This is a Doom game in name only, the only proper Doom games are Doom 1, Doom 2, Final Doom and Doom 64

This is a Doom game in name only, the only proper Doom games are Doom 1, Doom 2, Final Doom and Doom 64.

Still a good game though and it is certainly a lot better than Doom 3 or the even lamer DOOM (2016).

Are we ever going to get another Doom game that actually plays like Doom? Or at least a Doom clone that plays like Doom? None of these "throwback" shooters play like Doom. The closest things are Serious Sam and Painkiller but they play more like slaughterwads.

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A better question is why you would WANT a doom game exactly like the old ones.

There's billions of mods out there that refresh the old doom experience, and the originals haven't gone anywhere.

Kino franchise. It's hard to tell if this is a natural progression of the DOOM games or just a new thing that kicks ass but has a dope DOOM skin.

Personally as a fan of the games since I was 10, I'd say nuDOOM is not DOOM, similar but not. It's the level design that just makes it not for me personally.

Eternal is absolute fucking kino btw

I think we can all agree DOOM 2016 is the peak of the series, the old games haven't aged well at all, and Eternal makes too many missteps to really be considered an evolution of 2016.

>the old games haven't aged well at all,
Children are not allowed here.

This, all of the DOOM mods I've collected over the years show me that new one in the old school manor would be generic. I'm happy they didn't make just another formula FPS game. Doom Eternal is 10/10.

Doom Eternal AKA nudoom, is a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
Its the Joe Biden of fps games.
It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
Its as if a bunch of has beens and marketers gathered in a room and tried to combine what they think console kiddies and nostalgic boomers might both like.

>Game tries to be some quick twich action shooter like quake or unreal tournament
>no ammo scaterd about and the only means of collecting ammo or health is to glory kill or chansaw grunt enemies which stops you from constant moving and shooting the game is suppose to be about and can get you killed on higher difficulties casue it kills the momentum and causes you to loose track of enemy placements and attacks
>constantly run out of ammo in mere seconds even with well timed shoots which forces you to go look for a weak frunt to chainsaw which AGAIN LEAVES YOU VULNERABLE and keeps you from being able to focus on enemies who are greater threats who need to be killed immediately
All in all DOOM ETERNAL feels like they couldn't decide what they wanted it to be and they settled for some mix mash of old a new school shit that doesn't mix well together.


Doom 2016 knew what it was trying to be: A Doom game!

Doom Eternal: tries to be quake/unreal tournament, and Doom, and Overwatch all in one game and it fails on all aspects.

Games feeling pretty mediocre
Its a fun time waster as far as im concerned

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Shoot, people have been making commercial Doom mods anyway so it's double moot to make a new OG-style game.

>A better question is why you would WANT a doom game exactly like the old ones.
because Doom 2 is still the best single player shooter, and I never said it should be EXACTLY like the old games
>There's billions of mods out there that refresh the old doom experience
gameplay mods are fun for a bit but vanilla doom is great and timeless
>the originals haven't gone anywhere.
people are still making mapsets that are intended to be played vanilla.... Doom 2 probably has more maps made for it than any other game, and the vast majority of these are based around being played without any gameplay mods

basically you are a fucking retard

>Serious Sam and Painkiller
Why do people keep saying this? The new Doom games play nothing like either of these games.

Eternal is a much better game than 2016 though. The level design, level diversity, enemy diversity and overall weapon rebalacing make Eternal so much better. The smaller ammo pools are annoying but once you get them improved and you get more guns you don't have to chainsaw as often as you used to. I love how they reduced how many hitscan weapons the player gets now. Before the rifle and chaingun were hitscan, now they both use fairly slow moving projectiles, making landing shots with them more skill based than before. The air dashing and new movement stuff mixed with the new enemy agression also make the game feel real hectic.

I appreciate that they're adding to the base formula, but like that other user, I think some of us would like another "official" game in a vein similar to the originals. Custom WADs are nice, but vast majority of them have that amateur lack of polish. Personally I think just having kept the nades, jump/double-jump, and upgrades would've been fine w/out the: monkey bars, frost bombs, blood punch, sword, etc. It all feels very excessive, almost like bloat that the game could do just fine with or without.
Eternal's still pretty legit, but like some other anons have said, it feels more like a different game with a kick-ass doom skin on it.

ammo really isn't that bad, I can do slayer gates with only 2, maybe 3 chainsaws

>Eternal is a much better game than 2016 though. The level design, level diversity, enemy diversity and overall weapon rebalacing make Eternal so much better. The smaller ammo pools are annoying but once you get them improved and you get more guns you don't have to chainsaw as often as you used to. I love how they reduced how many hitscan weapons the player gets now. Before the rifle and chaingun were hitscan, now they both use fairly slow moving projectiles, making landing shots with them more skill based than before. The air dashing and new movement stuff mixed with the new enemy agression also make the game feel real hectic.
Eternal is a better game aesthetically, but the gameplay is half assed.

