Has anyone heard from Video Games lately? I'm worried, he's not picking up his phone..
Has anyone heard from Video Games lately? I'm worried, he's not picking up his phone
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imagine thinking that atari garbage was better than what we have now
Have you played Pitfall? It beats the shit out of Doom w/ MMO cooldowns
eat shit, zoomer
Atari was basically EA/Activision before either of those two hit it big (ironically that kind of scumminess by Atari is exactly the reason why Activision got founded in the first place), but even that shit is better than all the trannies screaming that games need to sacrifice on the gameplay in favor of some cringe-ass story with some shoehorned trannies in every game.
What a retarded graph holy shit lmfao
I can't believe even Yas Forums has fallen so low that they actually think microtransactions or lootboxes are a problem.
Literally just don't buy it. Your game is now free because some dipshit somewhere wanted legendary glowing cosmetic gloves.
What is not to love?
>shoehorned trannies in every game
I only see this in games that would still be garbage even without trannies. What kind of garbage are you playing, user?
Depends if the cash shop is cosmestics only.
32bit/64bit era was when 2d games peaked, and by extension video games as a whole
you fucking retard
this chart seeps with autism
Nooooooo not my heckin ETerino
Judging by this graph, I estimate OP was born around 1974.
>carring about 3A
Ban wojak faggots
freeze, nerd
Anyone who thinks gaming actually crashed, that the PS2 was peak gaming, or that current gaming is worse than 16-bit era weren't alive for even half that chart.
Games are still good. The problem is you need the will and expirience to filter out the junk. I pity kids that don't know video games before the whole dlc/season pass/mtx shit became so prominent.
There's not much before Atari so it's hard to tell. I hope even older people aren't here, though
None of you idiots were even swimming in your daddy's balls when atari was big. I'm old and I was still shitting my diapers when the crash happened. But I had lots of atari games to play growing up in the 80's and they are all ALL trash. The worst flash game is better than any atari 2600 game by a country mile. You are a fucking fool if you say otherwise. And you really have no excuse, you could play them on an emulator and then come back and tell me how right I am and how sorry you are. The entire library of the 2600 is less than 1mb.
If you're not over 50 there is literally no reason to look back on the atari fondly. You don't sound hip saying they were better than games today, you sound like a fucking retard.
It did crash in 1983, dingus.
This is your grandpa, billy.
What are you doing up this late BILLY?
Unfathomably based.
Fuck these zoomers pretending to like old shit just for internet cool points
Poor grandpa forgot my name. I'm going to bed now, see? I'm walking off into the distance y..o..u ..c..a...n ...b...a.....r.....e........l.....y.......s.......e..........e................
I'm older than you, don't presume to know how old people are.
>It did crash in 1983, dingus.
The console market crashed, not gaming industry.
yes, please tell us about the glorious text based adventure games that PC was churning out during the console market crash
Literally noone played Atari. We had arcade games.
Is it really that good? 60+30 for dlc with unknown content is not cheap.
>yes, please tell us about the glorious text based adventure games
I would point out to you that 1984 was the year when original Elite was released, but I don't think you'd understand what that actually means.
For its time, my man. For its time.
too based for this faggot board
Just admit you're consoletards. PCchads always win. Indie is getting bigger and there is nothing you can do about it.
It's no exaggeration to say it has surpassed Doom II.
Based and PCpilled
It's a decent game, but not for everyone. Your entire enjoyment is based on accepting strict gameplay loop. You constantly run out of ammo and have to regain it by triggering chainsaw cutscenes on fodder enemies.
Based and RIPANDTEARpilled
Imagine thinking that late gen 7 was better than gen 5.
Or that Atari was equal to it
The only thing this chart gets right is that gen 6 is king, but even late gen 6 began to get shitty.
I fucking hate boomers so much
is this loss?
If you want it to be.
have you heard of the high elves?
I know it's popular on here to say video games are dead or what the fuck ever but right now more great games are coming out then ever before. If you guys would just stop focusing on aaa garbage and check out indie and aa games you'd see that it's great right now
>more great games are coming out then ever before
That is hardly true since we had the golden late 90's, but otherwise I do agree that things are a lot better than they were ten years ago. There is no shortage of creative ideas nowdays, and there are companies taking risks again a bit more, which is really nice.
Most importantly, the market has MASSIVELY diversified, with mid-range and small scale development now playing a major role again.
What bothers me is that while a lot of good games came out relatively recently, a lot of them ended up failing. It feels like the developers and even publishers have moved on from the horrors of 7th gen gaming, but now the journalists and to a degree audiences have not. Seeing games like Alien Isolation, nu-Prey, or Pathologic 2 bomb outright, and games like KC:D getting maybe one tenth of the attention they deserved makes me worried and sad.
The jounralism in general feels like the biggest issue right now. It's really fucked up.
Why does everyone keep saying PS1/N64 was bad?
People under 20 might say that because those systems are too old for them to have played them as kids. Some of them might have had a ps1 or n64 but most would have grown up with a ps2 or if they were really poor some old 16bit consoles that were dirt cheap at flea markets at the time.
Nice chart OP i think it says a lot about modern Yas Forums that there's so many zoomers seething over it
I agree with it for the most part, but I would put the CD era up a little bit and perhaps between SNES and PS2
Fuck no, $20 on sale is the most I'd pay for it and yeah season pass bullshit for a singleplayer game, great.
Because unlike the generation preceding it and succeeding it early 3D does not hold up either aesthetically or mechanically. Everyone was still figuring out this 3D game design thing and no one had quite figured out that you need two analog sticks to make it work. PS1 and Saturn came with digital inputs, Nintendo was on the right track but only had one analog stick. Eventually someone at Sony figured out that two analog sticks was better than one but it still took years, well into the PS2's life for them to figure out the best way to use dual stick controls.
So really that whole generation is a wash, every 3D game from that generation suffers from poor controls and bad cameras something you didn't have to deal with in the previous generation or subsequent generations. The only people who defend PS1 are kids born in the early 90s and grew up not knowing how much of a step backwards early 3D was.
That still seems a bit too low.
Sure, it was not good overall, but it was certainly a time of innovation, and that warrants more commendation.
It's free what are you talking about
And now it's fixed.
>early 3d
lol no
Resident Evil, Silent Hill, MGS, Gran Turismo, OoT, M64. Yep I'm thinking it was pretty good
I don't know what drugs are you guys on, but the late 90's are widely regarded as gaming golden age
by retards.
early 3d is trash.
peak contrarian
early 3d was the best era hands down