Half-Life did everything Quake II tried to do and did it better

Half-Life did everything Quake II tried to do and did it better.
Prove me wrong.
The soundtrack is killer though.

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Quake 2,4 and DOOM 3 are so terrible that Doom guy doesn't even have copies of them in his man cave space station.

I liked Q2 and Q4 more than Q1 and OG Doom more than D2.

DOOM 2 is really terrible. The level design is some of the worst in gaming history.


Same could be said of the later episodes of Doom 1 tbf

Quake 2 was decent for multiplayer after mods fixed it. The changes to how mods worked allowed for a proper grappling hook (there were many attempts for Quake 1 and they were all pretty bad) and the railgun was very popular.

E4M1 is the best FPS level in video game history.

Half Life 2 is garbage and the gravity gun mimmick didn't compensate enough for it. The combat is garbage and most of the time you're just following a linear path. It's basically a walking sim with some interactive cutscenes in it.

I hate fighting the combine in Half Life 2.
Fighting every enemy except for the combine is fine, but I fucking hate how Gordon feels to play.

I like hl2 but op clearly was comparing the first game to Q2 as they released around the same time

Q2 has better enemies, better aesthetics (although too repetitive compared to your progression through Black Mesa) better level design and acquiring full arsenal of weapon isn't stretch until the very end of the game unlike Half-Life.

All HL games are equally shit. They're glorified tech demos. Valve's main goal with HL and HL2 was to license the engine.

I think its universally agreed that quake 2 is shit

SiN is better than both.

Quake 2 would be fantastic if not for the extremely slow weapon switching and dying enemies being able to bodyblock.

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And Quake 2 wasn’t?
What are you smoking user

Quake 2 is overrated, but still better than HL.
Quake 1 > Quake 3 > Quake 2

>QUake 2 is overrated
BY FUCKING WHO?! Everywhere almost universally agrees that Quake 2 is the weakest entry in the series (Well... before Champions anyway).

>Quake 2 is overrated
still has the best OST though

It’s not as bad as Q4 by quite a long margin though

imagine being such a contrarian that you have to pretend Q2 is better than HL1

>glorified tech demos
There's nothing wrong with it.
HL2 is tech demo of Source engine and has cool physics mechanics.
Doom3 is tech demo of id Tech 4 and uses its amazing lighting to create unique flavor of action/horror.
They might not be the best in the genre, but they are definitely memorable and creative because developers tried to utilize engine's unique features to introduce new flavors of gameplay.

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Please give me a quake 5 with id tech7!

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Some of the new enemies in Eternal might as well have been Strogg. I still hold hope for a new Quake that starts with Strogg but develops into the lovecraftian medieval setting of the first one.

this part gave me a big quake vibe.
totally, a lovecraftian medieval setting with doom combat would be great

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Tim Willits took them when he left Id

>tfw want nu-HuhQuake, nu-StroggQuake, nu-ArenaQuake (at least some juicy update for QC) and more nu-Doom
>tfw id can't make it all at once
There was a bunch of guys who could've helped... But now they are forever locked in a rape dungeon making CoD DLC. MachineGames seemed to be a promising successor for the role of id's sidekick but they went insane.
They should license Quake to Flying Wild Hog. Or do what says and combine two. Like Doom juggles UAC and hell environments.

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give me a new game like Wolf: ET or Quake Wars...

Quake 2s weapons were a bit more fun, but that's about it

>Quake2 was one of my first games
>my father loved that game so much, along with diablo 2, that he replayed it at least 8 times
It hurts seeing this game being the worst in the series since it was one of the few games my family would gather and play some lan games togheter

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>MachineGames making quake
let's fucking hope they don't after what they did to wolfenstein

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>at least some juicy update for QC
isn't one slated? I remember seeing some pictures of leaked content in diabotical threads

well it had the gun that changed the world

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I meant to reply to this post

how can anyone say quake 4 is better than quake 2?

>The soundtrack is killer though.[/spoiler
oh hell yeah

I think it’s largely because quake 4 is so bad that people have actually removed it from their memory

It's ok to enjoy a "bad" game for sentimental value, since the value of the game is from your experiences with it.

Quake 4 isn't that bad once you get STROGG'D. But yeah, before that is the series' low point.

quake is starship troopers: the game
I want a new gen quake
marines >>> angels+demons >>>>>>> nu-male scientists

Either we’re watching the wrong movie or you’ve never played quake

>starship troopers: the game
None of them resemble the movie OR the book, what the fuck are you on about?

And Unreal did better than both, even the soundtrack.


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Too bad it had the worst sequel out of these three games. God just thinking about Unreal 2 makes my blood boil.

Shadow Warrior did it first.

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it has marines
it has a planetary invasion of a desert world
it has the landing scene lifted 1to1 from starship troopers with the ships trying to land against AAA

if you think you're being "smart" by nitpicking around the fact the game is not a direct representation, you're one of those unbearable faggit subhumans who never learned what it is to be actually "opinionated"
it definitely is more "starship troopers" than either doom or hl, which were the games I was directly comparing it to

bunch ass-ugly subhumans thinking they're smart for lurking st threads,.god I wish I could just curb stomp you both

This is the mindset of Quake 2 niggers.

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Eh, the rail gun in Shadow Warrior is really lame honestly.

I literally forgot that Quake 4 and Enemy territory existed

Still has one of the best grenade launchers of all time to make up for it.

They're just bitter, man.

check it out, the classic scum that lurks this shithole board even picked the wrong entry in the franchise to banter-reply with, after I talked about the q4 intro
and you want to talk to me, faggit that didn't even play the games?

I never played any Quake game but the tracks they put into Doom Eternal really made me want to check them out.

If you enjoy Quake 4, you are a Quake 2 nigger. No ifs, buts or maybes.

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Cool your autism, it plays like any typical war movie, which is exactly what starship troopers is not

>startship troopers actually doesn't have typical war stuff
holy fucking kek, you smoothbrains go to such lengths to roleplay as something you're not, that it results in the most hilarious posts

It's much worse.

>a new Quake that starts with Strogg but develops into the lovecraftian medieval setting of the first one
That would be a kino way of bridging the series tbqh, going from techno-horror to full on dark magic. Everything is possible if you're thinking with slipgates.

If you think starship troopers is a typical war story then you are the smooth brain

the more you try to appear smart the more you out yourself as some streetshitter with shit-for-brains

Technically doom eternal is using slip gates no?
Maybe they’ll tie it together with quake

What are you even trying to argue?
Quake 2 is nothing like starship troopers are you fucking mental?

I made the the same mistake in assuming that, he is saying Quake 4 is like Starship troopers, which somehow makes the argument WORSE.

>hide into a corner so you won't eat a missile
>Berserker comes from behind and pushes you straight to the vore

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