Look up context of Jedi Fallen Order's ending

>look up context of Jedi Fallen Order's ending
>Cere doesn't actually harm Vader hes just toying with her to bring out her emotions and bring her to the dark side

Why does Yas Forums always whine about things they don't know the context of or even play?

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Other urls found in this thread:


but she's already dark

Its the vocal minority and cross board posting. Game was fine.

False, grey jedi

Literally the vast majority of people are just here to shitpost, including me usually. Every single person who "complains" about this scene knows exactly what happens and is just trying to fuck with you.

Gamergate, TORtanic and the 2016 election murdered this board. Video games aren't toys made and sold to be entertaining, now it's LE EPIC CULTURE WAR WHITE GENOCIDE.

It's a great game surprisingly, user. You should give it a go if you enjoy ARPGs. I pirated it though because EA doesn't deserve my money even if Respawn did a good job.

Because a large amount of anons on this board don't play video-games and just resort to shitposting and bringing out their inner election tourist for all to see. I personally didn't buy it because I don't support EA and absolutely abhor Nu Wars under Disney. Malicos was the only bright spot in the story for me and they killed him off.

Also Trillia and Merrin were ok and Cal wasn't too bad. Story just seemed rather luckluster, but its probably the best Nu Wars content we'll get.

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I might give it a go. Also meant to add more to my comment.

Okay but why is Vader trying to turn her to the dark side? Isn't rule of two still canon?

I hope the original shitposter sees this thread.

>Isn't rule of two still canon?
It is common for an apprentice to take a secret apprentice of their own to help them overthrow their master.


Rule of 2 is canon but Vader/Sidious can still train adepts or Emperors Hands or Inquisitors who have a rudimentary grasp on dark side force technique and rely more on being assassins with saber training. RO2 mainly applies to Sith who are entrenched in their teachings, their techniques beyond that. Sidious could train hundreds of people like this but omit a majority or all of the stuff that makes one truly a Sith.

Fair to say she’s at least a dark brown Jedi.

Vader recruits whoever when he feels like it.

>It's a great game
no it fucking isn't

>why can't we subvert you!!!!!!!?

yes but they exploit the loophole of the Rule only applying to Darths

that's quite literally not what happens, she brings him to his knees as he's walking toward her menacingly trying to take the holocron. she's another one of nucasfilm's new super strong donut steals, deal with it.

for literally a second then he gets back up no problem


It was lame how it affected him. Unable to stand, but moments later he stops thousands of pounds of flooding water from entering the base. It should have maybe slowed down his walk to them or something less dramatic on Vader's end just to show again how truly powerful he is. He is like Jason for Jedi

BTFO for the sad little shitters you are. Go back to redit, you are not welcome here.

stop lying

>unable to stand
he literally just stands up a second later

So is this game canon?

Its the equivalent of a child getting one good lick on his older brother while play fighting. Hes not exerting himself with them because he doesn't have to and with what little power hes using he still btfos her and Cal.

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Did she not bring him to his knees, retard?

if we was unable to stand, then how did he stand

yes. But then he just gets up and keeps coming for her like it's no big thing. It's not like she rendered him motionless until Cal broke the glass.

>after all this time shills still can't fathom that they've been called out for their countless lies about the scene
Keep up the work, your seething is my nourishment.

And he shakes it off like it's nothing because was essentially fucking nothing to him.

Hes humoring her and toying with her dumb dumb.

>likes an EA Nu-Wars game
>calls others Reddit
I just can't get past how awful the lightsabers look, it's downright embarrassing

Here fags, watch the whole cutscene where Vader wreks them both and only gets stunned for a second.


shut the fuck up nigger, watch the scene for yourself at 7:45 and tell me he's merely pretending

Yes, we gotta do something about this
It's literally WHWITE GENOCIDE

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>goes down for literally five seconds
>just casually gets back up
whoa she's...she's so strong! She held Vader back for LITERALLY FIVE SECONDS!

He did after she stopped pushing him down with the Force after Cal told her to. Did you even play the game? Oh wait, zoomies don't like to do that, so did you "watch" it a t least?

If he was able stand, then why did he kneel?

It really is terrible

for siths and giggles

no, he stands before Cal stops her, and he's walking toward her when Cal tells her to stop

One thing I never got was how Vader suddenly gained half a foot in height after having his legs removed. I mean if you just stick on legs an extra six inches long he's gonna look ridiculous

>h-here's proof of my statement
>it directly contradicts it but I'm too dumb toi understand it
Kek, keep it coming.

