The thing I'm most proud of Yas Forums for is that we all hate this soulless company

The thing I'm most proud of Yas Forums for is that we all hate this soulless company

Attached: Rockstar_Games_Logo.svg.png (1200x1104, 54.78K)

There's not a single company that Yas Forums doesnt hate

not on the same level tho pal

They make better games than 90% of the industry and you can’t prove me wrong.

i like them tho
and rdr 2 is one of the very few open world games that had soul in the past decade

All companies are soulless though

>new game announced/comes out
>Yas Forums is spammed with never ending hype threads
>the game becomes popular, youtubers and streamers start playing it
>Yas Forums starts hating it

There is no exception to this pattern.

Their singleplayer games are alright, but the online is several kinds of ass and they just randomly ban people.

>hating Bully
>hating San Andreas and VC
>hating The Warriors
>hating Manhunt
>hating Max Payne 3
>hating RDR
IV and V fans are retards but if you dislike any of the games mentioned above you're a total faggot

>Yas Forums is spammed with never ending hype threads
That's how marketing works these days.

They are literally the only decent AAA developer left.

I don't, since I'm not a tranny like you.

>hating Max Payne 3
>hating RDR
Totally overrated.

RDR2 sucked dick. Their idea of realism is making you watch uninterruptible, endlessly repeating micro-movies of the player-character doing chores while forcing you to walk. Just terrible.

i like based Todd

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I found it to be very relaxing kino. I'd spend two hours a day and just play every sidequest I ran into as well. Or maybe I'd stop by a hotel and play some poker. Took me weeks to beat but I enjoyed it all the way through. Indian shit was kinda boring though.

Nah, Max Payne 3 is great aside from the unskippable scenes and RDR online was amazing

Attached: max visits v.png (307x389, 172.75K)

I can respect that.

Shitty story written by a redditor who uneventfully existed through his boring highschool days and now had a chance to project his fantasies in a video game. Buggy engine, boring repetitive gameplay with unmemorable missions.
>San Andreas
Literally play as a nigger. Dropped
>Vice City
The only good thing about the game is soundtrack but I can just open Spotify instead
>The Warriors
Shitty beatemup with literally 3 combos that ruined a based movie.
>Max Payne 3
Typical piss baby retard easy console shooter with mediocre story you forget as soon as you close the game
Basedboy wet dream with the same 3-4 mission objectives being reused for the entire game. The only decent thing the game has is the world, but you must be a total faggot to enjoy "exploring" a fucking video game.

Attached: you will get mad.gif (324x358, 36.95K)

I haven't played MP3 but I'm about to. I don't care about the cutscenes being unskippable because as long as it's a well written game I'll watch them, but do they happen to be unnecessarily long or incessantly frequent as well? Because I can understand that being irritating.

Nintendo are based and for the gamers

I thought you could skip the cutscenes in Max Payne 3 once the loading was done? It's been a while since I played, so maybe I'm forgetting. Either way I agree, it's one of my favorite games.

>I don't care about the cutscenes being unskippable because as long as it's a well written game I'll watch them
The writing and voice acting are top-notch IMO, so they never felt like they went on too long. Hopefully it ends up being the same for you.

Thanks for frogposting, makes it easier to just ignore your faggy post

First playthrough is fine, unskippable scenes are more of a problem on subsequent playthroughs. And they're not all unskippable, allegedly they're loading screens but the game doesn't take that long to load.

>He can't into Vice City's top tier atmosphere

I don't hate the realism, I hate the lack of shit to do. There aren't enough side quests and the legendary hunting and fishing is just too easy and monotonous.

It's not realism though. It's just a definition that is used to - wrongly - describe the aids-filled game design that Rockstar is currently dipping its dick into.

Realism, for one thing, is shooting the fucker with TB in the face before he can infect you with disease. Realism is also not assigning arbitrary rules to hunting where a small arrow in a bunny's head ''ruins the entire pelt'', or where you can use fire and dynamite on a so-called legendary animal and its spoils stay pristine.

I dont even play online. I hate them for being shit devs overall.

