Forced popularity

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More like came out at the right time

no shit this is the literal definition of a tranny game

Fuck off shill

Great thread lol

>Casual game about escapism and leading the perfect domestic life recieves massive success during a time where everyone is locked in their homes worrying about their health and jobs while the world burns and a senile old rapist runs for president against the incumbent senile old rapist

Yeah Nintendo definitely "forced" it.

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dilate snoy

>forced popularity
Elaborate what that means, I want to watch you double down on your autism.

simulated fun

New Leaf sold 13 million

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>imagine hating ACNH because its good and popular

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this image doesn't make any sense
new horizons is being celebrated and praised worldwide

so who forced the million of sales during week 1 of release?

he's targeting OP, retard

What? This shit has always been popular, are you new? It's Pokemon Junior.

>It's Pokemon Junior.
that's a weird name considering it's way better than pokemon

Sure it is.

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is he really?

>amazon reviews
no one does that shit except bored moms

did you forget about the hype that new leaf had? oh right you only care about new thing because your a mindless consoomer.

I mean I don't disagree but I was talking in terms of popularity.

Not surprising because there are a lot of things better than pokemon that are not as popular. Nostalgia and brand loyalty are a hell of a drug.

people have been saying that new horizons has been outselling SwSh but I don't know how true that is

glad i pirated this game. the first like five hours are ok, but then there's really nothing left. there's maybe 1 hour worth of what amounts to very repetitive chores you can do per day to earn money to spend on a random assortment of mostly shit furniture to put in your home that you have no reason to spend any time in. interacting with your fellow villagers is completely shallow and uninteresting. giving stuff to the museum is a pointless chore that only appeals to the same autists who do tedious shit for cheevos.

this shit is a glorified phone game and i cannot believe it's so popular.

Given the timing and the current situation, and the number of fuck ups SwSh pulled, I would not be surprised if AC surpassed Pokemon this time.

But this is still only accounting for the games. Pokemon is a multimedia and merchandise giant on par with Disney. Animal Crossing is just a stupidly popular Nintendo series with a little merch and a single untranslated anime movie.

fucking retard lmao
you're the equivalent of someone who buys an rpg and just spends all their time fighting lvl 1 fauna in the starting area and wondering "WTF WHY IS THIS SHIT POPULAR?!?!?"

>he makes a thread about it

Imagine paying $60 for a shittier Sims
Nintendies are truly the perfect consumers

animal crossing plays nothing like sims
sims controls like a kb + m tycoon game


Blunderfag is absolutely seething

Yeah, but what if Isabelle and the Doom Man were besties????? Wholesome

It's 8 AM here and I just got to work. What did I miss? I would assume that the ''bestest consoel ever'' lost another exclusive, but I could be wrong.

>posting fucking amazon reviews
holy shit, is this how far Yas Forums has fallen?

Nothing happen. Some guy is just mad Animal Crossing outsold Doom.

Fuck all the Snoys and their dead console made for gays. Yas Forums needs to terminate all the Snoy left wing FAGGOTS from this website.

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what i described is 90% of the game, the only big thing i'm leaving out is crafting, which is only good because for the few items you might want more than one of, you can just make more instead of buying them. all of the other shit like turnips and travelling npcs are minor and basically just feed into the main loop of getting bells to buy shit. the mutliplayer is shallow and the only real point is being able to trade shit

amiibo festival and home designer are spin off games that people hated. this picture doesnt make sense

>first two days

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But why is he attacking Nintendo fans then? Shouldn't he be mad at FPS fans because they didn't buy Doom?

Most of the Snoy homos who post here are from Resetera. To save Yas Forums from dying these spermguzzlers need to be IP BANNED from here.

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instead of seething, tell me where i'm wrong

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yes, the amazon rating is mostly because spics are mad their 32 member family only get one island per console

Or that Doom Eternal on Switch got delayed.

I always wondered if the nose clips on Ellie's face.

Sony is a for profit business. They exist to make money. The fact that there is so much GAY SHIT in Sony games means that Sony paid social media to gather information about their fanbase and found out most of them are LGBTQ degenerates. Sony should be banned from this site.

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if that was true then all of Yas Forums would be a sony board


you are wrong at your creepy basement

In Animal Crossing there are a plethora of things to do, the only way you can think that there's "nothing to do" is if you're an ADHD riddled autismo who needs instant gratification and a constant stream of dopamine being pumped into your veins. You can manage real estate, you can invest in the stock market, you build a convenience store for your town and then upgrade it, you can also build a tailor as well, the convenience store and the tailor both offer a a boat load of content just from the fact that the they stock up with new items every day and you won't see the same items appear in the shop more than once in an average year long playthrough because the catalogue is so big. You can chop down trees, destroy rocks, and pick weeds to create build tools with, you then use those tools to catch fish, net bugs, dig fossils, water plants, shoot down balloons carrying presents, hop over rivers, climb up cliffs and a number of non-necessary little things that you can just simply use for your own leisure.
Along with that, there is also interior and outdoor decorating, a donation system where you can fill up a museum with any fauna you catch-
Yes, and I'm still going, retard. The museum works as an archive of all the player's efforts and if you ever catch more of the same fauna you can either sell them or get them taxidermied and put on a plaque to further boast your big dick fishing skills.
I'm nearly at the end of the character limit and I haven't even begun.
There is the gardening aspect of the game, where you can buy and grow different flowers and crossbreed them to get rare types, you can obtain different kinds of fruit from other people's towns and take them back to your town and grow an orchid. Oh and also that's another thing, the online play. You can do everything online and swap and trade anything you own.
I still have so much more that I could tell you about, but I pretty much made my point.

I love Animal Crossing but you're absolutely deranged if you think that the meager amount of content you already had to stretch for (Hopping over rivers? Really?) is a lot to do.

If I was deranged I would gave made a big deal out of hopping over rivers and pretended that it was some sort of game changer, but I just mentioned it casually along side a dozen other things.

Yeah, that's like mentioning walking or jumping as an activity in any game. It's pathetic, no one considers it content.

>if that was true then all of Yas Forums would be a sony board
Were you not alive 12~ years ago when moot literally had to mass ban people because the Sony posting got out of control? They invaded every thread and just shitposted like crazy, it didn't matter what it was. It was ten times worse then Borderlands posting.

>Grown man
>Owns a Switch
>Calls others faggots

>effortposting in response to bait

Who is this JoJo villain lookin-ass motherfucker?

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Anyone posting dodo codes(pls be Southern Hemisphere)?

Jesus Christ, is Animal Crossing just a game for poor people trapped in shitty apartments because they can't experience real life? Reading that made me fucking depressed.

It’s for neet shut ins

>Every game is gay except for the ones I play
Seethe, virgins.

uhh... thats video games