Look to enemy's reaction with hits, every hit has unique animation. The fluidity to the animation is unbelievable, bring me a game from any AAA developer (RockStar, CD Project, etc) that has PERFECT animation like that. NAUGHTY GODS are on a whole new level. Can't wait to play it in 60 days.
The Last of Us part II
>Can't wait to play it in 60 days.
*blocks you're path*
binary domain by capcom has that, only instead of just throwing out an animation that resets and even worse cancels if you hit them again, enemies react appropriately. If you shoot them in the head, and blow it the fuck off, then shoot their torso, they'll still reach for their head as they double over.
Welcome to 2012, nu-ghty dog.
Only the physical release will be affected, just like FF7.
I mean how can you say that, it's not even out yet...
that shit reeks of soi, disgusting.
why did the man froze when you were doing a 5 sec execution on that grandma? yikes
Meanwhile the latest nintendo exclusive
I can't wait for the comparisons to release when all of these animations have been cut lol
no one at ND has been able to go to the office, its getting delayed user
Remember that ND also revolutionized gaming with the introduction of JUMPING in their godsend product of TLOU2 in 2020.
>The fluidity to the animation is unbelievable
yes, because that entire sequence is 100% scripted, if not the entire trailer
>all of that amazing fluid an cinematic action is the result of the player pressing square over and over to give the illusion that they're playing a game and not watching a movie
That combat system legitimately looks like the Tomb Raider Reboot's system
>stabs your friend in the neck
>just watches as you do it
>dies seconds later
I like how the guy on the left is just waiting for her to cinematically kill the woman on the left before attacking again
garbage 0/10 wouldnt play
Brutally murdering females in games makes me uncomfortable.
This is on easymode it seems with the side prompts being turned off in post, she loses a tiny slither of health from a machete attack, even on normal you'd lose a quater in TLOU1.
OP is likely baiting, but there actually are mentally ill Sony trannies who only care about watching games, not playing them.
>2 people not just ganging up & tackling a 16 year old dyke to the ground and slitting her throat
>muh immersion
>all this cool looking combat but you play as a lesbian
how much HRT should i take before i play this game
Think I'll pass on some Californian hacks shoveling their politics down my throat thanks
there is no way the player intentionally did that hammer dodge into the car door
Don't forget CLIMBING
Pushing the envelope, revolutionary, groundbreaking, profound, genius, history in the making
Whats the point? It is still a turd
Doesn't matter, after Doom Eternal that "gameplay" looks fucking boring.
Call me when the multiplayer comes out for cheap, other than that it's worthless
>many enemies
>wait their turn to attack
This, it's like bad movie choreography
>Why yes, this is entirely in-game graphics, how can you tell?
>Ellie kills adult raiders in two swings of her shiv
>Takes a deep and wide swing of a MACHETE to her gut
>Doesn't even remove 1 bar of her HP circle
rockstar's combat literally looks like that though
go somewhere else faggot
nobody thinks youre cool for bitching about "politics"
Then maybe leftists shouldn't have vomited their identify politics all over video games and video games media and started all this shit in the first place.
Ellie is a fucking disgusting, murdering psychopath in this and I hate her. They fucking ruined her and I won't be paying for the game. Or bothering to play it ever.
Why do people suck this game's cock so much? It's clear as fucking day that they've ruined and squandered what was good about the original.
>mocap a shit ton of great animations, some really good stuff, just flat out amazing
>combat is essentially still just BAMHAM PRESS ATTACK, PRESS COUNTER BUTTON
>no depth, all flair. Typical sony cinematic garbage.
Hey, it's another one of those movies about killing bandits by the thousands, when humanity is already on the brink of extinction.
Very cool.
Imagine working at naughty dog, crunching for years to make the animations look good just for nobody paying attention to them when they are playing. No wonder 70% of people leave after every project, their work is fucking useless.
>it's ok when Sekiro does it though
hot lesbians >>>> gory animations
futas >>>>>>>>>>>> dykes
Me on the right.
Fucking this, every single fist fight in RDR2 look like this and that was a bit part of the game that they probably didn't expect anyone to use.
at 5 sec, the second enemy is literally just standing still for 4 seconds watching her partner get stabbed.
>I don't care about identity politics,
the animations are nice that but constant screen shake isn't
No that's what I meant. Less time on should've been spent on gory animation, and more on hot lesbian animation. When you manage to make two girls kissing look not appealing, then what are you even doing with your life?
It's the opposite feeling for me
>Why didn't muh loli waifu remain cute and uncorrupted in this post-apocalyptic future ;_;
Always be incredibly dubious whenever a trailer has ridiculous amounts of contextual environment interaction.
Who said I don't? I do because it's shit and I don't want it crammed in my face so I avoid support shit like this and its garbage developer.
yes we get it, youre triggered
go scream into a bag or something idiot, we don't care.
>bringing sekiro out of nowhere
Also that's false, you try killing the seven spears double trouble at the end of the game and you'll see how wrong you are
Sounds like you care plenty, resetera. Go back to where you came from unless you were already banned for wrongthink.
Introduce yourselves
Ellie was only ever good because of her relationship with Joel. Her on her own is just shit.
If its non-scripted its impressive.
However with all E3 demos, this shit is likely scripted.
Which is depressing, this honestly feels like something that should be the norm for AAA games.
But it must be a loli futa banging a big mommy
it's not false, deathblows give you iframes in Sekiro. Deathblows give you iframes in a lot of games you probably love
Holy fuck that hit all my fetishes in one go
Well yes but that's an unfair battle.
You can say something like that and not post sawce
how much you want to bet even with such a huge time gap nothing changed.
Like at this point in time society should be rebuilding. People don't just act like retarded marauders indefinitely. Order eventually erupts from chaos.
>female winning hand-to-hand combat with a man
Дa yж, aнимaция нe плoхaя, нo нaпpимep в GTA cлaвитcя из-зa oткpытoгo миpa, ecть и дpyгиe кpyтыe игpы, кoтopыe нe хyжe этих
pick one
Yeah 25 years is a long time, you'd think a country like Saudi Arabia would've invaded and seized everything in that time.
What did the first one make at the box office?
That's because Naughty Dog is notorious for scripting their footage, wait for the actual game to come out and compare.
You don't want the sauce, all the artist draws is futa
I didn't like the first game, why would I like this?
>all the artist draws is futa
Where's the problem?
For this entire scene, the player is probably only mashing the square button over and over again.
nice movie
Post the sauce now. That's what I want