Well, Yas Forums?

Well, Yas Forums?


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sexual frustration, unironically.
I hate that I can't have a gamer gf

someone redpill me on quora, what's with the people who answer with walls and walls of bullshit like a 15 year old trying to hit the word count on an essay

And you'll never have one because there are none.


Because you probably go out of your way to present yourself as a girl to them. when nobody gives a rats ass who or what you are on the other end of that screen.

It's retarded. It's a pro-answerer q&a site, and the questioner gets jack shit in terms of important information.


Because your cunt stanking the place up. Gaming is bro time.

if gaming was so hostile towards women why are there so many of them

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Because you're tranny?

They get paid thousands too. That's the opposite of "being hostile". I don't get it.

Guys are mean and they will call each other pussies and motherfuckers all the time, period. It's how we show love to one another. The question should be, "are they more mean to me because I'm a girl," to which the answer is most probably "it depends." It depends on whether or not the girl tried to use her pussy to win social points online. If yes, then yeah, the guys online not only did fuck with her extra butter but they were in the right in doing so.
Remember all the retarded answers you could get on yahoo answers? It's the same, except with an air of smugness following the retardation.

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So just because lonely and pathetic men are willing to pay us to play video games with them, that means we don't experience tons of harassment, abuse and threats??

delet this

Fuck off tranny. You'll never be a woman.

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>harassment, abuse and threats
Nigga, just close your eyes, etc. etc.

>experience tons of harassment, abuse and threats??
so just like everyone else on the internet?

>Just because i'm a girl?
Same female will also get a lot of whiteknighting she even doesn't recognizes.

you dont get it, they have it so hard

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God, girls are so oppressed!

Except all the top streamers are men...

There are more people who watch streams for entertainment than for sex.
Women are not entertaining, not even to other women.


what is this? what is G in this context? How much do you think it would cost to actually have sex with the girl in the upper right?

There was no need to introduce yourself as a girl.
Yet you did

and the highest paid are women

How do I get her to respond to me positively? I just want the smallest bit of attention, I can only get it from a negative interaction
but it is so addictive.

This is true. A guy with 5000 viewers will make less money than a girl with 500 viewers.
This has been proven many times before both by men and women in the streaming community.
The girl also gets less donos but each dono has more money attached to it, so in total she earns more.

Treat her like a human being. Ask her questions about herself, show interest in her answers. Find common ground between the both of you.

because they are funnier/better? theres literally no entertaining female streamer and most of them hang out on just chatting

It's the same to me as women in a mostly male work place, they shouldn't be. It's not that I don't believe females can't play games or be construction workers or in the army, it's that almost every male gets distracted by females. So instead of doing their best, the guys either try to fuck the girls, or protect them, or treat them differently no matter what. Unless the males are cognitive about it and not horn dogging, it could work. Then you get the females that go into it knowing this just to fuck their way to the top.

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There are no girls on the internet.

I'm sure it happens, but I've never seen it. It's usually the opposite, everyone flocks to her. If it's an MMO they try to give her shit/carries, if it's a group type game like a moba or something they always cater to her picks, fps they all try to protect her, I've literally not seen a single person be "mean" to a woman online in nearly 15 years. Rather, it's the woman who gets upset when someone DOESN'T immediately drop everything to pay attention to them, that they get all offended and pretend they're being affronted.

Also if you don't want people to be "mean" to you for being a girl, don't make it so fucking obvious, no one asked, cunt.
>I-I was just talking
doubt it, no one would make a deal if you just fucking talked instead of going TEEHEE IM A GIRL BTW or when someone says "how's it going guys" and you say "UMN IM A GIRL"

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That Is exactly what privilege is

20 bucks/g
20 bucks per game

its egirl .gg pay to play with camgirls site

Playing video games is one of the greatest signs of mental illness in a woman. Trust me, a gamer gf is the last thing you want.

