Monster Hunter

Better get ready to get filtered by Alatreon in may.

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just a reminder that Rajang has a fully modeled butthole

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Is it just me or do his wings seem really tiny now?

They are smaller now, they used to be massive.

Why did Rajang get a butthole before Congalala?

Yea, I sure do look forward to clutch clawing him 1-2 times every 90 seconds.

Generations already turned it into a puppy.

I'm ready now.

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His snout is smaller now too, while the horns are massive.

I wasn't filtered by him in Tri, I'm not going to be filtered now.


So is everyone on console wearing raging brachy head and legs now?

It's the finger, old model had no finger only webbing

Is anyone else getting disconnected at random on pc? Multiple times a day one or more of my group is getting disconnected in the middle of a hunt

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Alatreon's wings were completely remodeled, before he had basically the same wings as Kushala Daora, almost looking like a kite

Now they're more tradicional dragon-like. Horns are larger, and the snout is ore pronounced

Considering he's fought on Safi's nest that is a big open area, I don't think it will be that easy to justwallbang it over and over. Still possible, but you'd need to go out of your way to bait it close to walls


I sure as shit am; full WEX, Agitator Secret, and those slots are hard to beat. Only thing I’m really doing right now is farming to finish the Agitator Charm V and trying to mix and match Teostra parts since I’ve become addicted to Master’s Touch.

>mix and match
You can always use search engine. Always helps me when I try to squeeze in that 1 more deco.

Alatreon's wings are still huge, why everyone says they are tiny?

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Got a link to it? I’ve been shamelessly using meta sets I got off of youtubers this entire time and the the only really original set I came up with has unironically killed me multiple times.
Make sure than you have right amount of decos selected in eq settings at the top.

>Rajang got a butthole but Kirin didn't get shrinking testicles

I've been trying to find a version of Zinogre theme with vocals. Kinda like the new Raging Brachy one. I have the song stuck in my head and I'm starting to think I made it up.

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so THATS why he was so angry

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>Slave to a broken order... dare you look upon the truth?

>After 3 triple cart finally kill Shara Ishvalda
>Upgrade my armor to max and try to do some run of the Guiding land
>Everything hit me for 70% of my health
>Try to join some people tempered hunts
>I get one shooted and triple cart in their hunt
>Get the def boost talisman and its upgraded version and eat in defense L
>Still get oneshooted
I'm sorry....I guess I'm too shit to play this game
I'm really sorry

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now i feel weird wyrmstaking his ass everytime with my GL

play great sword and learn to tackle through hardship

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Zinogre's theme has never had vocals as far as i remember, they save those up for Elder-tier monsters, and even then they're uncommon for those.

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Thanks, any way to set the website to English? Google autotranslate is usable but still garbage.

I hate how they nerfed the damage of charge 1.

Also can you tackle through tempered Uragaan rollout and big rock bombs and survive with 785 def?

>tfw burned myself out on World
>can't bring myself to play Iceborne
This fucking sucks since it seems like a great expansion

Bros how do I beat Kushala Daora? In FU I just grabbed a longsword and went to town but now with all the tornadoes around I'm having a hard time.

I've got Windproof 5 but that does jackshit.

You need his special snowflake armor with special version of windproof just for him.

give your cat a poison weapon

Pick up Lance and pair it with Vigorwasp Spray and Health Regen
>Guard 5 and Guard Up block everything except pins and Lunastra’s bullshit wind
>Guard Hop, can ignore most knockback meaning you can close in very easily
>Charge lets you keep doing damage while keeping pace/chasing a monster
>Counter gives instant damage in response to most attacks; anything with enough knockback and you can use Powerguard Counter to stay in place and attack in any direction
>Counter Clutch Claw gives you guaranteed chance to soften with super armor to prevent knock off due to attacks
>Never have to put your weapon away when you get good enough, just keep attacking to regain health or signal your cat for help
>Lance does Piercing damage so it always goes off of the more damaging type of damage to a particular part

it will be dumbed down and piss easy like furious rajang

Girls doesn't have testicles silly

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Get health boost

Why is there no auto guard in MHW?

I really wanted to get more into world again when iceborne came out, but I finished everything, fought all the new stuff and then got bored waiting for Safi and now that it's out I'm hard pressed to give a fuck anymore when all that's coming is this throw away elder and a bunch more of the GU tier arch tempered crap.

play shield HBG

The short answer is you don't. There's a reason why all Kush's gear was nerfed into the ground. Capcom does not want you to fight it passed the assignment quest.

why the fuck is there so much DLC for world? I'd want all these gestures and hairstyles but they're way too fucking expensive for what they are

Play the older games, it's an armor skill

Aren't the hairstyles free?

doesn't look like it
there's like 25 extra gestures or something too

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Its wings have signs of being weathered, maybe this altreon is old and is coming to the new world to spend its twilight years.

There are some free hairstyles but only the important NPC's ones.

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it's a psuedo-mmo so it's got a cosmetic cash shop

Just pirate it.

How bothersome is to pick up CB in iceborne if I was shit at it in World back when it was just a SAED grug spam? Its builds seem to be incredibly bloated with a fuckton of elemental phial boosts, guard decos for GP, focus, sharpness issues and so on. I have decent decoration selection from 500h of playtime, but how demanding do the CB builds get in IB? And how do you play it properly now?

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Because selling the base game and an expansion doesn't pay for continued development and monthly updates for very long without a loss. Cosmetic items are the easiest way to keep earning money without fucking up the balance of the game in favor of people with more disposable income.

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Dubs for crabs

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>grind a shitload for safi weapons
>no idea what essence to put on my switch axe because I keep changing my clownsuit
>now it has level 4 gemslot and probably too many sharpness mods/not enough attack mods
>just say fuck it and go back to gold rathian switch axe
the safi switch axe is numerically better but there's just too much shit to think about when building it

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long and wavy is the only good hairstyle on there.

Just slap a bunch of attack boosts on it

so you'd get a better return out of attack Vs over getting a bit of purple sharpness? the one I have now has 10-20 hits of purple, plus as many levels of handicraft I want to put on

>some sharpness
>more attack
>essence of choice
It's all you need, really.

So is capcom confirmed to be working on the next portable game or what?
handicraft VI and a handicraft jewel 4 will give you 20 hits of purple if you really want to bother with sharpness... they got decent enough sharpness for me already. I only use sharpness on the greatsword.

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you can get by just by wearing a teostra clownsuit with a bunch of crit modifiers

>stand behind monsters hindlegs
>monster leaps forward
>get hit

clutch claw diablos tail
>he does a forward charge
>get hit

Unless you're building for a second set skill you don't really need an essence. If you're good at avoiding bouncing or run mind's eye you can also get away without any sharpness.

Or you could just slot whatever you want, I have a couple comfy weapons with things like extra deco and only enough attack to match/beat the former meta.

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