Has anyone else noticed that Japan silently stopped puttig l*lis in games?

Has anyone else noticed that Japan silently stopped puttig l*lis in games?

All the ones we have had recently were remakes and ports of old games

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doesn't Sekiro have a Loli?

is this a video game loli thread i guess? just say so op.

user, I...

Too bad Tails is dead. I'd be down for a Vesperia sequel with a grown up Patty and and Karol.

gaymer moment


monster loli that gets crippled doesn't count

yes, and a cute shota too, in fact it's a perfect game

>japan slowley listening to westacucks
Resetera always wins baybay

The age of cunny is over

The time of resetera has come

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well, we keeping buying PS4s, Switchs, and nVidia shit. Japan's console and desktop market is shit.

i don't know that are you talking about

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What's with lolis and silly hats?

those are just from the games I've played recently
there surely is something else around that i don't know
just don't let SJW live in your mind rent free

I don't know, maybe loli are supposed to be cute and silly hats is a way to archeave that

It contains their power

just started playing this recently and was absolutely NOT expecting to see it here on Yas Forums
literally just finished your time to shine
got the island collapse ending because im a drunk retard

There's also the loli in Trials of Mana, and you niggers really need to see Marnie's gym outfit in Pokemon.

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i finished chapter 3 recently too
man I want the newxt chapter so bad, it's an amazing game

Those dont count they look like gremlins

>silently stopped puttig l*lis in games
what is veronica and charlotte

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Isn't she an adult tho?

90000000 Year old lolis...

age is irrelevant for the loli term

new tales game for ps4/pc later this year, looks dope.

Blame touhou.

I love lolis soo much

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also, I think Starlit Season should have 7 Cinderella Girls

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Nope. I played Death End Request and when the dumb loli did the naked Sailor Moon transformation I clapped.

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What's even the point of lolis?

they're hot

To make more of them

I love little girls.

They make me feel so ____

right girl's game is relatively recent

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Does she really count? Isn't Kanna like 14/15?

There's a new Towelket game? I thought the dev had nuked all her previous works and left the internet.

maybe because they dont make new games

Hmm let's look at recent JRPGs...
Xenoblade 2: Nia
Dragon Quest XI: Veronica
Persona 5: Caroline, Justine, Lavenza
Fire Emblem Three Houses: Sothis
Pokémon Sword and Shield: Gloria, Marnie

Sorry OP, don't see it.

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The fuck are you talking about?!

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persona 5 was three years ago, dude

that was around 2014.
now (most of) the games are back online and spinoffs are being made.

also fan translations are picking back up, 6 is 50% done

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To be cute and funny

just stop playing bad games

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Why are girls looking disappointed so arousing?

Wasn't there an anime with that premise?

Isn't there a thread right now in the catalog with that new Splatoon clone game that is filled with lolis?

excuse me?

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What Japanese games have been coming out that you think should have had lolis but don't?

The only one that really comes to mind is the new Guilty Gear which noticeably aged up May.

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When will oppression of lolicons end?

kanna is a loli
if flandre with 495 year is one she is too

>Tails is dead
fucking finally, i couldnt stand this faggot

>Tales is dead
Actually it's got a much anticipated new game coming out ya dingus
>Vesperia sequel with Patty and Karol
Why just because you remember them? Shit idea take a lap

Are you fucking retarded?

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somebody needs to stop Kondo

No, encourage him!

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