Nier remaster

>check in on Yas Forums to see what they think of the nier remaster announcement
>majority of posts is seething that they aren't remastering nier gestalt
what is wrong with you people? you are getting the originally intended version of the creator, and you're upset you aren't getting the version that was only made to appeal to western dudebros?

>Originally, the young Nier was the only main character. “I made the youthful version (the protagonist of Nier Replicant) first, during development Saito-san (producer) talked about considering overseas markets,” Taro Yokoo, Director at Cavia, explained in an interview with Inside Games. “At Square Enix’s Los Angeles studio we had a discussion, it was said having a fragile young character was not possible. So, I started preparing a macho protagonist for North America.”

>European and American staff were brought in for a heated debate. The point in question was whether a delicate looking character can wield a giant sword without looking ridiculous. Because Nier is a new intellectual property and they wanted it to sell, Cavia and Square Enix moved forward with two versions.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>nier remaster

>the originally intended version of the creator
Your thumbnail shows EXACTLY why I'm not buying the homoerotica that barely resembles a game.

I wanted Drakengard 4.
I don't care about an-other remaster.

but papa nier is based, they really should have given us both versions in one. if it does include both and their just keeping it a secret I'd be so happy

The nier gameplay is dogshit, though. At least tomato buttonmashing was entertaining. I remember being so disappointed going into nier from drakengard 1/2.


>their just keeping it a secret

What the fuck is wrong with you retards?

I'm glad we're finally getting an actual translation of Replicant but I wish there was Gestalt too for a direct comparison. I'm not complaining about it, though, I'm glad this is happening regardless.
>he doesn't know

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>The point in question was whether a delicate looking character can wield a giant sword without looking ridiculous
So they never played a JRPG before, huh?

Wait what is this image? And what of these characters? This for DOD4? Are you fucking kidding me? Holy shit that sucks balls.

Gestalt was a happy accident that ended being better than the original version.

Same thing with Full Metal Alchemist 2003 desu

>This character design after the greatness of the past games designs.

>Gestalt was a happy accident that ended being better than the original version.
How is it better? You realize they didn't even write a new story for Nier Gestalt, right? They just did a "ctrl f find and replace" and swapped out 'brother' for 'father', while keeping all the plot points and character moments the same. So you have a middle-aged man starring in a story where he's written like a teenage boy.

Take for example the time skip. In the original version of Nier, where the protagonist is young, this serves as a period of maturation, where he grows up, both mentally and physically. This is even reinforced through the game mechanics, prior to the time skip Nier is only able to use one-handed weapons, after the time skip he can use two-handed weapons due to being older and more experienced.

But with Nier Gestalt, he's already a middle aged man when the game starts of, so him maturing during that time skip makes absolutely no sense. They didn't even take care to change major plot details and dialog between the versions. This is especially obvious when you wake up Kaine after the timeskip. When she talks to Nier who is now 21 instead of 16, her words make sense. When she talks to Nier who went from early 40's to mid 40's, her words make no sense.

Nier's dialogue and his relationships with other characters was kept exactly the same despite being changed from a teenage boy to a middle-aged man. The result is that Papa Nier comes across as a caricature. His dialogue clearly sounds like it would be coming from a young teen, such as the "we're friends, right" scene with Kaine.

>no Papa Nier
>made by developers of picrelated
It's going to be shit

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This. "Muh sister" shit works only in japan, no one cares about siscon fetishism outside it. Father protecting his daughter will always be superior. But being incels that they are, weebs will never get it.

>Nier remaster
We don't need it. The game came out 10 years ago and wasn't awful to play. It's going to get a new coat of paint but I'd rather they remake Drakengard 1 or give me Drakengard 4 instead. And I mean a real successor to DoD1, not the joke that was DoD3.

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>you're upset you aren't getting the version that was only made to appeal to western dudebros?

Yes. If I wanted anime boy protag I'd play any of the other JRPGs out there. Dad Nier is an ugly motherfucker, but is still pretty unique as a character in the genre and had a memorable performance.

As a superior westerner whose ancestors beat the dirty Japs I've got no interest in some gay Jap story where some kid obsessively tears the world apart trying to save his younger sister when instead I could have a far more culturally relatable scenario in which a father tears the world apart trying to save his daughter.

>disappointed going into nier from drakengard 1/2
But drakengard is even shitter

people would freak over the soundtrack it'd be pretty great.

Oh shit, they developed Rogue Corps?! Remaster has a chance of being excellent. Very cool.

It's not even necessarily a cultural thing. I think the majority of people would care far more about saving their own child than a sibling.

Nier is one of the very rare cases where the localized version of a game is arguably superior to the original.

Considering how many fucking awful localizations come out nowadays, the good ones should not be forgotten. They should at least remaster both and let people choose.

fun fact: find and replace is ctrl + h

Are they keeping the voices the same? Jamieson Price, Liam O'Brien and Laura Bailey had a great dynamic together.

>It's not even necessarily a cultural thing. I think the majority of people would care far more about saving their own child than a sibling.

