NieR Replicant remaster announced (PS4/XBO/Steam)

NieR Replicant remaster announced (PS4/XBO/Steam)

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Glad to see they made the right choice.

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shit series

About fucking time.

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What's wrong with Gestalt?


I don't know how anyone could take Brother Nier over Papa Nier. It's just way better from a narrative standpoint.

Watch it not sell even close to Automata because it lacks Robot ass for coomers to fawn over

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Wait... The series isn't based around ass?
Yeah i'll pass.

Nobody expects a new release of a 10 year old game that sold like shit to sell near Automata you stupid frog poster.

some censorship

Kaine has a fat ass

Here's hoping Nude mods for Devola Popola and Kaine

get ready for this song to get stuck in your head again, boys

>market Kaine heavily
>coomers that never looking into Replicant buy it

Oh jesus fucking christ no, why

>developed by the people that worked on Contra: Rogue Corps

Automata's soundtrack was fantastic but there was something more spiritual feeling when listening to the original's tracks

I've only played Automata. Could a kind user rank the games from best to worst. Ty.

Coomer here.
I actually played Automata because of the raid that was coming to FFXIV, and I had interest anyway. Game was fun, 2B was just a great bonus. Gonna grab this too.

>no Papa Nier
eeeeeehhhhhh whatever, still good though
any y'all go yo the concerts?

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Or this, when you have to deal with rules.

>Brother Nier over Papa Nier.
I like to self insert as a cute boy instead of grizzled old dude.
>It's just way better from a narrative standpoint.
as if there is a difference.

I bought Automata because of 2B's and 9S's design, but more on 9S because he kinda gives off that really edgy vibe that I love in my JRPG games
I didn't even know A2 existed and now I can't stop coooming to sfm porn

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They're trying to capture how awful the original was to play.

Remember Contra: Rogue Corps? what a hit! i can't wait to see how they fuck up Nier.
Fuck this clown world. Square enix are insane.

Are there more 2B games?

oh definitely user, I think original Nier's OST was for sure more "comfy".

favorite track:

It's really amazing how frogposters are consistently some of the biggest fucking retards on this site. Of course it's not going to sell anywhere near Automata you moron, it's a remaster of a 10 year old game that didn't do anywhere near Automata's numbers.

No Papa Nier?

This hurts me far more than I expected it too.

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The original was fine. You've got rocks in your head if you think it was as bad as contra rogue corps

oh no someone get yoko taro out of there before he contracts corona

I think you're the insane one lmao, how can they fuck up a remaster from last gen

>needs to self insert to like characters

p-perfect for the switch...

Brother Nier means there's going to be at least some new dub work. I hope they leave Liam O'Brien's original performance, then.

they could literally add papa nier as a mode or outfit is 90% the same dialogue?

If Automata didn't have ass it wouldn't have sold well either

Replicant is Brother Nier

twink ass > old dude ass

They should have both but probably because there's no english Replicant

Never played Replicant so I'm interested to see how the story changes, though I hope they include Gestalt as an option down the line

>No Papa Nier

Lol actual hot garbage. Fucking japan

it's nearly identical

>Taro wears cargo shorts to an orchestra concert
at least he's consistent


>agrees with pepe
>noooooo you retard

Toylogic are completely incomepetent. Look at their track record. That's how they will fuck it up. Stop being ignorant.


yes, I was in London, got vip tickets for the front row as well as meet and greet session. The timing was just right before the virus autism started.

what an absolute god tier soundtrack
haven't heard these songs in a long time makes me want to replay it

why the fuck wouldn't they just do both in one package

but also nice

Cool, now I have a reason to upgrade my gpu. If only they announced the release date...


Oh good, Platinum isn't doing the remaster, maybe the PC port won't suck ass this time

Did you ever play the silent hill "remasters" ?

Bro we already played as papa Nier.
Now we can try the other way.
Besides, the other way makes more sense when you've read the side stories about him selling his body for money to survive. No one wants to buy papa Nier's ragged body.

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Father trying to save his daughter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brother trying to save his sister.

God I hope they have both in this and you can choose.

Yeah, I thought all the original dub work was great. Weiss especially.

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Because Replicant is the Canon time-line that everything else uses.

Papafags btfo

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this. I even considered getting a modded ps3 at one point just to play it. glad I waited.

Can we get more Devola and Popola this time around?


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