I could understand the SJWs wanting normal women for some games not the whole fucking industry.
No this is NOT off topic by the way I am talking about the lack of sexy women in videogames. Video games. This is about video games
I could understand the SJWs wanting normal women for some games not the whole fucking industry.
No this is NOT off topic by the way I am talking about the lack of sexy women in videogames. Video games. This is about video games
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Western devs don't want the bad press.
Aggred, what's a normal woman ? Why do women need to be modest and normalized ? Women who sexualize themselves are empowered and free from the tyranny of men who want them in aprons and slippers. You can't handle a sexy women? Youre part of the problem holding women back. Remember when they burned bras ? Now they force women to wear them. Not only wear them but buy certain brands at ridiculous prices. Braless sexy slutty women are the future and nothing you can do to stop it. It's a women's world ,deal with it.
who is she user
Bigbrain comment
It's so bullshit because it is Soviet tier policing by a tiny SJW cabal in the industry that doesn't reflect gamers. Do I want EVERY Wes game to be some ecchi trash? No but it starts pissing me off when you see the ENTIRE industry seems to not put sexy women in a single one of their games on purpose, like they succumbed to behind closed doors bullying and threats from the SJW cabal crybullies. It pisses me off even as a person who hates ecchishit.
From WHO? Why are these monkeys in games journalism and how can we make them lose their fucking jobs
aWOOGA aWOOGA big honka honkas hebehebe
who bitch this is?
Press is more important than higher sales?
literally borderlands
please, do enjoy how shit the game is for one character who proudly proclaims she likes being a whore. I love whores, but that game is so shit.
>money is all that matters
ok jew
>Attractive women are "bad press"
This is why corona chan is coming to kill you fags in the west.
>cuckstain prudes ruin everything
more news at 11
They're literal Communists.
Almost like a certain shit disturbing feminist liar con artist showed up in 2013 and made a series of videos and slowly wormed her way into the industry and influenced them. Hmmm........
>From WHO?
You even need to ask? Pretty much every outlet is like that. The entire games media has been consumed by it. The only ones that aren't are extremely niche unless one angry homo suddenly became massively popular when I wasn't looking.
these threads always seem like they're weird automated post bots
so they must be ESL third worlders
Actually players are happier too.
They are in the west. It started with bashing booth babes and then went after the games themselves.
>unless one angry homo suddenly became massively popular when I wasn't looking.
I wouldn't call pewds sudden, but he's definitely a homo
I masturbate every day and sexualization of characters in game does nothing for me. I will say "oh shit I can dress lewdly" and maybe pop a boner then and there but it really doesn't affect my enjoyment whatsoever.
Maybe if Skynet is created and we send a Terminator to assassinate Anita Sarkeesian, the cuckolds wouldn't desexualize women.
Game makers are happier and players are happier, the only people who aren't don't even play video games. Is that who the industry revolves around?
Yeah sure, let's forget the era of western games from 2000 to 2009.
And thus the Purge shall continue. Nothing of value will be lost either.
It's just a new generation of judgy church prudes with weird, regressive ideas about human sexuality. Exactly the same type of people who drove the moral panic over rock music, horror movies, comics, etc. Except this time they're not religious conservatives, they're postmodern marxist feminists. It's essentially the same shit though, with all of its virtue signalling and moral posturing.
These things have never been about being a good person or doing what's good for society, it's completely about being SEEN doing and saying things that the group approves of, and being SEEN "fighting" things that the group disapproves of.
These personality types will never go away, they are present in every generation, just in different forms and belonging to different ideologies.
Every one is fuckable except for the top middle 4
Knowing that the female characters were made ugly deliberately is an intellectual boner killer though.
her name is like pashka or something. i believe she is just some instagram whore
>whole industry
Western devs, that´s the term. When they are in charge of female design, all hope is lost.
Starts in America to be precise. The same country that pushes gay, tranny and multiracial shit, even though the rest of the world just wanted to live normal lives.
High IQ post that will mostly be ignored.
I have never once thought a character was "made ugly deliberately"
then again I think a lot of the characters Yas Forums screams SO UGLY about look fine. not cute or hot, but fine.
Yet the last time this happened those prudes were roundly rejected and mocked by the industry while this time they were hungrily accepted. At least it makes a precedent for a complete 180 in the future.
Oh and to counteract Mutts Law
I'm genuinely curious about the life experience of a big tiddy woman. How does it feel knowing that literally everything you do is punctuated by the fact that everyone stares at your tits? Every male wants to tiddyfuck you and every female wants you dead.
>the women are nerdy in the industry therefore the characters have to be
This is betrayed by the fact that male characters are still Chads regardless.
>intellectual boner killer
It's not church at all, the people pushing for sexy women to not be in games are the most degenerate COOMERS on the planet. They are just CONTROL freaks
The church are coomers but for choir boys. Naturally they want to remove beautiful women.
Childhood is liking girls
Adulthood is realizing transgirls are objectively superior
Your current you will never experience the change...
I like both...
Well, maybe you should shut your mouth and gain some perspective first. Back in the 90's when vidya industry had almost no female devs or journalists, all the female characters were attractive like their male counterparts.
Even the hottest t-girls demolish my boner once they open their mouth and sound deeper than my own voice. Funny how these degenerates always rush to chop their cocks off yet never bother to do anything about their manly fucking growl.
well i still think today's female characters are attractive so nah. i'll think what i want.
i don't know, that one second from the left on the bottom row has some nice big ol titties
Cringe and Disagree. No, the church prudes were based and tried to stop people becoming anti social coomers, the SJWs in gaming are hyper degenerates and a result of BASED church prudes failing. There's nothing evil about a beautiful woman, church prudes had nothing wrong with this. Faggot homo tumblr orgy romance options in your Dragon Age? Prudes had the right idea
TFW Prudechad:
Overwatch, HotS...
Oh, right, you wanted good games? I guess most devs feel that they don't have to include sexualized characters to make a good game.
Guess they're right.
Yeah... compare Baldur's Gate 2 to Mass Effect and Dragon Age, no difference there. Lol male Shepherd is a literal male model and is surrounded by uggos, but I guess that's normal in your view.
Imagine wanting a weak, easily dominated squeaker for a partner.
>surrounded by uggos
Aight man, that's too far. Jack is cute. Miranda is hot.
But i guess if they aren't scantily clad they're shit, right
>It's so bullshit because it is Soviet tier policing by a tiny SJW cabal
it might be tiny but it has infiltrated influential positions of pretty much every industry. It only takes one person in a key position to influence thousands.
Controversies is bad press. Bad press is bad for advertising. Advertising is important. Liberal agendas are seen as good by the vast majority of people. Because of course you would not want to be a a bigoted far right nazi white male because you disagreed with me, right?
Degrees of Lewdity is a western game and it's very recent too, so proof not all devs are beyond cucked outside of the Japs.
user WANT MILKIES!!!!!!!
Based and class-pilled.
Oh wow, Obsidian only has 14 devs and they're all women???
You're a mental cripple, diabetes boy. I feel sorry for your parents.
People mostly don't care about the shit they push in games for now. Plenty of games fail anyway.
So maybe you shouldn't either.
I don't. The most I can do is not buy their shit and that's what I do.
That hatchet wound on your crotch isn't a vagina no matter how bad you wish it to be so, nor will you ever rid yourself of that Y chromosome you failed male. Dilate.
>Why are there no Western games with sexy women?
But there are.