Try to talk to nephew about video games

>try to talk to nephew about video games
>lit af
>vibe check
>on jah
>on fleek
>weird flex but ok

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Other urls found in this thread:

ok boomer

>look at this thread
>no video games
yeah i'm definitely on the right board

theres like 2 porn image dump threads and at least 4 off-topic threads
at least this one tries to be about video games lol

no way zoomers are still using hella

I'm 27 and use half those terms.

>try to talk to internet-savvy 90s kid co-worker about vidya
>w00t, l33t haxx0rs tiem! xD
>nooooooob -_-
>wake up.

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>Young people have different slang than I did
How dare they? Why don't they still use pwn? Is it not good enough for them?

I wish I could stab you in both your eyes so you could never experience vidya properly again you goddamned fucking nigger faggot fuck

Reddit memes are better than Yas Forums ones

What has to go wrong in your life to keep the early 2000s look for 2 decades?

New slang is always dumb. Not any different today than it was 50 years ago. It's only intolerable when you can't even discern what they're talking about from context.

This nog in my building asked me if I had any "loud" the other day. Literally had to google that apespeak afterwards, had no idea what he was talking about. It's weed btw, if you're clueless like me.


>>vibe check
wtf is that

Lurk more


ayy yo jit u got a blunt? i can smell that loud on u bruh

>on jah
>on fleek
What do these even mean?

malding is legit funny

Why do young Americans talk like niggers?

mad bald person
being stupid
>on jah
on god
>on fleek
cool, fashionable

epic meme explanation over

they took black memes from social media.

fuck, even Yas Forums took the word based from a rapper nigger.

Gen Z is continuing a trend, like millennials were, of being a generation of wiggers.

Their culture is becoming more niggerfied due to whites disappearing
It's the same reason you see so many people shouting about """thicc""" bullshit because they have trouble admitting they like morbidly obese whores


>Yes I do in fact believe young people should be forced to retain the same slang and culture of 00s Internet, at gunpoint if necessary. How could you tell?

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One of my coworkers had some kind of autistic meltdown when I threw out a casual "bruh" mid-conversation. Everybody just got silent and walked away as he ranted about how immature it was. Told him to suck my dick.

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Unironically though? kys

weird flex but ok

It's not that it's different it's the fact that it's black ghetto talk

Why did you post a 3dpd face instead of a drawing or something actually from a videogame?
Are you some kind of normalfag?

because they see niggers on tv, they hear niggers on the radio and now they are niggers

yah I be litty af wit it, I be slicky af wit it, my penis stinky af wit it bruh. Deadass? Im boutta rape my own anus. My anus lowkey be on jah bruh, it full of HIV sperm. Im finna boutta hella cumrape my own anus brahs!

Black people don't talk like that. Take a break from Yas Forums and go outside.

To make this thread somewhat video game related, Based God has better taste in video games than Yas Forums and he actually buys his games instead of pirating them

>muh e-celebs
lowkey kys af

And then everyone clapped

Based and autopenetrationpilled.

stupid fucking boomer
no one watches tv or listens to the radio anymore

Why do black people love Dragonball Z so much?

>let my nephew play Fortnite and Minecraft with mouse and keyboard
>he positions the keyboard in a weird angle on the desk
>because his favorite YouTuber did so
>look up his channel
>he did it on a lan because there was no space for his huge mousepad otherwise
>can't convince my nephew that he has enough space
>"Uncle, why does my wrist hurt?"

your nephew is just a wigger

remember when s.m.h. t.b.h. f.a.m. blew up overnight and tranny jannies had to filter it because it was destroying threads?

>didnt played this one

All rappers are kuffar and allies to the Jews, obviously they'd pay for video games

Urban people have been saying allll this shit for years except for malding, are you retarded? Even the hot new trend of simping has been around since the 70s with niggers

you would be surprised

when you're faded it's all classic

Except that shit was around since the fucking 90s, and was dated within a month.

>>let my nephew play Fortnite and Minecraft with mouse and keyboard
Why would you let your nephew play autism-promoting games?

Is there anything that doesn't piss them off?

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>dude that was so poggies

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shut the fuck up sandnigger and go back fucking goats or whatever you weirdos towelheads do



They think they can get blond hair if they get mad enough.

Just go look at the youtube trending page and pick out a video not about the corona virus. I fucking dare you. What gets promoted is the most vapid shit that push this fucking degenerate language on developing minds.

>yakuza 4
>animal crossing

l33tsp34k was stupid and so is this generations version.

Did you know, Linus is a canadian? That actually explained me a lot.

He plays them at home anyway, at least lure him away from controllers.

Whiter than you, Jamal

I can't remember when that was exactly but I'm pretty sure it's now been filtered for more of Yas Forums's life than it hasn't. I still test the fence every couple weeks desu senpai

Somewhere around 2014, iirc