No one talking about white genocide in here but you, autist.

>He did after she stopped pushing him down with the Force after Cal told her to.
but that's wrong you fucking retard

to humor her

I don't see at all how he is pretending in this, no one kneels on purpose and you can clearly hear the thud of the metal as if a powerful force slammed him downward.

didn't lock his knees

Fucking retard

Like a cat pretending to be afraid when her kitten hunts her, to encourage the behaviour

>Yes, but

Fuck off dude. My whole post was saying that it shouldn't have made him flinch at all given that seconds later he stops the fucking ocean from flooding the place.

>Inb4 he was just toying with her
In the sense that he let her do it, but not what it did to him

if you remake most of a body you could scale everything up slightly
or just upgrade shit as it goes

sometimes I think about playing this game and then I see a pic of that sheboon to remind me that I never will

>vader is now the type of guy to kneel in front of his opponents for the lulz
tell me one time where this has happened before

It shouldn't have made him flinch at all

I sure hope you retards got equally angry when Starkiller repeatedly defeated Vader in single combat rather than slowing him down once for three seconds

>gamer literally spells out what is happening, Vader encouraging her to use the dark side powers and playing along because dark side coprrupts lmao
>Yas Forums mouthbreathers are still confused and assblasted

He humored her by letting her do it dumb dumb not by how it affected him. It shouldn't have done anything to him

>why are stupid people being stupid
that's a real quandry.

if he wasn't expecting her to apply that much force (Force), the simple mechanics of the human (robot) knee would cause him to kneel anyway. And then he just gets back up with little apparent effort.

The game's pretty good. Worse Sekiro is still alright as a combat system, and while the story wasn't that good it also felt like Star Wars.
I'm looking forward to their next game, now that they know better what they're doing.

I guess, but I don't remember them doing all that much to his horribly burned torso in that. I mean they barely even removed his burnt clothes. At least stick some hydrocortisone on that shit Palps, Damn

post deb's rack

>guy who is more than 90% machine makes noise when he comes in contact with something
>It shouldn't have done anything to him
And it doesn't as he just gets back up and slowly walks towards her.

>apprentice trained by vader himself and had lots of experience doing his dirty work
>a former jedi who hasn't used the force or a lightsaber in yearss
god nucanon shills are so fucking retarded

>imagine being a shitposter and always getting btfo

It made him kneel, so it did make him do something

It's pushing down. It's not exactly rocket science.

Its like you didn't watch ESB where he toys with his own son for awhile getting kicked down and having steam thrown in his face and when he gets serious he cuts off his arm. You newfags dont play games or even remember the source material thats been available and blatantly spelled out for decades now.

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>former Jedi Knight takes Vader slightly off-guard and causes him to kneel for a few seconds
>Vader's fake apprentice utterly wipes the floor with Vader, kicks the Emperor's ass, and inspires the Rebellion all on his own
>this is fine

>In my pretend scenario it would have made sense for him to act that way

This is your last (you)

Yeah which is why she slowed him down for three seconds instead of beating him in single combat, you fucking mongoloid.
By drawing on the dark side no less.

If they were smart, its because a dark side user fighting another weaker dark side user is as simple as over powering them.
On the other hand a level headed jedi is extremely dangerous.

>the mechanics of knees are made up

and if you try using any of cal's force powers on him at the beginning of the fight, he waves his hand and it does nothing, which is what should have happened but no we need to assassinate vader's character even further

Youre just grasping at straws now despite knowing what I mean. The "attack" did nothing neither superficial or otherwise to Vader. IT was ineffective. Next you'll be telling me having contact with them is "doing something to him."

>Vader plays along with black girl using the force on him because he wants her to join the Dark Side, gets up and is basically unphased
That's okay
>Mary Sue Starkiller who can bring down a Star Destroyer literally beats the shit out of Vader

Cal is a failed apprentice not giving in to his emotions, Cere was a full Knight using the dark side

*That's not okay

>going easy on someone in a swordfight is the same as kneeling in front of your opponent
retarded nigger

>Pushing someone down with the force=not doing anything to them at all

Here is your (you)

Everything involving Starkiller was 10000x worse. Vader was just toying with her to trying to get her to turn to the Dark Side. He did this shit with Luke too in ESB. Starkiller unironically slapped the shit out of Vader

>nooooo stop telling the truth an using facts
>reeeeeeeee muh sjw muw womenz
>let me shitpost and make shit up

>and if you try using any of cal's force powers on him at the beginning of the fight, he waves his hand and it does nothing
Because hes not trying to convert Cal theres no dark side in him. Theres nothing for him to work with so he can wave it off. You dont even need to play the game to know this just watch the damn cutscenes.
>character assassination
Try reading the fucking EU where Vader was a whiny emo getting partially owned by Boba Fett or outsmarted by Black Sun pirates off the top of my head.

