I've been thinking about a few games to get. Are the majority of these shit or nah?
>Animal crossing
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Breath of the Wild
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Super mario maker 2
>Xenoblade 2
>Xenoblade DE
>Splatoon 2
>Yoshi's crafted world
>Mario Kart
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Stardew Valley
Just ordered a Switch
mario odyssey and xenoblade DE are the best ones on that list. XC2 is awful though, dont bother with it because it is inferior to 1 in every conceivable way
Yoshi is shit
Don't limit yourself to platformers either, there are a lot of good JRPGs as well. the demo for BD2 just launched and a remake of Trails of Mana is coming out soon. On top of that, DQ11 has a good port on the Switch too. Octopath traveler is also pretty good, but the lack of intertwined stories is sort of a bum deal.
where you bastard, where? You didn't buy a overpriced scapled one right?
>Animal Crossing
It's really great, likely the best AC yet.
One of the best Smash games for sure. Second only to Melee.
>Luigi's Mansion 3
I really liked it, some other people bitch and moan that it's not similar enough to the first game. It's ridiculously polished, has local co-op, it's a great time.
>Breath of the Wild
It's an unironic masterpiece.
>Super Mario Odyssey
One of my all time favorite games. Just don't expect it to be difficult and you'll have a blast.
>Super Mario Maker 2
It feels rushed and limited and less creative/inspired than the first one, but it's still a fantastic game with some quality levels and a big player base.
>Xenoblade 1 and 2
Terrible garbage.
>Splatoon 2
Base game is meh, the DLC expansion is god-tier.
>Yoshi's Crafted World
Mediocre trash.
>Mario Kart
8 Deluxe is pretty good.
>Fire Emblem Warriors
Haven't played but looks decent.
>Stardew Valley
Be careful about getting this and AC at the same time. Both are great but will suck up all your time.
This reads like a blogpost from a 15 year old
They are all very good game aside from yoshi and stardew
AC is all you need.
Stay away from smash if you consider playing online because it's a laggy piece of shit
>Animal crossing
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Breath of the Wild
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Super mario maker 2
All of these are great. Don't know about the weeb shit
>>Breath of the Wild
rest games are super shit.
Why are the rest of the games shit?
only if you already like AC
only if you have friends
if you enjoyed Skyrim or other open world games, BotW does them better. It's not going to reverse your opinion on the concept though. Suffers from the same repetitivity problem.
Very good game, if you enjoyed 64 or Sunshine or Galaxy this is a sure bet, if you've never played 3d platformers before it's a good entry point
if you have friends to trade levels or compete for times against it's great fun, solo is mediocre. Requires online subscription to be worth two shits
>Xenoblade 2 and DE
>Splatoon 2
good game
>Mario Kart
its Mario Kart, if you have friends it's great
I have never enjoyed a single game of that style ever
>Stardew Valley
Pirate it on PC to try first obviously
Xenoblade 2 is an amazing game with a fun and engaging combat system, awesome characters, gorgeous lands to traverse through and a phenomenal ost. It has some flaws, but nevertheless I still highly recommend it. Plus it has plenty anime tits.
How the fuck did you order a Switch, pay 500 dollars for it like a fuckin' fag? You're pathetic you loser.
Luigis mansion battles get really boring really quick. dont just stick to first party. third party, even the ports, work amazingly on switch. having a blast with ori and hotline miami right now
Paid 275 for it actually. The amount doesn't matter to me either since I'm not a jobless manchild like you.
Hey retard, I said how, not what did you pay for it. Learn to fuckin' read and answer the question you little faggot cocksucker. Or get the fuck off my site you fuckin' piece of shit little cunt. Fuck you bitch.
FE Warriors is alright musou game. Without DLC, I put like 60-70 hours into it and didn't finish all the extra maps.
Buy Jade's game
All of those games are shit, but you can mod your Switch to run Linux.
Shut the fuck up, stop recommending shit to this little faggot cocksucker.
Can you buy me a switch with animal crossing, daddy?
I'll play with you and you can request lewd pics of myself whenever you want :3
ok nigger
How about you go learn English first you pathetic ESL fuckin' failure? Stay off the internet you disgusting animal, you're completely worthless to the entire world.
What's wrong with his English?
Also, you sound very mad and virgin
After you catfag.