I don't hate this company

literally the only active studio with a perfect track record except perhaps Polyphony Digital.

state of emergency

They’re insanely frequent but pretty short and they’re entertaining to watch. I love MP3, hopefully you like it user.

>he doesn't know about Midnight Club

Sounds like a even more boring far cry game.

also body harvest

I wish.

Honestly still the most absorbing open world ever. Somehow.

I hate them for how they treated GTAO like scummy assholes and never gave GTA V any SP DLC. Haven't played RDR2.
No, pretty sure some of the cutscenes in the stages are unskippable. But like that other user said, it probably will start become tiring in replays.

In many ways it was a stereotypical ubisoft-style game, FC3 with longer skinning animations and little to no creativity demanded from the player in all of the main story missions


lmfao get fucked

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Yes, Nintendo is the most anti consumer company with the most tranny and retard audience.

can they hire a fucking Jew or something to get the economy and things to buy in their games right? It's like they have some mouth breathing knuckle dragger come up with what money can be used for, "grug buy gun, horse, and clothes". What about wagons, whore-houses, saloons,ect in RDR2, or houses ffs in modern GTA's. GTA VCS was the last game with purchasable properties with actual interiors I think. I fucking lol'd when all the GTA V properties had no interiors, even the one you fucking enter once had an interior but didn't use it. Yo Rockstar devs if you read this, what the fuck are you doing dipshits?? no one wants your dumb online scam generator of basic things ingame that you only script for online


Yas Forums is not your socialist hivemind, faggot.

EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Bioware, Blizzard, Bethesda, hell, even Nintendo is more hated than Rockstar to some dregree. Stop lying.

>There aren't enough side quests

31 side-missions isn't enough?

They were good, but there is a lack of meaningful engagement with the world your characters have. I also like how they conveniently write their characters and stories so owning and purchasing properties makes "no sense", but you can totally do that in the multiplayer at a low reasonable fee!

So every AAA studio

>90% of the industry
not saying much, unfortunately

They're the least worst dumbass. I don't hate them.

You're a fucking dunce if you can't see those threads for what they are. "Hype threads" as you call them, are nothing more than paid advertisers. This isn't a conspiracy theory, everyone here is well aware of it. Youtubers and streamers are either paid or sponsored to play new releases and those who aren't officially backed by publishers play them for the view based remuneration. The fact you see hate threads trashing on the game is a natural consequence of the games life cycle. A new triple A trashfire releases, it's soulless and just fucking awful as always, it gets shilled to death and after all of the consumers have had their fill, it's time for Yas Forums to shit on it.

that's an awful lot of hate for an imageboard post, you bitter virgin school shooter incel, you

But they're my favorite publisher.

I don’t hate it. It’s just I dislike them. Take Two on the other hand....

This senpai

Witcher 3 has like 200

GTA Online ruined them, just like Steam and keys/trading ruined Valve.

Greed. Greed is inevitable.

That's also an RPG with experience points and level ups

It just pisses me off that they allow fucktard bullshit flaws to remain in their games on purpose and act like they can't be too fucked to do anything about it.

GTA 5 the perfect example. Still haven't done crapola about people quitting early into missions. You or someone dies ONCE? There's always that one idiot in the lobby that quits no matter what.

Or, developers programming the traffic to fuck you over on purpose. Like literally jump over 3 lanes just to crash into you.

The company gets all pissy over money glitches and the like, patching the fuck out of these glitches every Thursday if they can even figure out how. But they can't be too fucked to patch any of this other retardation stated above. This company is like the asshole jock of game companies who you wish and anticipate karma to strike every chance it gets. Especially when hearing about how they treat their new employees.

>be exporting a car
>every fucking car in the city bumps into you
And that's why you use the magnet chopper

Honestly the only time they really disappointed me was with gta online. They’re one of the best devs out there.

>Yas Forums is one person

>RDR 1 + 2 single player is certified kino
>RDR1 online was really simple fun


Fromsoft is fucking shit.

Rockstar is a bunch of different studios.