ITT: Games with no plot other than killing monsters

This game has no actual story and trying to develop something that resembles a narrative throughout items is such a lazy thing to do. Just like Horizon Zero Dawn, it comes off as a half-assed attempt at being "deep".
Its literally just about killing weird people just for the sake of it.
Fuck outta here with your eldtrich abomination type shit, the fact that the plot doesn't make sense has nothing to do with the enemies being on "higher" planes.
But you guys will still defend this plotless piece of shit.
The gameplay is actually good but thats about it

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Couldn't agree more. Demons Souls and Nioh blow Dark Souls and Bloodborne out of the water because they have the mechanics but with better level design and an interesting, well told story

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how you gonna come into the bloodborne thread and start throwing around DeS and Nioh? This thread is about bloodborne.

lol. Nioh I is shit. Has cringey dialogue and characters and it's a 're-imagining' of the fabled Samurai that was William. I beat Nioh and actually wanted to break the disc after that dumbass ending.

why is this ok...

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but pic related isnt?

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Because this part in the game is either a world inside a dream or a world made from memories of the past. The DaS2 picture is "reality".

I mean I definitely don't care about the stories in any of the Souls game because I'm too low IQ but they most definitely have them

youre killing weird people because they would kill you otherwise. the entire city is in the middle of a hunt and youre just expected to join in. the actual plot is finding a way to end the hunt and what paleblood means. if you interacted with npcs youd find that they were pointing you to the healing church in cathedral ward, where you find out about byrgenwerth from alfred and discover from a note that its locked off with a password kept in the grand cathedral. after killing amelia and still having no clue what paleblood is you go to byrgenwerth, knowing its practically the origin of the church. willem instructs you to kill rom, which reveals the paleblood sky. after that your job is to interrupt the mensis ritual and eventually kill mergo's wet nurse to ultimately end the hunt. your own decisions and wether or not you explored through the game enough decides what ending you move onto.

>Demons Souls and Nioh blow Dark Souls and Bloodborne out of the water

If you like plot so much go back to playing gone home faggot

Beware. From software's bootlickers are about going down your ass.

But i agreed with you. Dark souls & Bloodborne have really bad storytelling. They fix'd that with Sekiro though.

Sekiro is still far from having a good narrative, better than Bloodborne tho.

Because it's literally a nightmare realm that's based on the dark side of the Healing Church. Blooddrunk Hunters get banished to this place to relive the same day for all eternity. You would know this if you had actually played the game.

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>Beware. From software's bootlickers are about going down your ass.
>But i agreed with you. Dark souls & Bloodborne have really bad storytelling. They fix'd that with Sekiro though.

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>You would know this if you had actually read all of the items descriptions, some more on the wiki and watched a le youtube essay
Its shit narrative, the games mechanically challenging but that does not grant it a good plot

>The gameplay is actually good
Where where you when OP posted his own /thread without realizing it? Damn OP, way to end any need for a thread so early you god damn faggot...

did you play the game? this much is explicitly shown, you literally enter the nightmare to a curse about damning the hunters.

>shitposting tranny doesn't actually play Bloodborne

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i finished the game two times

then youre simply a retard

Go bait somewhere else.

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And you learned nothing. You wouldnt even be able to identify the person that brought Vilebloods their blood.

Kek why wont you guys just accept it? When it comes to compelling stories, Bloodborne doesnt have one.
Shit narrative, good gameplay but not both

What makes it shit

Nah its a bad game
>doesnt like bloodborne
>has to be a tranny XD

thats true

The Last of Us

Not only are you an illiterate autist since the area is literally called the hunters nightmare, youre an even bigger mouthbreather since you obviously got filtered by videogames in general and should stick to movies. Bloodborne has one of the best and best told stories in the whole medium and it actually turns the aspect of decoding this epic horror poem into an interactive hunt for the scraps of those tablets that you have to analyze

>Bloodborne has one of the best and best told stories in the whole medium and it actually turns the aspect of decoding this epic horror poem into an interactive hunt for the scraps of those tablets that you have to analyze

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>hes too beta to wear a cowboy hat and drink orange juice out of a whiskey tumbler

shitty bait

great "argument" mouthbreather. go back to watching TLOU. you literally dont know anything about any medium of art so youre desperately trying to shit on one of the best videogames ever made for not dumbing itself down for being a troglodyte attempt at being a movie for an illiterate child like you. not only does bloodborne have one of the best stories in the medium, its also one of the best at actually telling that story through every aspect of the games interactivity and design rather than depending on non interactive cinematics

Lmao nice bait almost got me

The story is there, it's just not throw straight into your face. You can dislike narration trought items (eh, it's a kinda lazy way to tell the story) but not reading stuff, and then blaming the game for not knowing anything is your fault

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>The gameplay is actually good but thats about it
The fuck is the problem then?

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you hate solaris. you hate lolita, you hate bloodborne. you love marvel. see the pattern here tranny?

>doesnt like "deep" videogames
>must like marvel and be a tranny LOL

not an argument. go back to address and then move on to failing to deflect the insults, tranny

Bros, what should I do with the Queen Flesh? She got mashed up by Alfred but now he's dead as well.

give to rom corpse

You're either retarded or a lying attention whore. Sorry to break it to you but you're one of these.

There's an alter behind ebritas or however you spell it.

Rom isn't at the lake anymore, also I died just as I killed him and I couldn't find my blood echoes in the lake because everywhere looks the same. I lost it all, bros.

I never gave a fuck about the story for these games I just think they are cool lol

>better level design and interesting, well told story

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There's a difference between plot and lore.

You start out looking for paleblood even though your character had no way of knowing what paleblood is. And then you're told to go to the grand cathedral then to Byrgnwerth. After Rom From just gives up and writes a message on the screen and tells you to stop the plague or whatever.
The real plot is just kill whatever is on screen.

>The gameplay is actually good but thats about it
Why does anything else matter then, you faggot?

Since when are we talking about plot, story just just mean plot. those item descriptions are a form of storytelling.

Story doesnt just mean plot*

>There are people unironically replying to this thread

>ITT: Games with no plot other than killing monsters

Remember that moment when one of those sea snail lady creatures falls from the sky in the nightmare church area, specifically the path leading up to the Whirligig Saw? Yeah.

But then he goes on to talk about story. My point is plot and story arent synonyms. Souls games have very simplistic and video-gamey plots, true. But the storytelling via item descriptions and lore tidbits is extremely rich

>My point is plot and story arent synonyms.
That was literally my point. I thought you were the one confusing the two but i guess it's actually OP.

Once upon a time a group of absolute retards dug up a tomb and found monsters. Being british they sodomized said monsters and got super aids and everyone died. The end.

>I need cutscenes every 10 minutes to be able to follow the story

What a pleb

Stories don't have to be told directly to be experienced, and I don't get how Demons souls differs that much to Dark Souls except having more of a straightforward story.

Bloodborne has the best story in any game (few will admit this)

Gave you some gold kind stranger!
Edit: yes I do love bloodborne and yes, i am in fact a cuckold