What games does she play?

What games does she play?

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If she's anything like my wife, Metroid.


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Nothing because the LGBT movement killed her.

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>why would i blow cash on make up
>is clearly wearing make up

I will save all of you a lifetime of needless toil and worry: "the one" isn't coming. Life is not a Disney movie, and you won't find love.

>omg a girl with shoulder length hair? I FUCKING LOOOOOOOOOVE TOMBOYS

>What games does he* play?
Fixed that for you.

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Ring fit adventure hopefully

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>tomboy gf
>not a disgusting neet gf to stay inside all day like you

then I will MAKE love with you

We play fps and nintendo games.

Looked way better before the soipubes and gauges desu

animal crossing

what are some games where i can play a tomgirl and get beat up?

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thats called lore user

tomboy gf secretly wants to be a pretty girl

I am in love

post femjak porn

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But she is a pretty girl to me

She doesn't exist anymore, along with emo girls, goths, scene chicks. All extinct.

*blocks your path*

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desu i saw an emo girl smoking weed with a black guy the other day at the park

>blocks practically the entire fucking footage
>closes in the camera at the end

i forgot how fucking bad sr3 looks

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>tomboy in 2020
>tomboy GF
>tomboy Gf playing games with you
I too can't wait to live on Mars and see what the rings of Saturn look like.

who are you quoting?

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not extinct, just rare. all white girls dress exactly the same now

>surprise headlocks
Why is having girls that show affection to punching so hot? But it only works with tomboys for some reason. Proper girls, prissy girls, whore girls it's never the same.

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Yeah no I’m pretty sure there’s a higher chance of Donald Trump coming out as gay on global broadcast then finding a woman with just half of those qualities.

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Are you sure it wasn't an art hoe in black? Or her rarer cousin, the art heaux?

It's shit.

>is secretly a sub (99.99999% of women)
funna be a yikes from me dawg

Well dont you have an egg on your face

What's nbr.

>tomboys no longer exist because a girl with even slightly boyish interests is told they're gay from the age of 5

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>had this
>threw it away because i wanted more time for vidya
how big of a faggot am i

Fixed that for ya, user.

What is her game of choice?

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Why not both?

What games does he play?

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Why not both? It's 2020 after all.

god i wish women were real

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out of the way faggots posting the best nonvidya one

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I see you have excellent taste

This. I'm a tomboy and everyone at my school goes on and on about tomboys but none of them gave me the time of day when I had long hair. One day I cut my hair and then suddenly all the tomboyfags are interested in me like wtf, just say you have a short hair fetish then.

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what type of video games does she play?

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Honestly the sheer amount regret eating away at your soul until the day you die is probably worse then anything I could say, so I’ll just say you should just fap to your fav. porn and go to bed user.

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>tfw have a girl like this in my class and she's always talking about kicking my ass someday

>told her i wouldn't mind getting my ass kicked by her someday and she laughed

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delete this thread. now.

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You know, obsessing over a type of girl so much is a surefire way of never actually getting a girl like that. That said, my sister is pretty rowdy but I don't know what's officially considered a "tomboy" but she's into military shit and usually plays Insurgency 2 and Fallout NV.

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tomboys aren't real

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>Virginity ratio of unmarried Japanese women

age 20-24 64.5%
age 18-19 74.5%
age 25-29 32.6%
age 30-34 31.3%
age 35-39 33.4%

- You can teach English in Japan if you have any degree. It doesn't have to be an English degree.
- The average salary for full-time English teachers in Japan is ~$86,000/year. The part-timers drag the overall average down.
- You don't need to speak Japanese to teach English in Japan. If you do speak it you'll be told not to speak it to students.

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actual threads about tomboy characters are fucking ruined because of you literal fucking preteens jerking each other off over how lonely you are and how trannies ruined everything and woe is me because you worship 3dpd

best vidya one

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must not have been that great if you threw it away that easily.
chances are you're just romanticizing it because now you're lonely. You DO sound like a faggot though.
From my experience women are really not worth the hassle. Spending your time on doing the things you enjoy is based. Fuck raising a family in this pozzed society. Don't let anyone waste your time, especially roasties.


>wanting to be infantilized.
t. faggot tier

Those stats are wrong, they just lie.

Because they are

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>had tomboy gf
>ruined it because previous abusive relationships have tainted my view of relationships and made me act mentally ill

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Pelvic exam stats, coper

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Every single tomboy I knew growing up was either a dyke or a massive whore.

good tomboy characters dont exist in vidya so the status is quo.

Dangerously based

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I s-swear I saw these same two posts in a thread yesterday
i-is this just all a giant simulation?

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my dick controller haha