Tournament on-going. Let's play.
Granblue Versus
If Omito loses this, you know GBVS is a trash game where scrubs could win.
N-naru bros...
>first bubs player
>quick 2-0
What the fuck is this nigga doin?
poor Lowain.
>no zetas in top 8
it hurts bros
Is this the first Gran today?
>already less than 1000 players on Steam
Fucking dead game just like every other fighter with no crossplay.
I can't wait for Strive to come out and btfo these dead game numbers with rollback.
why is she so perfect
Big tiddies.
did babytag lose
Of course. Babytag players have on skill.
>swapped out the charlotta player
bee-yellz-a-bub more like see-ya-in hell-ya-scrub
>lance is balance guys
There was a Zeta in top 8, not in top 4 though.
>katalina is imba
>ladiva is shit
NA wrong again, never gets old.
It's moreso these japs don't seem to know how to fight Ladiva.
Just crouch in neutral and she can't do shit except pressure with headbuts and fish for sweeps. Punish any lariats on reaction.
Yeah, you would've won.
keep sucking that jap cock, c-ranker
Can't wait until you NYfags and Califags try to 1v1 covid with your armchair techs.
>Fucking dead game just like every other fighter with no crossplay.
So all of them minus SFV?
>like only Gran player wins
Truly Granblue Fantasy
>those OS overhead punishes
Tekken doesn't have crossplay
But everyone knew katalina was great
>he doesn't know
Why did they name the teams after other fighting games?
because unlike you coomers, they play AND coom like the real waifufags do.
Because the gimmick of the tournament is that it's a 3 person team tournament where you rep your main/origin game vs others on GBVS
I hope the game stays healthy enough to get some nice tournaments going with an enhanced roster.
And proper netcode 'cause there's no way people can arrange tournaments locally for a while.
I can't get the past video to load, what does the bracket look like now? Or is it all over?
Melty Blood won.
It was funny and amazing, watch the for when you got time. If you can't get it to load normally try clicking a clip and selecting 'continue from here' when it finishes. Twitch is just shit.
B Rank confirmed the strongest rank.
Lmao Fuudo rage quitted on stream? Damn lancelot fucking dabbing on him
> tfw no narmaya gf
What the heck is this rank?
Master rank. It's the highest
so like I only saw 2 vas players on the player list for the tourney. How badly did they lose
I saw one that destroyed a Lancelot player.
blessed, there may be some hope then
How do I stop my hands from getting so sweaty playing fighting games
Do you guys think my computer can run it?
My computer could run Sekiro and Nioh just fine despite canyourunit saying that I didn't met the minimum requirements for Nioh. My specs are below.
Windows 7
Intel Core i3 2120 @ 3.30GHz
2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 graphic card
Yes, it isn't a graphically intensive game.
If you can run sekiro I feel pretty sure you can run this. Theres a pirate version out there if you want to test it out before buying
don't be a hapa or asian
Relax and don't be afraid about losing.
Or play with either keyboard or hitbox controller and stop worring that you sweat the controller.
Anyone up for a PC room? pass:vee best of 5 match limit 2. putting up a lobby now, ill be afk for the next 5 mins
what region dumbass
Midwest USA. Don't see why people care so much. I've played people in Europe that had smooth games.
someone give me vas knowledge NOW I know your all smart
>Im so mad, im gonna go have sex with my butt model gf so i wont be mad
What teams are left?
Any PS4 grubble dudes not using their code? I was gonna buy it on PC but it doesn't come with the mobage bonus shit which is a kick in the seat when it's not any cheaper or anything. Mainly just wanted to fuck around as Percy and Gran anyway since I don't play fighters much other than the occasional Soul Calibur 3.
Just buy a code off ebay bro
Figured it couldn't hurt to ask and get called a faggot.
>I've played people in Europe that had smooth games.
What you consider smooth isn't always what other people consider a good connection. 3-4f is already the tipping point for some people, yet there are some people who play every match at 10f delay and think it's totally fine.