If you had the choice, would you prefer a 1:1 port of a 10 year old game for around $20...

If you had the choice, would you prefer a 1:1 port of a 10 year old game for around $20, or a remaster with all new graphics and new content for $60

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I would remake the first 5 hours of it and sell it for $60 + DLC

why would you buy a 1:1 port if you own the original?

Performance would be one reason. I would buy bloodborne again on pc to avoid the shit fps.

I would always prefer a remaster. Even if it's not good, it's something new. If I don't like it, I can play the original.

>If I don't like it, I can play the original.

Unless you're a Blizzcuck

why cant u see the eyes in the last pic

How hard is it to port a game? Everything is already made.

making old things run on different hardware is more difficult than it sounds.

i rather get a new game instead of playing the same shit again

Attached: It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg (1022x731, 68.06K)

A lot of people dont own the original

The only new content for Definitive edition is that extra chapter, overall it's pretty lackluster
>not changing to gathering points
>no addition of new combat effects
>no new armors for the main game
>graphics are all that are being overhauled

This thread is targeted to people who havent played it just as much as people who have

well there's not much work to be done since the game is already on 3ds, 3ds to switch should be a easier job than porting it from wii to switch.

So you would prefer a port of the original for less money? Or you still prefer the remaster and just wish it had more new content?

I honestly prefer the old design. All it needed was a texture update. Dolphin already has a bunch of HD textures if I recall that fix this.

Nobody likes the 3ds version

Let me fix
1:1= 15$
remaster = 25$
no one is dumb enough to pay 60$ for a game.
(except animal cross/Nintendo fags)

I'm just using that as an example because you know it will be 60. I agree it's too expensive which is what got me thinking about this in the first place

The original game is ugly as hell, and it really doesn't hold up, it doesn't even sit well in that niche of visuals of that calibre for it's time. I'd rather a remaster that is visually what they are doing with Definitive, without the extra episode tacked on, but with additional quality of life changes as well as cut content put back in.

I enjoyed the FF3 and FF4 remakes for the same reasons

this game already got ported to 3ds, and is a wii game, the easiest shit to emulate with dolphing... at least it has new content

>without the extra episode

Fuck that noise. I'm ready for more Melia cucking in glorious HD.

remaster cause im not poor

There are a lot of ps2 era games I wish got remastered.


Attached: Rocco on Xenoblade.jpg (574x196, 41.52K)

A fool and his money are soon to part

He's being sarcastic, Xenoblade Definitive is going to get completely annihilated, I wonder how much it's review score will drop.

I'm sure the big dev killing movie is going to compete directly with the niche jrpg.

Playing the original with better textures and proper widescreen but at a close to source resolution with integer scaling.
-t Replaying DeusEx with NewVision textures at 720P with integer scaling on my 1440p display
Shit is cash AF.

Not directly, but it will overlap, but The Last of US is such a big IP it will push sales away from just about everything else.

Time of day, plus that was a teaser trailer

Зaчeм нyжeн 1 пopт ecли ecть opигинaл, я лyчшe eё пpoйдy и пpoдaм зa 60$

the ff12 looking designs were better, it just needs better textures.

Attached: 24.png (500x377, 182.92K)

>Gather Points
Aren't even that good, and you have to remember that there's no Field Skills in this game, which suck in general. Warping yourself to a collection point repeatedly kills the point of the Collectopedia
>Combat effects
We don't know that, but Launch/Smash are honestly busted, and it looks like the combat is getting balanced anyway, which is good enough since agility was awkward
Sucks, but there's Fashion Gear, or would you prefer dressing like a clown
>Graphics are all that is being overhauled
The entire OST got remastered

That last image isn't fair because they're different times of day and angles. I'm not nostalgic about the original game so the remaster looks good.

HD Resolution check
Completely remodeled assets check
New game story content check
QoL improvements check

This is one of the examples where it's worth re buying a game you already played, assuming you like the game.

>One game is a PS4 exclusive
>The other game is a Switch exclusive
>Both with different genres entirely
There's not going to be an impact for shit. Anyone can see that clearly.

You know from's shitty engine breaks above 30 fps right?


Holy fuck those bottom photos really highlight just how soulless the new version is

A 1:1 port of a 10 year old game with new content for $30.

I don't believe for a second Tlou is actually hitting that date


Remaster gives you a reason to double dip. I've played xenoblade on the 3ds and would not get it again if it didn't look so fucking good

OP you fucked up, soul is supposed to be on the right. it's soul - soulless not the other way around u nincompoop

>would you prefer a 1:1 port of a 10 year old game for around $20, or a remaster with all new graphics and new content for $60
More remake with all new graphics and "new" content.

I'd take 1:1 port with added content, myself. I liked potato Chronicles.

The remaster because of the cut content.
More remasters should do that. Like, imagine if FXIIZA also had some of the content that couldn't be added. Penelo would have been relevant.

why don't nips like anything resembling normal people it always has to look some shitty anime

>More remasters should do that
They do, they're called ports like they always been. Remaster are the lowest when it comes to port shit since they do, for the most part, only performance improvement.

New content. If I wanted to replay Xenoblade 1 1:1 I'd just fire up my Wii U and put my Wii disc in.

You mean a looking as initially intended? are you guys ever happy?

Shut up Nomura, nobody's asking you.

Do you think normal people look like the pictures on the right?

Who needs TLoU2 when you could just go outside right now and experience the same thing in full immersion?

>no addition of new combat effects
>no new armors for the main game
None of that is confirmed, the second one is not unlikely based on that artbook.

Attached: 1585375108576.jpg (665x790, 86.95K)

>Favourite gen 7 game
>Releases the same week than GoW and FFXIII
Still pissed off.

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>I wonder how much it's review score will drop
>"came out same day as TLoU2, that's going to be 2 points less"
What kind of retarded logic is this? On the other hand I could see "journalists" doing that.

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>want to play this again
>can't see shit aside some squares on the screen
I get it, resolution is shit and the emulation on the WiiU is worse;
Any user played the entire game on the Gamepad? Cool enough?

To filter faggots like you.

>he doesnt pirate

>Penelo would have been relevant
So more or less a new game?


>Xeno is Nintendo's premier JRPG franchise

I'm all for it but man Golden Sun for done dirty. I guess Xenoblade has one of the more unique JRPG settings especially over Golden Sun.

it's so weird that golden sun just disappeared like that. the games scored pretty good and it sold decently. it could have really used a 3ds game back when 3ds had no jrpgs.