Neir Replicant Upgraded

Release coming for Neir Replicant, for PS4/Xbox/Steam

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Wheres my switch port?

no thinking yikes. big oof either way, already have it on ps3. will buy it for ps4 sadly

Will it update the gameplay in any way, or it just the same game with shinier graphics?

>"Will the game have a new ending?"
>"I don't even know."
They're going so far as re-recording the soundtrack, it's a full upgraded remaster. At least one guy from Platinum who worked on Automata is being brought on, there's no way they're leaving the gameplay untouched.


Kill yourself snoy falseflagging shitposters

Nice. I really liked Nier in all aspects over Autamata except the gameplay. Not that Automata has amazing super deep gameplay, but at least it's smooth and doesn't get old that quickly. Really interested to see what they change.

it was alright until emil and kaine both died for the 20th time. Kinda got fucking boring with all the ass pulls

As long as it can hold a steady framerate I'll be satisfied

My assumption would be they're just going to take whatever gameplay systems Platinum made for Automata and create this game on the same foundation. They'd honestly be silly not to as a lot of the work is already done and was generally well received. I'm specifically speaking about the physical movement and combat, I'm sure the RPG elements will be different.

Nice, can't wait.

Before someone tries to correct me, I know Platinum isnt making it, but Square would still have property over those systems for another developer to use.

>yfw Ending F where you play as (F)ather Nier

I get that Brother Nier fits the story a lot better but will his voice actor be half as good as Jamieson Price?

>Jamieson Price
That doesn't sound like a very japanese name user. Care to explain yourself?

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He does? I feel like a father throwing every thing for his daughter is far more believable than a brother doing it for his sister.

>Additionally, composer Keiichi Okabe has re-recorded all its songs as well as added new songs for the project.

>Additionally, composer Keiichi Okabe has re-recorded all its songs as well as added new songs for the project.

>Additionally, composer Keiichi Okabe has re-recorded all its songs as well as added new songs for the project.

false flag nothing, I'd rather have it on switch. my ps4 barely gets used anymore.

>a brother doing it for his sister
This is a lot more believable in Japan. Probably part of why they made Gestalt

I really wanted and dreamed for a remaster where they fixed the game and upped the graphics but I really don't like that they chose to just go with replicant rather than Getsalt.

Double on this. I was hoping for years that the switch could get a port for Nier but instead we get a remaster but thats alright. Still a shame I have to play it on PS4.

Oh, we are to suffer once again? Very good. We deserve it

This cannot continue?

I'm not fluent in Japanese and almost all games fail to fully subtitle all dialogue (and they just use the dub script anyway) so I tend to just play games dubbed unless the dub is noticeably bad.

I'm not gonna say it's unrealistic or anything but I am less immediately sympathetic/invested in a brother protecting his sister than a father protecting his daughter. Sure Papa Nier was forced in by executives that almost sabotaged the entire project, but they weren't wrong about his appeal.
But every big Drakengard/Nierfag I know who have read the side stories and drama CDs and shit unanimously say Brother Nier works better with the whole story, so I'm hoping Replicant delivers.

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>This cannot continue?

It must. For all the things we've seen, for all the things we never did, and for all the things we could have prevented, it must. Such is the horrible curse of Life after all.

2020 release?

Platinum generally uses in-house engines though. It's not certain the remake dev has the right to use that tech, or even if they would be able to use it well.

Will they change VAs though?

nice, hopefully they bring over the drakengard games as well, I'm happy for Taro

Some staff from Platinum has been brought on to the project, we can expect they'll be taking cues from Automata's gameplay even if it's not going to be exactly the same systems.

>2B and 9S VAs involved
>new character teased

they're gonna ruin it arent they

Father is generic as fuck and doesn't fit at all.

My dream game has always been either a new drakengard or drakengard remake using the left overs from Scalebound


>is far more believable than a brother doing it for his sister.
People who think this either had shitty siblings or at least one functioning parent in their household. As a latchkey kid with younger siblings, and absolute shit parents, a brother going through hell for his sibling makes just as much sense as a parent going through hell for their kid.


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As opposed to a generic anime protagonist?

>Developed by literal who that worked on SUPER SMASH BROS

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Shit, so now I can have a platinum trophy in Nier Gestalt and Replicant. Hopefully they don't get cheap on the trophies like they did with A Tomato. I've always argued in favor of old man Nier being better Nier so now I get to see how true that is rather than just knowing blindly.