>when the orange is just right
Cats are the libtards choice. Real men own dogs
Some must plays include
>Animal Crossing
>Mario Odyssey
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade 1 and 2
>Smash Ultimate
>Mario Maker 2
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Mario Kart
>FE 3 Houses
I bought a friend Smash and Mario Kart and only just noticed after it shipped to them that Mario Kart's box art on it's listing has a PEGI rating instead of ESRB. It was the only option that wouldn't take a month to get to them even on "prime delivery". I know the Switch is region free, but would there still be any issues if we ever try to play locally in the future since I have an actual NA copy?
Drop fire emblem warriors for Fire Emblem Three Houses.
"Warriors" games are bad and Fire Emblem Warriors is shit for a warriors game.
If you want a good one get Hyrule Warriors.
Fire Emblem Three Houses is a SRPG (strategy rpg) and there arent a lot of good SRPGs anymore. If you don't mind a slower paced experience..
Answer the fucking question
zoomers cant into comfy games
>Animal Crossing
Dunno what to say, it's Animal Crossing. If you have an autistic desire to fill out collections, decorate houses/clothes, and talk to NPCs in a comfy life sim then get it. There's not much to it besides being relaxing.
Probably the best Smash so far. If you like platform fighters and the roster so far then get it, can never go wrong with Smash as it almost always defaults to the main multiplayer game if you have company over anyway.
>Luigi's Mansion 3
I would skip this unless you're really dying for another Luigi's Mansion type game. It's not that it's bad, it just... exists.
>Breath of the Wild
Personally loved the shit out of this at release, but it seems to be a love it or hate it game. Your enjoyment of it really depends on how little you know about it. So if you're going in blind, I would recommend it.
>Mario Odyssey
I thought this was fine, I wasn't blown away by it or anything. It's fun for a romp, if you have a collect-a-thon itch or dying for a decent 3D platformer then I would recommend it as there's not much more depth to it than core gameplay and collecting 900+ moons.
>Mario maker 2
You like 2D mario? You like creating your own maps/levels? Then get it, as it is essentially an unlimited amount of 2D mario platforming with a map maker.
>Xenoblade 2
My favorite game on Switch. Another love it or hate it, and it definitely has its flaws. If you love good worlds, fantastic OSTs, and anime tropes then its easier to overlook them.
>Xenoblade DE
Get this if you have never played the original. Again one of my favorite RPGs, the gameplay is pretty different from XB2 but still similar in a way. Less "cringe" story wise but I enjoyed both immensely.
>Mario Kart
Get if Mario Kart is a multiplayer staple for you. Otherwise, it's a fantastic addition to the series and probably the best one by far.
>Stardew Valley
Literally just an indie version of SNES Harvest Moon with it's own quirks thrown in.
>Other games not mentioned
Smash is complete garbage.
Splat2 is great fun.
Odyssey and botw are great.
Xenoblade2 is great, but you have to have good taste.
I'd skip everything else on your list. Diablo 3 port is fantastic too, if that's your thing. Switch is good for indies and rogue likes. Slay the spire, into the breach, and hyper light drifter are great ports.
For the ones I've played:
Highly Recommend:
>Xenoblade DE
>Xenoblade 2
>Smash Ultimate
>Splatoon 2
>Stardew Valley
Don't Recommend (it's not bad it's just meh):
>Yoshi's Crafted World
Not OP, but Soul reply, dude.
My 25c:
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is godawful. I'm sorry, it's just "huge tits, the game".
I would add Ring Fit Adventure to the list. If you manage to find it for sale anywhere.
With the exception of Yoshi and maybe Fire Emblem Warriors, those are all pretty good. For other exclusives, you should consider Tropical Dong, Splatoon 2, Astral Chain, Fast RMX and Bayonetta 2.
Also, if you haven't played them before, Valkyria Chronicles, Tales of Vesperia and Okami are all great.
Way to let everyone know you never played XC2. The story is kino
marvel ultimate alliance 3
Hyrule Warriors
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
you better have bought a pre-patched one otherwise you wasted money
>Don't get Xenoblade 2, it's trash. It's the Persona 4 of the Xeno games
Pretty good list, OP. I can say with sincerity that I have played and thoroughly enjoyed many of the games you've selected. The only glaring omission I can see is Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. It's a fantastic game that should be played by anyone who likes 2D platformers. I would honestly swap Yoshi out for Donkey Kong, unless you're one of those people who are genuinely enthusiastic about Yoshi.
