This is Min Min. She's the next fighter coming to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Say something nice about her.
This is Min Min. She's the next fighter coming to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Say something nice about her
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If she's not the arms fighter I'm not buying the pass
I'm not going to buy ultimate if she's not in.
She has amazing legs.
Will she have a move that charges up her Dragon Arm and then you get to keep it until you're knocked down?
Though grabs should also charge it.
Hi Min Min, enjoy being Chinese pandering bait.
I want Min Min to slurp me up like a noodle
that popularity in-game contest she won was there for a reason. If it's not her I'll be legit surprised
Nice ass too
>Popularity contest was to decide who will be the main character of ARMS 2
>Also decided who gets into Smash
>Kosuke Yabuki rigged the whole thing to make his waifu the new star of the series.
They're gonna fucking kill Spring Man.
>They're gonna fucking kill Spring Man.
so this is the gimmick I'm thinking
every standard attack is a stretchy punch and can be curved. pressing the attack button a second time will punch with the other arm which can also be controlled. this means you can punch a character with a low punch from far away and then follow up with a higher punch without having to move your body. the first punch will always come from the arm facing the screen.
b let's you charge up your arms. you cannot move while charging, but after just a few seconds you will start to glow and your arms will gain their special ability that becomes active on your next punch.
if min min charges long enough, her left arm becomes the Dragon and that glove is permanently charged until she suffers a powerful hit or is ko'd
the down special lets you switch arms which alters the type of attributes that your punches have. for example, when min min equips the megawatt her fist is much larger and has electrical properties when it's charged. uncharged it is just a larger and heavier glove in general. you will always switch the glove on the arm facing the screen first, but you can switch the glove on the other arm facing away from the screen by holding a while using the down special.
the grab is a tether and is extremely long. you can grab the ledge or pull characters to you from far away, but you can only grab directly in front of you. the up throw would be a reference to the hoops mini game with min min dunking her opponent
up special is a jumping flip kick, the other ability she had in the game. It does not use your arms and gives her some vertical height with a hitbox and a low priority reflect on the kick.
side special I'm not sure. but final smash is Hedlok, which powers min min up with six arms that she throws out in a flurry and then ends the attack with a massive beam
her stage is either the ramen bowl, max brass's stage or ribbon girl's stage. her costumes would be the four from the game plus four more referencing the other female fighters (twintelle, coyle, mechanica, Lola pop)
spirit board adds the missing spirits plus lets you obtain the 4 already in the game
if it isn't min min, the moves and gimmick could still work with minor changes. twintelle gets her time slowing powers, Max brass can buff himself, helix has his stretchy body put into his up special as a weird rubber band recovery...
I'm concerned, MinMinchads. What if it's not her? They could just as easily go with Ribbon Girl or something.
>the ramen bowl
I want this. If only for a gimmick involving smashing people into the giant gong bell.
I know it'll be her but I want Twintelle. Now reply to this post with coomer memes and Twintelle lewds.
Min Min!
Min Min goes in the bin bin.
hee hee arms spaghetti
Just want to note that anyone who says they could make alts of different ARMS characters work with different animations without doing echo fighters, then cited Byleth's fucking VICTORY ANIMATIONS to make their case, is a fucking idiot.
I saw a post here about how Coyle will be an alt and have Dark Samus animations and I just gotta wonder what the hell people are thinking.
I know the game got extremely mixed reception but reducing the entire series down to one character slot is absurd.
B-but they all have extendo-arms!
they'll use the butch chimp instead
It’s going to be Springman + Ribbon girl + Min Min + Ninjara. Possible with more to fill out the eight but who could they be?
Nice hair, faggot
Go put on some deodorant and also hit puberty before you post on this board. You have to be at least 18, champ.
>Ribbon Girl
Doesn't matter I'll fuck whatever girl gets in.
I want Min Min to kick me in the balls.
I'm genuinely fine with anyone, but I think I'd be a little disappointed if they went with someone outside of Ribbon Girl, Min Min, or Max Brass (or Spring Man/Ninjara in tandem with Ribbon Girl and Min Min). Helix, Byte, Lola, and Twintelle are just not who I'd pick for the game's first representative, and Coyle is the villain so I definitely wouldn't go with her before the others. I love Misango but I know he has no chance, even as an alt.
