Do you guys think Rockstar will be better off without Dan Houser?

Do you guys think Rockstar will be better off without Dan Houser?

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Dan Houser was soul of Rockstar so T2 will turn them into another ubisoft which releases new gta every year

I have been playing videogames for over 25 years and GTAO is one of the best games I have ever played.

I'm more curious as to whether or not he joins another studio. Guy could probably afford to make his own and get a blank check from any publisher though.

Nope. Rockstar is fucked.

>guy who didn't contribute anything but an endless stream of plagiarism of popular American films and TV

Nope. 2k fucked them over.

Depends entirely on who/what they replace him with. He was mediocre but consistent. All I'm hoping for is that Sam Lake gets to write Max Payne again. Maybe pretend MP3 was a spin off or something and drop the baggage.

Won't be surprised if the Dangerhairs now infect the company and we get "BadAss" Female equivalent to Trevor in GTAVI who don't take no shit from no man.

name at least one plot that 100 percent original

>woman that kills men out of spite, is a tomboy, has severe insecurities, is deranged
so, a feminist? That would be pretty based actually.

Yeah it'll be just as fucking annoying as Trevor who by all means should have gotten a fucking bullet in the back of the head by Michael or Franklin in one of the earliest missions

>Le wacky maniac XD don't make fun of me because I'm Canadian

Sam Lake is apparently very happy with how MP3 turned out. Sam and Dan Houser were involved in the seried since the first entry, so if anyone knows the character as well as Lake does, it's them.

I don't know if I have been playing GTA games in the wrong way but they have always seemed to me as Garbage people simulation, it started with a deranged person that would destroy anything on its path, followed by a guy that completely disregarded any common conception of what's a human, a crazy drug dealer, a nigger, a slav that destroyed everything on his path while crying about muh feelings and muh boo hoo I hate violence, a trio of maniacs, including a surrogate father that wanted to bring his family back together while commiting the most heinous crimes, a nigger that tried to get out of the hood life while robbing banks and stealing cars and an oversensitive hipster that did what his emotions directed him to do.

A feminist would fit perfectly, imagine being on the train and some man "manspreads" while you are staring at him, a rage meter would build up and the dyke would go on a manslaughter rampage until her ovaries stopped being swole.

One thing you can take for granted with Rockstar is the absence of an sjw type character in a serious matter.
People on Yas Forums shit on Sadie Adler, but take her background: stay at home wife who got gangraped and her husband killed. The first few chapters she spents as a crying destroyed mess and she is shown that her violent rage kills as much innocents as it does enemies.

One Punch Man

>man that got abilities beyond imagination by performing a common practice, impressing peers while not understanding what makes him special
Superman, Dragon Ball, Naruto, Half Life, DOOM, et cetera.

I think he just said that for PR purposes because he doesn't want any bad blood with Rockstar. MP3 Max doesn't even resemble what came before. The dialogue and monologues are all standard Houser fare. Turns out nobody knows the character like Sam does.

Utter crap. Sam Lake has flat out said Max Payne 3 is nothing like any game he would have ever made. The only thing he was happy about in regards to Max Payne 3 was that at least they didn't try to emulate his style with it. Rockstar doesn't have the talent to do that anyway. Dan Houser had never once spoken to Sam Lake until after the release of Max Payne 3.

Rockstar was not along with Remedy from the beginning. Remedy worked with a company called Gathering of Developers which was later purchased by Take-Two and given to Rockstar. That is how Rockstar acquired the rights to make Max Payne 3.

>so, a feminist? That would be pretty based actually
Pray tell how? Nobody wants that shit. Even feminists don't like games with feminists.

see I don't care about feminists, but it would actually be fun to play as a retarded feminist going on a rampage because a man looked at her on a funny way while screaming rape everytime xhe hit someone.

Whatever they do cant be worse than RDR2

Well, we'll get games more often now. Expect the quality to drop though, and with new less IPs. It's just gonna be Strauss Zelnick's hand up the ass of the R* corpse, puppeteering it into churning out new GTAs/RDRs with more microstransactions and only fraction of craft applied to the story modes.

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Yeah because GTA online had none of that shit

I think you're alone on that one, user.

I'm sure there's at least one person that think all humans are equal but that feminists are utterly retarded.

The writing in the last few Rockstar games was shitty (Max Payne 3, Red Dead Redemption, Gta 5). Regardless of character or situation, there's constant 16 year old boy takes on stuff like capitalism and politics.

RDR was brilliant though. RDR2 was a giant mistake though as we never needed a prequel. Should have been a original cowboy story.

MP3 Max couldn't stop swearing whereas previously he hadn't so much as said fuck once. It was jarring.

trannies will take over
also shitskin subhuman pandering

>RDR was brilliant though
RDR was a crappy rip off of the film The Proposition mixed with a lot of other western rip offs. It wasn't brilliant, it's just standards are really, really low in video games.

And it'll only get worse.The downwards slide has been inevitable for a while, but the excessively high production value SPs were passion projects T2 tolerated as long as they included MTX-vehicle MPs as well. With Les and Dan gone, there isn't really going to be anyone pushing to put effort into campaigns now. I don't think Sam cares enough.