I admit im playing on nightmare and its my first play through, but its annoying when i have to stop shooting the bigger enemies like the hell knights or the revenats because OMG IM OUT OF AMMO LET ME STOP KILLING THIS GUY AND GO RUN AROUND THE MAP LOOKING FOR A GRUNT TO CHAINSAW BECASUE I ALSO DONT HAVE ENOUGH FUEL TO CHAIN SAW THE BIGGER GUY AND NEED THE SLOW MOVING GRUNT ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE ARENA!

Its a trash ass system and ruins the gameplay.
Im probably going to turn on infintie ammo because fuck it why not!

Attached: in the trash it goes.gif (436x324, 1.44M)

2016 is the painkiller formula 1:1 with it's progression consisting of "go inside of room, room locks down, kill enemies."

you either need to stop missing so much or learn how to hit weak spots

>gameplay mods are fun for a bit but vanilla doom is great and timeless
Im not talking about gameplay mods, I'm talking about mappacks

>because Doom 2 is still the best single player shooter
So, again, why try to remake something that is already good and timeless? You are the retard because you missed this point

>but vast majority of them have that amateur lack of polish
Huh? Things like ancient aliens, back to saturn x, eviternity, etc feel polished as fuck

Any 'remake' of classic doom will follow its bland ass vanilla map design rather than the megawads for it

lol nigger you still run out of ammo at the worst times reagrdless of hitting a damn weak spot.

Yes i shoot the revenants canons yes i shoot the brains canon, but still running out of ammo and having to waste time trying to kill a grunt kills the speed of the game.

If the game wants to be a run and gun game then let the player RUN AND GUN!
Not stop and look for a grunt to kill so you can get some more ammo.
If thats the case the chainsawing a grunt shoudl full replenish ammo

You gotta gitgud dude. You can easilly clear a bunch of threats before needing to saw an enemy.

That's a fuckton of games though. Like that's the formula of every single DMC game made. Metroid Prime also does it in a handful of segments. Painkiller is largley about sending 40 of the same enemy at you and forcing you to kill them all, typically in big rooms. Eternal always gives you a pretty big mix of enemies in much smaller areas.

Chainsawing doesn’t leave you vulnerable, you can’t lose life during that animation or a glory kill. Also the animations last like 2 seconds max, doesn’t interrupt the flow at all. Also ammo is plentiful around the map as well as being able to do get perks like explosive barrels drop ammo. You’re probably ass at the game and looking for something to blame. This game is a 10/10 and one of the best shooters I’ve ever played.

Put on the infinite ammo cheat if you’re going to bitch about something as trivial as running out of ammo. Honestly you must suck at the game I’m almost finished and have barely run around the map looking for ammo. Maybe bump that 42% accuracy up to a 70% and you’ll like the game more.

2016 isn't comparable to Painkiller because the enemy count is so much lower. Also the AI in Painkiller is a lot more like old school Doom.

>Im not talking about gameplay mods, I'm talking about mappacks
Why can't a new Doom game be like those then???
I didn't say remake, idiot, I said something similar. Doom Eternal has almost nothing in common with the original Doom games. Actual retard kys.

So a shooter with no vertical aiming? What the fuck do you think a modern doom game should look like you condescending shitheel?

I disagree with you on the ammo issues, but try playing with this.
Infinite Ammo is broken cause you can spam Ice Grenades and the BFG as much as you like, this will at least make it not a complete cake walk.

you can make a doom game with vertical aiming...

I liked Eternal for what it was, and the arenas were actually a lot of fun, but the level design and exploration were fucking terrible.
The platforming was garbage and nu-ID's idea of secret areas is just an obvious glowing wall right next to the doorway you come out of.

Doom 2016 was the best Doom they could have made in modern times
Doom Eternal was this but for Quake.

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>Doom 2 is still the best single player shooter
Doom 2 got blown out of the water by Quake. And Blood. And No One Lives Forever.

>Doom 64
>proper game over etarnal
eternal had more enemies on screen dumbass and was actually challenging

It's a good Doom game, just not a good game

>final doom
How to spot a Sony shitposter

bithc, i just wore that for my extra lives file

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I hated how the secrets were simply shown on the map from the get-go. Made finding them feel like a chore instead of an accomplishment.

