Earth is invaded by demons

>Earth is invaded by demons
>even the Arctic and Antarctica are invaded
>Demons completely leave Australia alone

What did they mean by this?

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Feels good to be forgotten.

fuck off we're full

Too close to New Zealand. The devil fears the kiwi.

you can't find drop bears in hell

it's already a hell hole

who needs demons when you have abbos?

They probably didn’t want to deal with all the shitposting and bantz

Aussie banter scared them off

Emu territory.

This is clearly explained in the lore and I won't spoonfeed it.


Bushfires already killed Australians off

They do invade Australia, look at literally any map in the game that isn't the one in the codex

They also didn't touch Japan.

Hell fears the samurai.

Since when Australia is that close to Asia?

These fucks

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that map shows Australia empty but the holomap above the bridge shows australia infested, they just left that part of the world for last


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They didn't want to end up in the fritzl basement.

Are we just expected to know what game this is?

Probably thought the job had been accomplished since it was already on fire

Since the breakup of pangea?

you do realize these maps squash the equator and strech the poles right?

real talk, it's obviously an allegory for the rapefugee crisis and Australia actually has some of the strictest and safest regulations for immigrants. that how

Since the dimension shift of 2017.

Because we're completely fuckin irrelevant

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Took one look, saw the dog size spiders and abos passed out on the roads of huffing gasoline

Demons are no match for glorious Nippon steel folded over a 1000 times.

too many niggers there

nuDOOM 2

Yes, and? His post wasn't complaining about the fucking Mercator projection of the Earth he was saying that Australia was too close to Asia


you do realize that you could use globe as well

demons invading australia would only increase human life expectancy

Maybe they removed it because when the game went gold the whole "Australia is on fire" thing was happening.

even if dg closed the portals and killed the leaders of the demons, wouldn't they still be killing millions by the hour elsewhere around the world while he slowly kills them off one by one?

Ill squash your equator with my stretched pole if you catch my geographical latitude.

freakin spiders scared em off XD

It's exactly how it was predicted all those years ago:

I guess they better cancel RE3 remake then because of corona?

Would you rather be safe from demons in Australia or live literally anywhere else?

>11 years ago

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That's a tough choice.

Yes but because its a crap series.

Would I rather live in current Nu Australia which is full of aliens?

but i am le tired

>american education

correlation between demonic presence and quality of internet

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I guess seriously speaking, Europe, Asia, and Africa are mostly connected by land.


>eurocuck obsession

I'll take cyberdemons over fuckin gooks anyday

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not sure why but this made me chuckle for a good minute

Rent free.

>seriously speaking
Probably population density, 6th most sparsely populated country on the planet according to google.

too hot and dangerous

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They read my bumper sticker and saw that we're full.

The demons will suffer Paris syndrome if you keep lying like that. Place is full of weak cunts.

It's already a hellhole, they can't make it any worse

Please be bait.

>demons don't even want the philipiness

I'll shift my tectonic plate into your magnetic core if you don't pace yourself.

In this universe Steve Irwin is still alive and he and his army of salties are keeping the demonic forces at bay.

>Madagascar is also safe

doom slayer glory killing an archvile with a crocodile when
also it would have been cool if there was a few environmentally sensitive specific glorykill animations

He prob put them in his zoo then started to wrestle them for the crowd.

The demons can't get in

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