>And it'll only get worse.The downwards slide has been inevitable for a while
Funny how you say this when Rockstar has been managing to make "grinding" more fun and less intrusive, I own pretty much everything most I have done is grief other players.

I know I'm almost alone on this, but I thought RDR was extremely overrated.
I went in with high hopes, as I love westerns and GTA 4.
-As mentioned, I hated the writing.
-I disliked the artstyle and graphic design.
-Arthur was boring.
-Money meant very little and ammo was so plentiful, I stopped looting enemies early enough in, yet never had a problem purchasing anything.
-It had the most generic, repetitive missions of any rockstar game.
Every cutscene seems to follow the same pattern, Arthur walks in, he meets a silly man in need of help, silly man starts making silly movements, while saying something silly. Arthur agrees.
Drive carriage - pursued by enemies - autotarget/dead eye all enemies - arrive at destination - oh no the bad guys are following again, rinse and repeat.
The game ends just as it was picking up.
-It's set awfully late for a ''cowboy'' game.

why does lowIQ trash such as yourself always feel the need to vomit its idiocy all over the internet, I never understood that

>I know I'm almost alone on this, but I thought RDR was extremely overrated.
>I went in with high hopes, as I love westerns and GTA 4.
>GTAIV kid has a shit opinion
like clockwork

None of what I posted is untrue, you should re-evaluate things if that's how you respond when your favourite product is criticized.

just because some fuckwit lists other games to back up his shit opinion doesn't mean the games are bad
gta4 is good and so is rdr1
poojeet over here just learned english so he feels the need to prove to everyone he can "reason" in it

>I enjoy eating shit off the floor and having shit opinions, you can't say that's untrue!!
okay little subhuman ratfuck with shit-worms floating around his turd world brain

What do you like, and where are you from?

Nope, it will get even worse now.

Yes, and I never claimed otherwise, but it's common that some IVkid has a shit opinion, it never fails.

As much as I'd like to talk about your sunk cost I don't really care about your life

Half of what you said doesn't even fit your stupidly oversimplified summary.

stop flooding the internet with shit
nobody wants to hear "opinions" of literal fucking retards who need to preface the shit they wrote with catch-all copes like "I like westerns"

if I asked you right now what you like about westerns, you'd need to google a fucking write-up and then re-phrase that as your own
I can tell all of this from how you write, lowIQ turd world RAT

None of my points have been disputed, just 54%ers flinging shit because I dared call a universally 10/10 rated game overrated.

imagine being this butt anguished lmao

Wtf lol.

and there it is, the streetshitter gave up on trying to appear clever and has defaulted back to his lowIQ state of randomly shitting out buzzwords he memorized in order to fit in

>guys I HATE the writing in rdr1
>wtf nobody disputing my "points"??!
you don't have a point which is funny considering who you are

Superman: he spent his childhood being a normal kid, then he suddenly realizes he is a fucking god.
Goku: see superman.
Naruto: he spent his childhood being the autist of the group, then he suddenly realizes he is a fucking god.
Half Life: well, he is a fucking doctor in theoretical physics, he probably spent his whole life before the resonance cascade thinking he was just a fucking nerd
DOOM: We(haven't finished eternal, this could affect my take on this character) don't know how he achieved such strength to manage destroying the hordes of hell, but he did it while being a marine.

That isn't me (The one you're raging at), and I'm not Indian either? or third world?

What does that even mean.

>Superman: he spent his childhood being a normal kid, then he suddenly realizes he is a fucking god.
>Goku: see superman.
>Naruto: he spent his childhood being the autist of the group, then he suddenly realizes he is a fucking god.
Yeah, like I said, none of these fit. They didn't "perform a common practice" and then suddenly gained powers. They pretty much were born into them and then took a while to realize it.

You think Saitama achieved his One Punch state by doing his shitty common excercise routine?

>please explain to me how I'm a fucking retard!

you type like a retard and everyone can tell you don't fit in

What's wrong with you? RDR blows.

Yas Forums is still seething and bitching about Trevor I see? Kek Trevor should have killed Franklin in any endings.

And I don't understand why, he is GTA incarnate, he fucking does whatever he wants without any consequence.

>lead creative man leaves the company he founded
he knows take2 only cares about the cash shop. guaranteed the next game will be 100% online only and the only new game they will make for the entire next generation.

Hopefully they can ditch their SO DARK AND GRITTY CINEMATIC bullshit now like GTA IV, EFLC, RDR, MP3, GTA V, RDR2

I mean sure sometimes Trevor can be annoying and cringe at times but is he seriously the worst? Are other video characters any better or perfect? I take Trevor over Franklin (for example) any day.

I fucking wish there was an ending to kill nigger Franklin

Michael & Trevor got history and so far Trevor didn’t wrong Franklin in any way or shape.

What? V is anything but gritty, it is an action movie, while GTAO is an overly exaggerated SCI-Fi movie, nothing gritty about both and absolutely nothing cinematic about GTAO.

He and a another user.