Why did this whole game go to shit after this?

Why did this whole game go to shit after this?

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It kind of recovers at the very very end with the not Trump fight then it shits itself again by forcing the final boss is God angle out of nowhere

I thought it was fine til about after Makoto stuff when everything starts tying together so perfectly it starts being comedic how much shit Shido is responsible for. The Hara set up was pretty weak too, but Sae was a nice pick me up besides all the stupid shit with Akechi.

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>"Let's make the first boss of this game the absolute worst and most disgusting piece of human garbage imaginable."
>Every other boss is a "Monster of the Week" tier bad guy

I don't understand how the game made me absolutely despise Kamoshida yet I can't even remember any other boss by name.

>worst and most disgusting piece of human garbage imaginable
What for fucking some sluts? Get real

you forgot wakaba? sae? shido? retard

>implying Kamoshida wasn't /ourguy/
go back

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Good palaces and scenarios:
1. Kamoshida
2. Futaba.
3. Sae

1. EB games for stealing my money and not giving me the game I pre-ordered.

Kamoshida did nothing wrong though

Kamoshida was really one of the few people you had a personal vendetta against, unlike most of the other villains. Also, Makoto joining the cast made everyone else into dribbling idiots and destroyed the group dynamic.

Don’t let this shitposting distract you from the fact that P5R and P5 did a P4 type plotline better than anything that came out of P4 and it’s spin-offs

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They were always dribbling idiots before that. Go play the game.

> joining the cast made everyone else into dribbling idiots
Are you really gonna ignore the first section of Kamoshida where Morgana just roasts Ryuji for being an idiot?

That whole first arc is too perfect for the game's tone and story for its own good. They genuinely started out way too strong.

So it took them 8 years to make a slightly better plot (it isn't) than the last game? Not really a compliment user.

No, Maruki did nothing wrong. Everyone else is a one-dimensional evil adult.

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Every Japanese game with high schoolers/ young adults need to end with a fight against God where the younglings win with the power of friendship.

Cope. It really shows how wasted P4 and it’s 5 spin-offs are.

This. Would have been nice for the game to start with something impersonal, then after a couple of palaces have Kamoshida happen. It would let you get attached to the characters more while also opening up the fact that taking Kamoshida in will have it be obvious the thieves attend that school.

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Hifumi needed to be a playable character. Fuck Atlus.

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>wanting bootleg Yukiko

>Instead of making Hifumi a party member, we got some boring ballet girl
Lame lame lame.

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Cope at what? Why does P4 live in your head rent free user?

I would have honestly been more interested in the plot if Kamoshida was the main antagonist & the game just revolved around school life.

Also the protagonist should have been a girl, the tone of the game would have worked better

Reminder that she was supposed to take makotos role as the brains, while makoto would be just a very pissed off girl

Yeah it’s my second favorite game in the series.
Why wouldn’t it live rent free in my head?

>wanting bootleg yukiko over a girl that’s cosplaying as her dead sister as a coping mechanism.

That was a mistranslation.
The Hifumi we have now was never meant to be a party member.

That’s wrong.
Hifumi’s design was concept art for Makoto, the devs liked the design enough that they made it a seperate character.

why is ann such a semen demon?

>Catherine releases to test the waters of a more "adult" storyline
>P5 drops you in a fucked up situation from the very beginning with asshole rapey pedo teacher
>becomes Persona 4 with a cast that has a shit dynamic


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P5 is nothing like P4 user

>high school friends solve crimes
Sure it isn't, user.

People would have less complained about dynamics if P5 had a cast like pic related.

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fuck off retard

>Re-release Catherine again and ruin it with a pointless new character that utterly destroys the build up of the supernatural parts of the game by having the game start with this stupid pink haired third Xatherine get chased by an ACTUAL giant.
Atlus is so fucking stupid it blows my mind.

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They’re not solving crimes.
They’re hoping into people’s brain and brainwash them into forgiveness.

>No argument
Well i guess I’m right.

>forcing people to apologize for thier desires by mindfucking them is the same as trying to find one serial killer.
Never change

they should go for a darker story in p6.

Yuri fags are so damn selfish

anybody else think the game added too many main characters?

Game woulda been better with just the first 4

If it was impersonal, there wouldn't really be an external motivation for them to become Phantom Thieves. Maybe that's not a problem if they increased the emphasis on the character's internal motivation, and that would help the "are the Phantom Thieves too focused on popularity?" arc be more than nothing, but once you pull at any thread the whole game starts unraveling

Atlus are fine with just playing it safe at this point. We will never get anything as close to P3 again

true,mass appeal will always beat the niche from a business sense

You know, in retrospect, Maruki's intro into the series and how his dungeon/stealing of heart really made the other ones pale in comparison. The other ones were forced and shoved down while Maruki was more interpersonal as he continued to see the cast's effort to confront real reality and facing pain. It also makes you wonder why he was never in the real game.

