This is a bandicoot, it doesn't looks like Crash

This is a bandicoot, it doesn't looks like Crash

Attached: 19283-eastern-barred-bandicoot.jpg (800x534, 62.38K)

He cute.

He based.

Real hedgehogs are much cuter than Sonic, too.

Attached: hoggo.jpg (1280x960, 146.39K)


It is amazing how cute small mammals are.

Big eyes
Yep, I think they're BASED

Yo he gaming dude!


This is a politician with a master degree in laws, the are look alike.

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I didn't even know Bandicoots were an actual animal.

I like the tiny faces and noses. They are so sweet.

It does though other than the tail.

Crash was engineered in a lab

Maybe N.Gin was on to something?


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Crash was almost called Willie the Wombat. He looks even less like one of those.

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what's he playing?

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When I was a kid I just assumed Crash was a dog (the fucking dev was Naughty Dog) and bandicoot was just a funny sounding fake word.

Jet Set Radio Future, obviously

he a long floppy nose though.
whats odd is the bandicoots that have tails have little puffball ones

haha he looks like this guy

Attached: look at him go.gif (398x444, 265.04K)


Thats the animal version. Crash is humaniod, Crash universe has actual animals you know? probably these bandicoots too.


Crash is a mutant humanoid version of one basically an affront to nature.

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very cute thread

Die now.

I thought Tiny was an actual tiger.

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Well dont make assumptions about peoples gender you toxic masculinity

he cute

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How about you shut your whore mouth?

so did those dudes who turned him into mike tyson for one game

I try to pretend that didn't exist.

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I am not a furry but.
I am not a homo but I wish she had a big dick.

It honestly looks like Liz though

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Phoenix Wright isn't a politician, so your argument is invalid, and you are as well

Looks accurate aside from color imo

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I said they look alike, not that they are the same person.

uhhh... meow?

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You're insinuating a comparisong between two entities of the same profession in this case, but it is incorrect

But he is also a lawyer, an attorney even.

Remove your name

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This is OP, it doesn't looks like a non-faggot

This is italian, he doesn't looks like mario

Attached: italian.jpg (452x678, 34.18K)

XBOX doesn't have games, so probably nothing

cringe, stick to your no gaemstation

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But he does.

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She have a dingus, right?

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Fuck no I hate futa.

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Me too.
I prefer only dicks on my girls.


Attached: Ami 91.png (721x768, 188.63K)

Kiss for you too, user.
But that's gay.

>tfw he is probably dead by now

>what is a green mushroom