> I've literally not seen a single person be "mean" to a woman online
Same. I've played like a million matches in my entire lifetime and I've met at least 10 women, and NONE of them were harassed in any way. Most of them were also with their boyfriends in the same match.

So this is just glorified online prostitution, then? Seems pretty based to me.

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Being called a nigger faggot who's mom has fucked the entire town and that you should kys by a 12 year old isn't harassment, abuse or a threat. You do however need to grow the fuck up.
top kek cuntbreath

Women get inordinate amounts of positive attention in a lot of other contexts; the reverse is to be expected as a sort of karmic twist I suppose.

Why is everyone on that site Indian?

because indians only pretend to be smart (they're not)

Oh god, this age old lie. Men get """""""""""""harassed"""""""""""""" way, way more than females in any kind of setting, especially online. Females get their ass kisses 99% of the time, but since irl they get treated as a princess all the time, even the slight decrease in ass kissing is SO HORRBBILE :( to them. Females are pure, unfiltered cancer.

If you can’t handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen, everyone gets shit on, it just comes as a shock to girls because they’re treated well most of the time, ask any girls who actually play sports about trash talk

Unironically, Americans talk too much

>nuuuuh men don't always kiss my ass like they do irl
>this is HARASSMENT :(((((((
Female, pure entitled cancer. Your entire gender is subhuman parasites.

Most of the people on Quora are either Indian or European.

Somebody needs to call the bully hunters

She shouldn't say she is a girl,it has nothing to do with the game.

it's just a modernized yahoo answers

yahoo died because they had a female ceo

1_How do they know that you're a girl?
2_Why would you intentionally expose your identity when nobody else is doing that?
3_If there's voice chat involved, are you intentionally using the "gamergirl" voice to get attention from the males?
4_Are you being obnoxious intentionally in order to get attention?
5_Why are you surprised that some people don't want to be exposed to blatant e-sluttery when trying to enjoy a video game?
6_Why should anyone tolerate e-sluttery anymore than real toxic behavior online?
7_Why do you feel entitled to be the center of attention online? Is that learned behavior from offline?

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The only reason women play video games is because they find nerdy gamer dudes. Women’s hobbies (everything they do for that matter) are always directly related to what gets their juices flowing.

>call a guy a faggot
>he calls me a faggot back
>call a chick a cunt
>total meltdown

Men need to learn to start a conversation with a question that may bring to light the boyfriend situation. I feel that if all men did this, they wouldn't get weird 10s of minutes into a conversation and they could actually relate to women as real human beans.

Most people are either Indian or American, the Indians just shitpost and the Americans write essays

Women need to wear signs that state whether the hole is available or in use. Would save everyone a lot of time.


This would be incredibly beneficial.

Good joke.

I have literally never seen any proof that women are harassed or abuse or bullied in games outside of women telling me they are. Usually followed with them using this "fact" to justify some other garbage. I also guarantee I get called a faggot more than they ever have or ever will be.



>1. Because many dorks can't play a game properly when there's a girl around, they either constantly flirt with them, give them a handicap or white-knight them throughout the whole session.
>2. Sometimes girls act like attention whores rather the play the game which leads to the above happening.
Of course a girl won't just leave on her own sometimes so some dudes take the initiative to bully them off the server

The "harassment and abuse" is being called a cunt, a whore, a slut, a faggot(if she hasn't identified that she's a woman, and pretty much every kind of trash talk because every man playing in that game isn't licking her dusty used up cunt.

>can't talk to girls irl
>have no problem bullying them on the internet
Feels weird man

Oh boy, could you imagine when females could no longer exploit simps and would consequently be treated as normal people instead of the princesses they think themselves to be? Mass roastie suicide would ensure.

The hole has no power over you online.

Oh no, who let the Anglosphere bugmen out of their Yas Forums cells?

Because they don't. They just cry it about it as soon as they don't get the same amount of ass kissing they get irl. It's sickening and perfectly shows what a cancer females actually are.