Holy fuck this is good

holy fuck this is good
i would've never picked it up if it wasn't for the pandemic

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Boring piece of shit is what it is

Do you gave to play the first 2 games?

that's what /v told me so I never picked it up, 20 hours in and I disagree
no, I didn't and it's not confusing or anything
the game lets you decide on the choices you would've made in previous games during tutorial

Babbys first RPG

Should of played the first 3 games
witcher 3 feels like The Return of the King

gameplay gets kinda stale after a while
plotline is pretty OK and is what got me to finish the game

yeah i think its the weakest main plot of out the 2 other games and the 2 DLC's for 3

kino plot

chuck that shit and install Shadow of Mordor instead.
>better combat
>fully functional stealth system
>great story
I feel really bad about being on the bandwagon of "combat is a joke because you can spam the dodge and go undamaged" because of that viral video where the guy plays without a monitor. you can stay alive that way but you can't actually beat anybody without decent timing. plus the resource management with runes is fun, crafting a playstyle that'll refill all your shit just by doing what you want to be doing any way. for instance I refill my arrows and part of my health with one of the special attacks and another special attack refills my slow motion aim ability ("focus").
and having said all that, the game has no delusions about being a role playing game and while you have wiggle room to put emphasis on certain moves the weakness/strength system of the bosses forces you to use all of your shit like any classic action game. you have to sneak, you have to get into huge brawls, you have to use the bow, all at different points. the core mechanic of identifying a captain, planning how you will take him down based on his weaknesses and then searching for him and executing your plan is fantastic and so unapologetically "gamey", I think SoM took a giant shit on all AC and Far Cry games. it did the "open world with enemy camps action/stealth hybrid" thing and obliterated Ubisoft's shallow franchises all while nailing the LOTR movie look and telling an engaging story.


Witcher 3 is a good game in the same way that a marvel superhero movie might accidentally be good. It's multi-million dollar, safe, focus-tested, corporate garbage for the masses. Literally its only purpose is to generate billions of dollars worth of profit from the low-IQ beer-guzzling McDonald's-eating retards that outnumber real humans. Except this time, it also happened to be a good game.

But masterpiece? This AAA normie marvel tier game, no matter how good it is, will never even approach the level of masterpiece or cult classic of something like Bloodborne. Because its focus is too broad. Appeal to everyone, excel at nothing. That's its motto, and every AAA game's motto. If the game happens to be good, great! But it will never be a masterpiece. There is no soul. No master spark of creativity, which is the very life force and essence that the word "masterpiece" refers to. Someone had a vision, and painstakingly crafted an artistic achievement by infusing their very soul on a metaphysical level into the finished piece. Not so with Witcher 3. It is a product, not art, and it is corporate achievement, not an artistic one. And it is certainly no masterpiece.


I am better than you.

Why on earth would you ever listen to Yas Forums or Yas Forums in general? This place is full of angry miserable people that hate everything, are either trolling, or just being contrarian autists. You're better off just trying games yourself and seeing if you enjoy them or not.

Yeah The Witcher 3 is pretty good, which is why it keeps getting ridiculously high scores.
Honestly stop believing Yas Forums's contrarians.
Frankly, you don't. At some points, you won't really know who some characters are, like when you see Letho, but it doesn't make the experience not enjoyable.

The item sets are hard to craft and it's rewarding to upgrade them again and again constantly as well as seeing their design change and becoming more and more complex.
Potions work with a charge system, meaning that when you craft a potion, you have it for ever, and it will refill automatically when meditating as long as you have alcohol, which will make potions and oils very versatile and it doesn't feel like you're losing anything when using them.
Runes add fun effects like poison or fire to your weapons and also add a visual representation, which makes them even more rewarding.
Basically it's maybe not the best game ever but it's incredibly polished from a gameplay point of view, it's beautiful and fun, and the open world is huge.

low IQ retard

>Yeah The Witcher 3 is pretty good, which is why it keeps getting ridiculously high scores.
>Honestly stop believing Yas Forums's contrarians.

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I've never even played the Witcher before, I was just saying he should find out if he enjoys a game himself. And you just proved my point perfectly. God this place is full of pissed off miserable people.

There's a difference between not liking and being frankly ridiculous.
Saying that The Witcher 3 is pure dogshit is ridiculous. I mean I finished BloodBorne, it didn't change my life, I'm not a big fan but you don't see me going around telling everybody it's pure garbage.

what game is way better than tw3 in your opinion?

How do I start?