>I'm not fluent in Japanese and almost all games fail to fully subtitle all dialogue (and they just use the dub script anyway)
This is sadly true. Over the years due to only watching subbed anime my brain started to pick up the meaning of words and sentences so it doesn't really bother me anymore that the subs aren't 100% accurate since i can auto-complete the real meaning by coupling my albeit limited knowledge with the crappy subs to scrape something that is closer to 100% original meaning.

TL;DR don't give up on learning a new language or a few words because it will happen even if you don't want it to.

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>a father who loves his daughter to the point of madness
>a game where most of the cast are children of varying ages who are in need of parental love and the theme revolves around family
He seems to fit in to me.

I want to fuck Nier

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This is why I'm pretty sure it's just a remaster

Daily reminder this little shota is canon homosexual

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You can for the right price apparently

Fucking awesome but you know the old game was fine, i didn't think it needed a remake or anything. If they could stop remaking thing it'd be great.

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I've never played the original Nier, why is he so young in places and in his early 20s in others

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Homosexuals reproduce through molestation

I wanna feel optimistic about this, but I have a gut feeling that Square will somehow fuck things up. Hope im wrong and it ends up being the best of all three versions

Soooo wheres drakengard?

>re-recorded songs

They're gonna make A Snow in Summer sound like shit.

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>shitty siblings
You don't have to have shitty siblings. You just have to not have survived utter hell with them. Even if you did survive hell with them, they aren't guaranteed to be friendly towards you. My mom has some of the worst siblings you can find and they went through hell growing up together. This is normal statistically so feel happy that your siblings didn't become victims of bad parenting. On the other hand, while it is less common this day and age, parents are known for doing anything for their child. Men went off to a war that they expect to die in for their wife and children. Its a reason why protecting women and children is a common theme in movies.

>a Taro vidya with bad music
[x] doubt

I hope that doesnt imply that the vocalists might change

>a game where side b being used instead of up b is not because you fucked up the input but rather because the code is designed to fuck up every now and then
God damn, stop trying to put fear into me user...

Better not get my hopes up, but this could be good. There are two versions right? What about the other?

I hope we can play as Gestalt NieR. Both versions are canon, they have no excuse

Can't wait for the butthurt in the comments from first time players after it's released.

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Nice projection.

>There are two versions right?
user, I...

Not him but Nier is my top vidya soundtrack yet Drakengard 3 and a tomato had completely meh soundtracks to me. Yeah it is all personal taste, but I have a lot to lose with this soundtrack.

they just announced another Nier but it's for mobiles
wait a while and they'll announce Gestalt

Nier had a pretty great English cast, user.

To me the one from the Shadowlord's perspective was the saddest.

Time to ignore

I did see something about a mobile game, but it wasn't Gestalt, so I figured it's save to ignore. I just think remakes can generally do a 2 in 1 well.

Feels like the story of a father and his adopted children trying to save his real child

Emil deserves a family.

Posting artwork without logos for anons that want them.

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They did some work on Kid Icarus: Uprising, too.

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Route C was Kaine's route right? That one was honestly the worst I've ever felt from a vidya storyline. God damn Beepy... Didn't know a game could make me feel like a soulless monster.

I was hyped until
>"From the makers of Contra Rogue Corps."
im just wait till I see gameplay.

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It's not a matter of low self confidence or anything, it's just brutal honesty. He does shit precisely the way he wants to, but he doesn't pretend it's something holy and larger than life. It's just work.

>remaster includes a dub
>its just the gestalt dub
>Jamison Prices voice comes out of kid nier
Its so stupid that I kinda hope it happens

Why the fuck are they remaking the OST, it was the only good thing of the original

>Remake of Nier
>New orchestra
>Weird new mobile game for obscure lore
Even if some things aren't exactly what I wanted I'm just glad to have a sudden burst of new content.

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Is that sword even in NieR? I figured he was using Faith but I dont remember it looking like that

I'd genuinely love every second of this.

>Platinum games was too busy sucking chinese dicks for this

It would be nice but since they're specifically marketing it as Replicant with Brother Nier, it's pretty clearly not their intention. Which is understandable, given the circumstances of how Papa Nier came about and the two Niers being pretty significantly divergent characters.

I hope they get JYB

>switchfags begging again
just make it stop already
you fags are supposed to have another console or a pc already for fuck sake

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They're both canon.
Gestalt picked Ending D.

Why androids didn't serve Emil? He's pretty much the last human alive after all.

>release on ps4
So it will be released by the end of 2020? Unless Square doesn't want this to sell