Spongebob: Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated system requirements

What do you think?

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>I'm ready!
was not expecting that

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Is it going to be on console?

Those minimum requirements are pretty reasonable, most anybody can run it with those specs.

>the game will be out when it's ready

yeah, PS4, X1 and Switch.
Apparently it will run at 60fps on all platforms, including the switch

no it's steam exclusive

what kind of fucking settings are those pushing for? 720p 30fps low?
keep in mind that this is an unreal engine game, it will be unoptimized to hell and back

>including the switch
lmao nope

>Restored content that was cut from the original game like the Robo Squidward boss fight and more


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That's what the developers insist. I thought it was far fetched too.

it's listed on the THQ's website

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They're fine, I guess. Kind of seems like an incompetent developer though. Game requires way too much for what it is. Doesn't GTA 5 require less? Especially in the video card department?


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They will delay it and blame it on the suds

It doesn't look like a very graphically intense game.

about yeah

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>What do you think?

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Still no fucking release date. This is bullshit.

Yeah, 30 gigs kinda surprised me, desu. It's a mid tier game and those rarely hit in the double digits (on console at least)

whenever somebody in my family has a cold, we, to this day, call it the suds

>gtx 560 ti
>switch can't handle it

I’m tummy thick? What are you saying in that middle part?

Literally who cares?

DUMMY THICC. Yeah, sorry bout that.
I also animated it if you wanna see it. (I'm a shillfag, I know)

the switch is weaker than the fucking ps3

I'm talking about the 60 fps part

Shit could probably run on an Intel iGPU.

how is that relevant even in the slightest to what we're talking about


That’s funny. My mom still calls salads “sal-ads” around me.

Dragon's Dogma runs better on the switch than it does on the ps3. This game really does not look any better than odyssey, why would the switch have trouble running it?

very nice impression, user

*disables on switch port*
*gets praised for looking more show-accurate without it*

Sure user let’s see it

What is this meme I’ve been seeing lately? The Switch is marginally stronger than the Wii U, which was a bit stronger than the PS3/360

I'm getting it on console, but I'm ready for it regardless

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MUH POWER is a huge concern with console-war types even with PS5 and Sexbox being roughly equal to one another (each with their ups and downs) and Nintendo not giving even the slightest fuck about what the other two are doing

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Are you a mentally retarded mutt third worlder or just shitposting?

Nickelodeon is apparently rushing it

Haha that’s pretty good. Have a like on me.


they (supposedly) were gonna release it alongside the new movie in May. but with Coronachan delaying the movie, they're probably gonna delay the game too.

How long does that take to make? If you had a video of like 20 of these shorts robot chicken style you could easily be pulling in that sweet ad revenue

literally took me a day. But currently I'm working on a longer project that should be out in 2 weeks.

I still call BS on that release-date from the Nintendo email. If it was gonna release in May, we would've known by January or February.

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The movie isn't delayed


hell ye

based retard, the individual blades of grass will no doubt be parred back on Switch but there's no reason why Switch wouldn't be able to run this game at 60fps a majority of the time. I wouldn't be a the least bit surprised if the Switch was the target platform, give the popularity of the Switch with SpongeBob's primary demographic.

>give the popularity of the Switch with SpongeBob's primary demographic
Autistic manchildren?

This is literally the only game I can think of that’s coming to the Switch that I’m actually looking forward to. Nintendo needs to really step it up man

Yep. That and the regular kind too.

this includes you, user, owning a video game console of any kind (this includes pc) marks you as an autistic manchild
one of us
one of us
one of us

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Chad plays Xbox One

Chad's Xbone has been collecting dust for years and he still wishes in the back of his peanut-brain that PS4 and Xbone had crossplay.

As a true master race console warrior with both an Xbone and Switch, I gotta go with the Switch version so I can play it with my comfy pic related set up.

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>console wars for spongebob
come on now

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For me, it's Employee of the Month

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Great game as a kid, wish I still had the CD


get dgVoodoo 2 and you can play it in higher resolutions

Don't know why you're hating on Switch version. This game would be perfect for something like a Switch. Imagine playing this in your bed while you're in quarantine.

>mom threw out old computer when we got a new one as a kid
>can’t find my Spongebob game one day
>mfw I remember it was still in the old computer she threw out

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But I need money to actually buy the game, I’ve got 7 dollars and no income until this is over

that is one of the most nig-rigged gaming setups I've seen
pretty good user

THQ Nordic is based af, they did the same with Destroy All Humans

It’s not only comfy for playing Monster Hunter in bed, but watching DBZ on my phone. Best 15 bucks I ever spent was on that thing

They are very based. Even better I think the BfBB remake is only gonna be 30 bucks at launch.

>want Movie Rehydrated
>go back and play Movie
>no longer want Movie Rehydrated

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