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For me it was the bank where it took a hard nose dive.

>the statutory rapist arguably just general rapist but whatever
>the plagiarist/art stealer
>the blackmailing crime lord
>bald Donald Trump
Just because there's teenage friendship and Jojo powers doesn't mean that most of the Palace antagonists aren't criminals. The Phantom Thieves are vigilantes who specialize in mindfucking criminals who would never confess otherwise, if P4 was P5 then Mitsuo and Adachi would have palaces and Morooka would've been a rapist.

>fuck me or you're off the team
> a defensible position in anyway

Because Kamoshida had a direct connection to the entire cast (up to that point). He was taunting you constantly at school. You saw the effect he was having on the school firsthand. Mishima and Shiho were both being abused, and Shiho even attempted suicide.

Now let's look at the other villains:
He was an asshole to Yusuke, and Yusuke is likeable. But still an immediate downgrade from Kamoshida in terms of impact.
Do we even see the impact of anything he does directly? I'm not sure we do, it's just second-hand dialogue. He kidnaps Makoto but that was her own fault.
>Futaba('s mom?)
idk, they threw in a Persona 4 dungeon for the hell of it.
He's forcing Haru into marriage, but Haru is introduced so late and gets so little development that it's hard to care. Her confidant does expand on it further but only after the palace. Otherwise, the palace itself shows that he abuses his workers, but it's not directly connected to the protagonists or depicted in the real world.
Not strictly a villain but still one of the better palace owners. Well-established in the story and has connections to Makoto, Joker, and Akechi.
The definition of wasted potential. I thought his fake detective persona was far more interesting than "psychopath with daddy issues". He could have had real philosophical differences with the Phantom Thieves, but he had to be evil because The Heroes Are Always Right™.
Very poorly developed for the "main villain". Yes he's the reason Joker got expelled, but so what? I don't consider it much of a problem that Shido caused Joker to go live with people that clearly care a lot more about him than his parents. And Shido is also maybe brainwashing people? And he was helping out the other villains behind the scenes? But again, so what? Very little direct impact. It's all background information and/or indirect connections. We have no reason to care.
Obligatory last-minute god final boss.

The confessions are more forced since they are practically forced to repent. The story could have shown more sense of depth had they gotten the villains own sense of guilty conscience and dug deeper. But no, they were mainly one-dimensional evil adults.

FACT: Kawakami is a rapist and the worst villain of the game

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>Do we even see the impact of anything he does directly?
>He kidnaps Makoto but that was her own fault.
He didn’t kidnap anyone
Go play the game
>We have no reason to care.
Learn to speak yourself


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Used goods

>adults bad
Truly zoomercore kusoge

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The fact that Joker, Ann and Ryuji all have personal reasons to want to take Kamoshida down but everyone else besides Shido and Sae is related to a new party member really does bring everything down. If one of them had a personal reason to hate the Yakuza for example, and they encountered Makoto while both parties were doing their own investigation, the you-need-me-I-need-you dynamic already solves so much about how dumb that arc was.

It didn't. Stop being a retard

>while both parties were doing their own investigation
Makoto is the reason why they went after the mafia.

Yeah because it was always shit

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By all means give some examples. I already brought up second-hand dialogue. Keep in mind I was replying to an user who said they couldn't remember the other bosses. We're talking about how impactful the bosses feel to the story. Makoto talking about students being ripped off or whatever is not meaningful. As far as him threatening the main party goes, that happens with all the bosses and is just forced tension.
>He didn’t kidnap anyone
Sounds like you're the one who needs to play the game
If your immediate instinct is to get into a semantics war about the word "kidnapping", don't bother. If anything I was trying to be fair to the game by bringing up an example of him being villainous.

>is yukiko but not a cunt and not unfunny

I know. I'm saying that if Ryuji, Ann and Joker had their own reasons for wanting to go after them and met Makoto along the way, instead of her blackmailing them into doing it against their will, getting herself caught, and having the PT who she just threatened have to save her while taking down some guy none of them have any reason to care about, that may have worked better.

how did she surivei 10000 story fall?

Based satania poster

boomers malding

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Shido is cool but the issue is that the entire illuminati angle is full on retarded since it tries to connect almost every major villain save for Kamoshida to it. It's as dumb as 'Palpatine was behind it all'

How on Earth is the game's message "adults bad" when half the confidants are adults who are all very helpful? I don't even like Persona 5's story but that is the biggest meme complaint.