The argument for Brother Nier is equally strong if not stronger, thematically and philosophically. I can also read Japanese, which makes me less biased. A brother of a sick girl ties into Automata and a feeling of abandonment by authorities, society, parents, or god, aka postmodernism. This is similar to the Japanese movies “Nobody Knows,” or "Grave of the Fireflies" as it touches on a feeling of being forced forward into an obscure cycle only because of the pain of the alternative (losing someone you love, for example). This, in my opinion, is a far better display of postmodernism and humanity over a father figure. With the protagonist being a father, it naturally brings with it an assumption that he has already “won” in the sense that he has found a woman and made a child, continuing the biological cycle (he has lived his life already). Brother Nier has much more to risk than Father Nier, since he has his own future (biological and social), that he has yet to experience. This is what makes this dynamic so crushing. For the same reason, and although a nuanced point, it is easier to relate one’s lover to one’s sister, rather than one’s daughter. Perhaps you have had a girlfriend who you struggled together with “against” society so that someday things may work out for the two of you and your future children. A daughter is not quite the same, even if it carries an equally heavy, and unique emotion. I think the brother role is key to the entire game’s message and Yoko Taro's vision, while Father Nier is a kind of alternative add-on view.

>fun fact: find and replace is ctrl + h

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Except Ending D, which leads to Automata, wouldnt make sense with Papa Nier, who chose Kaine over staying by his kid's side.

Or maybe they will make the game brother nier but give it an anime with papa nier

I'm glad we are finally getting the proper version of the game. "Papa Nier" was dumb as shit. Watching a grown man speak lines that clearly supposed to be coming from a kid. Kaine's reaction and changing of feelings towards Nier after the timeskip. Being able to use bigger weapons, and being able to beat a monster you couldn't before. All of that shit was because Nier went from a boy to a man.

I always thought that Papa Nier fits Ending C best and Ending D is for Brother Nier.

>white people writing paragraphs

>people fighting over brother and papa nier
>when it is obvious that taro is going to pull a route a and b with brother and papa nier respectively
Cretins, all of you.

>fast combat, regularly unlocking combos, all weapons feel meaningfully distinct
>sluggish, weapons might as well just be stat sticks

Squares finally realized Taro's potential and got their best team on the job!

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>How is it better?

I don't want to play as a generic K-pop idol.

>DOD 10th anniversary
dudes this stuff is fucking ancient. pretty sure this was made as nothing more than a joke though I do love the idea.
I dont remember if it was in this interview or not but I remember something about him making DOD5 where you clean up after the mess that was made in DOD4 except DOD4 was never released so no one knows what the fuck is going on.

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Those are all good points, but consider this: Gestalt Niers voice actor was great.

>thing I played as a child - SOUL
>thing I didnt play as a child - SOULLESS
it all comes to this

I've always thought Papa Nier's post-timeskip design and Brother Nier's pre-timeskip design were stupid desu.

Father Nier is objectively superior
Kiss my ass

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Papa's mask eyepatch thing is kino

If he was superior he’d be getting the remake user. Cope that your shitty story breaking Western marketing version is D E A D

>dresses like a hulk hogan reject
Papa Nier looks like a caricature of the whole gruff gritty dude (as seen in shitty games like gears of wars). Completely retarded

Really interesting view, user. It's unfortunate that the degenerates of nu-Yas Forums won't read a post that is longer than two sentences.

>Gestalt was a happy accident that ended being better than the original version.
lmao no
The scene where Nier wakes Kaine from her sleep after the timeskip, Kaine was used to a midget Nier so she looks at the original eye level, only to realize he grew up
While in Gestalt, her pause after looking up just makes no sense

>Papa Nier looks like a caricature of the whole gruff gritty dude

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As someone who played both versions ( probably not going to replay again unless the remaster add some new content), I don't understand why people hate brother Nier. I mean, I understand the implication between their relationship and why people might prefer one dynamic to the other, but as a character brother Nier is pretty cool. Sure he starts off pretty faggy in the first half of the game, but after the transition and growing up he's pretty manly. Meanwhile Papa Nier only gets an eyepatch in the transition.

I didn't need an extra reason to give the game a try, but I'll take it.

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Given the time this released, they were spot on for changing the protag.

having an old man with the animations and dialogue of a young boy is what made it so soulful
it turned a bunch of generic anime lines into really endearing goofy shit

Can't wait for all the new futaporn

I don't hate Brother Nier. I hate Brother Nierfags.

They literally didn't exist until years after Gestalt already had a fanbase. The majority of them are literally just contrarians trying to appear MORE niche than the niche fanbase.

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>automata plebs going to shit all over the game despite it being better
cant wait

>implying anyone gives a shit about Cavia being lazy
Go to bed weeb, you'll never be japanese.

I finally made it though 2nd ending on nier automata, does it finally get good now?

I'm interested into playing Replicant for once. But Nier's gameplay is so meh, I'd rather wait to see what this remaster will add.

Yeah, I can respect that.

On the bright-side, it means at least a few people who wouldn't have played Nier otherwise are finally getting to experience the better game.

To be fair, gameplay-wise, it's a lot worse. Automata wasn't especially brilliant but it was at least serviceable.

Story and soundtrack are so much better in Nier tho.
>retards unironically believe underage faggot shota is better than based FATHER NIER caring for his little daughter and having adventures with flying book bro

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Anime website

I really liked Papa Nier and Weiss's dynamic. Is it the same for Brother?

Underrated, and patrician post.

I would prefer playing as brother Nier if only because I still haven't played the game like that, but I think it would be amazing if they gave us both options in one game. It would be a good excuse for some replayability and a unique twist for a game to approach the same story from two alternative universes.

I mostly just think Jamieson Price did a really good job. He's usually always pretty good, but he was fantastic in Nier. I like that you have an old disgruntled man become an even older disgruntled man and his desperation in the second half makes more sense from a father standpoint.

>having daughter >>> having a sister

>watching anime means you're a weeb
>in 2020
>in 2010
>in 2003

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It's the same fucking dialogue just with different face.