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>Mary Sue Starkiller who can bring down a Star Destroyer literally beats the shit out of Vader
based retard

cal spent the whole game powering up, cere spent it sitting on the ship and cut herself off from the force during order 66

Palpatine literally walked around with a cane just to trick people into thinking he was weak


he spent the whole game remembering a few basic Force tricks

>Vader intentionally holding back and humoring his opponent because he just killed an Inquisitor and sees potential in her stronger master
>d-dude Vader was affected and hurt by Cere p-please believe me
Stop being retarded on purpose.

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How come they made her look so ugly?

>it isnt

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Force unleash was basically out of control power levels and spectacle action.
Also the entire story was about Starkiller being absurdly strong and trying to kill vader.

Some rando sheboon knocking him down for no reason is pointless. The story wasn't some personal vendetta to kill vader, in fact Vader even being in the game was pointless. She also shouldn't survive being hurled into lava, but thats a different point.

Vader is like twice as tall as her. Was Anakin always that big?

Its always the braindead fucking newfags with no arguments of any sort making posts like these.

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that's just what the mocap actress looks like

>basic padawan force moves to obliterate armies of Storm troopers, beasts, and bounty hunters
>Washed up Jedi knight who abandoned the force has more of an affect on Vader than cal does

It makes resetrannies seethe so who cares about the details?

Anakin is 6'2 and Vaders 6'8 sometimes taller depending on hows hes portrayed.. Women are usually shorter and Vaders frame is huge from his armor, cape and metal comprising most of his being.

Vader is like half a foot taller than Anakin

If you've read any novels/comics you'll know Vader frequently holds back against tons of enemies with the intention of luring them to the dark side or just toying with them for memes. Cere probably did catch him off guard, but you can see did no real damage and couldn't hold me down either.

>if you have single-bladed lightsaber you can ONLY deflect ONE incoming blaster bolt back and then it goes on CD until for a few seconds until you can do it again
>if you have double-bladed lightsaber the character automatically deflects 1000 incoming blaster bolts back at the enemies with a ONE button press


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>playing around but still being on guard is the same as making yourself completely vulnerable to your opponent is the same thing because I said so
retarded nigger

they slapped together their Sekiro-lite combat system in like four months after some suit saw Sekiro's success and told them to scrap everything and copy that

when was the illusion that thousands of people, all on the internet literally key presses away from checking the validity of their claims, couldnt be this retarded forever broken for you, Yas Forums?
Me? either "denuvo destroys ssd`s/causes performance hit" and "todd lied".

for clarification, todd only started lying at skyrim. he told a single lie about oblvion and fallout, and no one ever actually brings up the actual lie when memeing about todds sweet little lies

for comparison

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>>if you have single-bladed lightsaber you can ONLY deflect ONE incoming blaster bolt back and then it goes on CD until for a few seconds until you can do it again
There is no cool down. It's as fast as you can start blocking again.

It's intentional because otherwise there would literally be no reason to use the double bladed lightsaber.

What makes a person truly a sith then?

>being on your knees is completely vulnerable
>in a world with literal space magic where you can choke a fuck with your mind
nigga either show me where kneeling renders the force unusuable to you or admit you done smoked yourself retarded

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>Vader yeeted her into lava to kill her instantly after murdering her former student but bro he wanted to recruit her

It's always funny how the jedi are portrayed as the good guys and the sith as the bad.
In reality most people are just like the sith, yet they support the jedi in fiction.
Shows a lot about the hypocrisy that is prevalent in this world.

>There is no cool down. It's as fast as you can start blocking again.
there is
you cant deflect 3 incoming blaster shots in a row with single-blade
feel free to prove me wrong with video. The 2nd one already will hit you.

>It's intentional because otherwise there would literally be no reason to use the double bladed lightsaber.
oh you are retarded