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I didn't like Witcher 3. The gameplay is bad, so I thought the story must be good. The setting is great, I enjoy the world of the Witcher, but the story it tells is boring as hell. "You must save the MacGuffin child from the bad guys."
The only reason I can tell that people like Witcher 3 is because of the waifus. This game is throwing titties and ass in your face CONSTANTLY. Every other quest, even side quests, has some chick with huge jugs hanging out, or some pretty slut hitting on you and wanting your dick. From what I understand, Geralt is supposed to be an ugly monster himself that's ostracized by the people around him because he associates with the monsters he kills. So why are so many ladies hot for his cock?

>The gameplay is bad
Every time I see someone say this, it inevitable turns out that they didn't actually know how to play. You ask them about parries and multidirectional countering and they never know wtf you're talking about.

should have*
burgers dont even know their own language lmao

Witcher is my fav. Welcome white wolf ;P

Okay lads I'm finally going to do it, first time I got to skellege then dropped it, second time I only got to red baron and I updated my windows so new start.

Congratulations. You just learned to never take Yas Forums seriously, if you never realised after Yas Forums constantly crying over an 8/10 looking female character being "ugly"

only truth in this thread, thirsty nerds put this shit on a pedestal. it's a solid 8 out of 10 at best.
suck a cock. im not that guy but i can tell you that i SMASHED through death march using nothing but quen and alt-key side steps and basic attacks. the i-frames are WAY too generous and the game gives you an infinite health regen perk right out of the gate. parrying was optional for 99% of the encounters.

look, the game was okay but it wasn't a masterpiece. geralt is a mary sue and you reddit nerds can fight me if you think your "he's misunderstood! he's deeply emotional he just can't show it!" shlock is convince anyone that doesn't have a low IQ.

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What happened to being white wolf? He's all gray. & is that Triss? What happened to the character models?

i agree with this at times but someone definitely put real care into some of the main characters and their relationships

Right? Make sure you play Hearts of Stone and Blood&Wine too, they're equally great.

Good for you

Idk if it's just me but this game is hard to focus on the screen because it feels so fucking blurry and the FOV feels fucked. I edited so many settings to get it to look good but I just can't

I think i'm retarded Yas Forums

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Those are from an early e3 trailer. They touched them up for release, for better or worse.

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>it's popular so it's shit
not like sophisticated FF am I right?

I can't believe I suffered through 300 hours of this garbage thinking it would get good.

>no, I didn't
you're missing out

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gothic 2

you are

Been replaying with the mod that gives more magic spells and shit, good stuff.

Is that supposed to be Yen on the right? Why does she look so different?

It's not a perfect game and it had a troubled development but a lot of anons here give it flack because it's popular. Also at the time good western RPGs were going through a bit of a drought so the Witcher blew away the competition fairly easily.

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Its easy:

You want good Gameplay?
The Witcher is not for you

You want good Story, Worldbuild, Characters, Dialogs?
This is your game

Literally the greatest game of the generation

Toussaint is best region.

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Witcher 3 is more a sequel to the books than to 1 and 2. Only the endings of either game are really relevant and it's just minor set up, i.e. Nilfgard is invading (again).

>Babbys first RPG
>not Skyrim

I've been binging through the Witcher the last month or two.
>played the first game for the first time (was amazing)
>replayed 2 but went Iorveth route which I hadn't done before
>reading the books alongside so I kinda get Geralt's memories back as he does
>currently playing W3 with the Enhanced Edition mod
I will always shill the EE mod in Witcher threads. Early game is hard going and I had to tweak a few things like damage values and stamina, but it makes the game so much better. Combat is massively improved, as is alchemy. The game feels like a real evolution of the first. My recommendation is turn off ? on the map, keep the HUD to a minimum, use fast travel as little as possible and take your time and explore.

Where is this armor from

It's a mod.


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Yen beautiful

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Such a great fucking game

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How? Yen already exists. Why would you pick a child in comparison.


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W3 is a huge hit or miss. If you enjoy games for gameplay it's all but inevitable you'll drop it quickly as running from question mark to question mark in a huge, incredibly dull open world with bad combat is just not fun.
But if you love movie games, it pretty much destroys every other movie game.

What platform did you get it on?

Я eё пoлнocтью пpoшёл eщё нecкoлькo лeт нaзaд

you'll choke to death on three pounds of steel

shit game for shitter

You didn't even point out how he said "first three games" before the third game.

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>How do I start?
By pressing "New Game" button, you silly goose