>Doom 2016 was the best Doom they could have made in modern times
>easier than any doom game
get filtered douche

nigga doom is a great series, therefore if the game is a good doom game, it must also be a good game

>lol nigger you still run out of ammo at the worst times
unless you think of refreshing your ammo before you run out

Boomer cope thread?

Imagine getting bullied out of your own favourite series because the designers made a game that's actually challenging and ancient doomers can't compete lmao

This game isn't bad, but makes me wish Bulletstorm 2 was made.

I want a more slow paced game of this style. More focused on the shooting, less on "shooting till the prompt button appears for the finish kill"

Zoomers can't handle actually searching for secrets.

Literally everything you said is wrong.

>less on "shooting till the prompt button appears for the finish kill"
You only need to do this when you take a lot of damage though. The amount of glory killing you have to do directly correlates with how well you are playing. Same with the chainsaw.

The dash cooldown is implemented in a retarded way where even if you land after your dashes before jumping again, it won't go off cooldown until you land again.

The bullet time ability is bound to your weapon mod key which means you'll always accidentally use it when using mods in midair. It also doesn't start recharging before you spend all of it, so if you're sitting on half a second worth of slow-mo, you're gonna have to use it and THEN wait for it to go off cooldown.

Having to constantly get near enemies to chainsaw for ammo breaks the flow of combat and forces you to take risks that you normally shouldn't take. Having to hit an enemy hard BUT NOT TOO HARD so that they start glowing is a fucking retarded mechanic and an insult to the spirit of the series.

Including invisible walls and platforms with no collision in a level with secrets should be a crime against humanity and its perpetrators should get shot. No, I don't care about the map, I don't look at the map. Secrets should be rewards for exploring the level and not a boring fucking list of things you gotta do to 100% the game.

And then there's minor shit like opening the door with the batteries in the hub and the long fucking boring animation you have to watch every single fucking time.

Overall it's alright as a game, not even close to GotY.

>You only need to do this when you take a lot of damage though.
Come on. You need to do it all the time to fucking save ammo.

If dash had the current cooldown time but refreshed midair, you'd just constantly fly around the map and trivialise half the encounters
So you'd have to decrease the cooldown which is no fun

You don't. I think you are just terrible at the game. I honestly believe that. I think if you posted a video of you playing, it would be fucking embarrassing and everyone would be laughing at how awful you are.

>I decide what the franchise is, not the creators.

You have some serious issues if that opinion got you that angry.

Does anyone else kinda wish Strafe Jumping was in NuDoom. I wonder if maybe the community asked for it hard enough ID could add it in as a cheat.

>I want series to stagnate

This is gonna sound autistic but the fact that the helmet is a different color from the rest of the armor is bizarrely satisfying to me. I dunno how to explain it.

I agree it's why doom 3 is my favorite easily.

The sad thing is Doom 3 is getting retroactively ruined by thr shittiness of the BFG Edition. Literally the only good thing about BFG is the VR Mod. Otherwise the stupid flashlight mod destroys all mood and essentially the difficulty.

>Are we ever going to get another Doom game that actually plays like Doom?

We just got Sigil and new Doom 64 levels cunt.

the flashlight runs out in like 10 seconds tho

DOOM Eternal is better than the classics.

I agree that bfg ruins the original atmosphere, it’s still a pretty shitty corridor shooter that’s slow as fuck, it has the same problems as quake 4

Well, it's a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't, because the original light mechanic was trash. But at the same time, if you remove it, you also remove the only thing that game the game some semblance of originality and indentity.
This generally tends to happen when you try to salvage something that was garbage from start.

Just play the old ones instead of COONSOOM

>I think you are just terrible at the game
stop being a retard, chainsaw kills are necessary, no matter how you slice it.

noooooo you cant just spend your money on things you will enjoy

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This. I hate nudoom but old doom is old now. There's no reason to play a new old doom.

The game is good but it's just not a good DOOM game.

I can't speak for the expansions (I only played Scourge of Armagon which was admittedly pretty good) but vanilla Quake 1 is a really standard game once you look past the incredible-for-its-time graphics and solid, spooky atmosphere. It's basically just 3D DOOM with less enemies and smaller, more simple maps, while not taking as much advantage of being 3D as it could (which isn't really its fault when it was the first of its kind; as I said Scourge of Armagon was pretty good and made much better use of the engine than vanilla due to having hindsight and more experience)

Plot Twist: 80% of the people in this thread haven't played both DOOM 1 and 2.