I’m in the same boat as OP
I just bought a switch. So far I have Smash and Mario Odyssey. I was thinking of maybe getting fire emblem too... is it worth it? I love JRPGs but never played a fire emblem game
>>Yoshi's crafted world
>>Stardew Valley
these suck and are gay.
yoshis and fire emblem warriors suck ass. Rest are fine though
I'm interested in the new mystery dungeon game and I don't have a switch, is it good? I plan on getting botw, smash and animal crossing as well
Xenoblade 2 is shit. Play xenoblade 1.
Fire Emblem is inferior to the previous games too.
Just emulate a good fire emblem instead.
Those are all pretty great.
I would also add Bayo 1/2 and Astral Chain (and W101) to that list if you like action games
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is godawful. I'm sorry, it's just "huge tits, the game".
So you either didn't play it or didn't pay attention
Granted, the game has issues with presentation and pacing but saying its only value is huge tits is being incredibly facetious
you know leftists hate liberals too right?
Fairly solid list. If you're good with anime games get Rune Factory 4 Special
The majority of those are good
The only one I personally don't like that much is Yoshi's Crafted World
The other thing I'd say is taht AC and Stardew Valley (for met at least) have a lot of overlap appeal so maybe just get one since they'll both be the type of game you play a bit every day to keep your estate in order
Is Link’s Awakening worth getting?
>Animal crossing - Nostalgia bait that quickly becomes boring
>Smash - Mindless fun with tons of characters to unlock
>Luigi's Mansion 3 - If you liked the original, this improves on basically everything. It's charming and enjoyable.
>Breath of the Wild - Kinda mandatory if you're gonna own a Switch. It's very fun.
>Super Mario Odyssey - One of the best Mario games ever made
>Super mario maker 2 - You build Mario levels and you play other people's. Not appealing to me, but not terrible.
>Xenoblade 2 - Fuck that horrible shit
>Xenoblade DE - Never played it
>Splatoon 2 - Never played it
>Yoshi's crafted world - Cute but kinda boring after a while
>Mario Kart - It's Mario Kart. If you've ever played one of those before, then you know what you're getting
>Fire Emblem Warriors - Repetitive. Quickly becomes boring.
>Stardew Valley - Do you like the idea of owning a farm? I found it boring, but I seem to be in the minority.
install Smash Ultimate (the game runs better in the HD. The online mode is faster this way) and try to beat me, you noob. I challenge you.
The huge tits are arguably the best part of that trashfire of a game.
>I've been thinking about a few games to get. Are the majority of these shit or nah?
>>Animal crossing
10/10 if you have friends to play with locally
>>Luigi's Mansion 3
its shit. looks really nice though
>>Breath of the Wild
>>Super Mario Odyssey
>>Super mario maker 2
meh too much of the same
>>Xenoblade 2
10/10 if you're into jrpgs
>>Xenoblade DE
not out yet
>>Splatoon 2
10/10 if you like multiplayer games. best shooter
>>Yoshi's crafted world
its shit
>>Mario Kart
fun with friends
>>Fire Emblem Warriors
>>Stardew Valley
never played
disregard this post
I've been söying about a few games to söy. Are the majority of these söy or söy?
>Söyal crossing
>Söyigi's Mansion 3
>Breath of the Söy
>Super Mario Södyssey
>Söyer mario maker 2
>Xenosöy 2
>Xenosöy DE
>Söytoon 2
>Söyshi's crafted world
>Mario Söy
>Söy Emblem Warriors
>Söydew Valley
all good except
>>Fire Emblem Warriors
just get hyrule warriors DE if you're so inclined to play a musou.
I dunno, the story and characters and writing were pretty solid.
As was the worldbuilding, combat and exploration.
My only real complaints on it have to do with the way shit is presented, technical polish and some things from Torna that I wish they would have added into the main game like rear-guard arts
Leftists are far worse than Liberals. Trannies are Leftists, user.
Smash depends on how much you like the franchise and if you have friends to play with locally
I enjoyed breath of the wild despite hating every other 3d zelda game
Odyssey is the best game on the system
Mario Maker 2 is only worth it if you like making and playing stages
Stardew is good
Splatoon is better than it looks
>Super Mario Odyssöy
You typed wrong, DORK!!!!!
Animal Crossing
Splatoon 2
Mario Maker 2
Waifublade 2
Yoshi's Crafted World