Is that a true wish?
What's she thinking?
>calls himself a chad
>is concerned instead of confident
Yes, I love ballbusting. Also, that's my favorite image of her.
It's the posterboy/girl for ARMS 2 bud.
Why do retards keep saying this?
I don't even like ballbusting and I am still oddly entranced by that picture. It's beautiful somehow.
Are we REALLY sure it's her? Not saying I don't want her but can we do a tier list of chances?
>First game free for limited time
>Tourney out of nowhere two years after last update
>Reannounced the graphic novels
>Fighter being revealed in June when E3 Direct was likely to happen
If you don't think we're getting an ARMS 2 reveal in June curtailing into a fighter reveal you're braindead.
The fighter has been described a couple of times in official media (mainly in Japan) as a “fighter that debuted in ARMS.” While this COULD be taken to mean the series assuming a sequel is coming, the most obvious way to take this would be to assume that it would have to be a character from the first game.
>Coyle is the villain so I definitely wouldn't go with her before the others
Why? If anything that should make you want her as we'll have the main character and the main villain in Smash.
Anyone else find it funny how ARMS was a failure and to force it not to die Nintendo now decides to throw a fighter in instead of a trophy?
Even if ARMS 2 is happening, what makes people think it's getting a new character to headline it?
Doesn't sound like a very good idea.
>more dogshit
not that I bought this one but fuck fire emblem and fuck any other dead trash nintendo keeps pushing in smash
They are trying to keep ARMS alive as a new IP.
I really wish it was Coyle. She'd be the first villain character to be DLC right? Smash needs more baddies. Plus her theme rules.
The only other dead trash from the dlc was ugly autism bear
>Doesn't want the first solo villain rep in Smash Bros history
>Doesn't want based Rad Scientist
How are you such a tremendous faggot?
>She'd be the first villain character to be DLC right?
>Character is actually Springman, Ribbon Girl, Min Min, Ninjara, Helix, Kid Cobra, Misango, and Coyle as alts.
>Assist Trophy is replaced with Springtron
>Down B changes the characters arms to the different signature sets of the characters
>Neutral B uses the arm while side b uses the left.
How would you think of this?
Brass and Coyle have pretty good chances of being the character. I'd be extremely happy if it was one of them.
Min min and not Loli pop. Fucking shit taste Nintendo and whoever voted for a bat eating Ching Chong.
It's Biff
If it's just Coyle it'd be odd, no matter how rad she is. Max Brass and Coyle would be good together, considering they have the most detailed history and unique gameplay. First DLC to have unique win quotes with each other? Either way, the guy you replied to is a tremendous fag.
It's either them, Min-Min or that ARMS 2 character everyone's theorizing on. Judging by that big character party crash's winner being Min-Min, I wouldn't be surprised if she was the champ or mascot character for ARMS 2, and her reveal had a new design and segwayed into a trailer for ARMS 2, or vice versa.
Forgot to add that ARMS characters aren't interchangeable or copy-pasted, but Coyle and Brass's gameplay stands out from everyone else's. They're not the only ones with visibly unique gimmicks by a longshot (Misango, Byte and Barq, Helix), but I have no idea if those three would be considered compared to the main hero and villain. I'd be down with anyone, but those two look the most likely, at least if that assist trophy rule with Spring Man isn't broken.
>her stage is either the ramen bowl, max brass's stage or ribbon girl's stage.
Could be a transition stage and have all of them.
Ribbongirl would be fine, just don't let it be the goo monster.
I think the nature of its simplicity is what makes it great for me. Instead of using all these elaborate weaponry she has on her, she simply relies on a normal kick to bring the guy down.
No matter who gets in, they'll have a Min Min themed color swap at least.
That spot is for the best boy and his failure-siblings
Didn't stop Roy and Corrin.
Imagine if he kept his stretching ability.
This for sure has got to happen.
I never assumed he wouldn’t
Is that Helix juice.. actually made out of Helix's body?