yea, nah...
I get what youre saying, but despite the industry, this place has become worse over time, since it attracts more casual shitposting underaged mouthbreathers who just want to fit in somewhere
Exhibit A:
>Is there any realistic way for Yas Forums to improve as a board in 2020?
Bitches leave.
This, off topic shitposting used to be fun, now it's just low effort bait flooding the board.
Make Yas Forums whites only
Ban everyone that doesn't post Pepe or Wojack pictures
Wojak and frog posting is based tho
No it isn't
these. Say about Yas Forums whatever you want, but a resetera screenshot thread, a low effort pepe thread etc. lasting hours? With Yas Forums mods it would be the exception, not the norm.
It killed all OC. Now you faggots think that those edits are what new content is supposed to be.
More dragon's dogma threads.
I think it's really terrible that you are forced to look at sexualized fictional women from video games. Sometimes I see an OP picture with drawn or rendered breasts and I can't do anything else than enter that thread and have a mental breakdown.
All porn, all cumming, all the time. Drown out the non believers in a river of white justice. Mutual feelings. 3 inche
Ban everyone who posts.
People cry about that but don't make their own OC
Without Pepe there wouldn't be anything at all
start permabanning people with an unhealthy obsession with things that aren't vidya
This post is 100% right.
I'd also move anything nintendo related to /vp/ and rename it /vn/ because this place becomes a shithole each time nintendo announces something, double that if it's smash
It's not about the board, it's about the people. The gold anons left for greener pastures or got their lives back on track years ago, only insane contrarians and underaged fags hang out here now
Is this OC enough?
It's a shithole whenever a big new game is released.
Twitter caps = permaban, and a scary serbian dude comes to your home and break your kneecaps.
pacman captcha
Ban wojacks, pepes, twitter, video game, ecelebs and resetera posts.
Keep porn posts.
This. All the boring fuckers in the world notices how unusual and chaotic this website was, and wanted a piece of the pie. But after they started posted here, they realized just how weird the users were, and wanted them gone. So they chased away the people that made Yas Forums what it is, and were left wondering why the website became exactly as boring as they are.
you can't compare anything this board has ever seen to roasterfags
Create /vi/ videogames industry for all the off topic and shitposting, so good Moot still gets his visits money
Merge /vr/ with Yas Forums and make mods to actually talking about fucking videogames ONLY in here.
>Without Pepe there wouldn't be anything at all
and slowly OC would rise again from the nothingness.
Rent free
phoneposters are the root of all of the board's problems
doing shit like this: is only treating the symptoms, not the source
*gooK Moot*
>three instant auto ban offenses.
>1. Wojak and frog posting = ban
>2. eceleb threads(includes retarded twitter garbage) = ban
>3. All psudo porn threads = ban. keep it in /e/ or /h/ for fucks sake.
That is such a dog shit, retarded, subhuman opinion to hold. Go fucking drown in piss you absolute neolithic mongrel.
We'll just have to get rid of all the posters dragging down the board's quality, one at a time. Let's start with... you.
The would require jannies doing their job
Corona virus could mutate to kill all femoid, niggers and resetera trannies.
Civil war in USA to stop the leftist’s insane, genocidal rampage against the white race through cultural marxist attacks on the civilization’s core values.
>Is there any realistic way for Yas Forums to improve as a board in 2020?
>Onions 283
Yas Forums is perfect
This is cancer
Allow guro.
Ban all Twitter screencaps that don't involve immediate video game news such as release dates or new content. Anything related to identity politics, or are just stupid hot-takes from literal whos, should be purged and the poster banned.
Go full Yas Forums and ban/delete all Wojak/Pepe posters on sight.
Shitposting needs to be cracked down upon hard. If you want to post stupid garbage and troll 4 te lulz xDDD then go to fucking Yas Forums.
>This is cancer
I remember a couple days ago some user posted a mega link with 400+ soijacks, each had a filename like the one you just quoted. I downloaded it to check for myself and they were, in fact, more than 400. Make of that what you will.
Red being a mod and banning all the dumbasses would sure improve quality. So tired of all these empty substanceless one-word posts from phoneposters and newfags that pollute every thread. It's all buzzwords and childish rhetoric.
have a Saturday morning stand up meeting on zoom.
If the people posting twitter screenshots of eceleb/yt drama committed sudoku
How to fix Yas Forums as a whole
>Ban all phone IPs from posting without a Yas Forums Pass