>Gordon! Wake yo punk ass up!
Gordon! Wake yo punk ass up!
Why'd that make Eli blacker?
is him chimping out just a meme or do you guys honestly believe he acted out of character?
It's a meme, more poking fun at Eli's new VA than anything
>tfw he gives you the crowbat
>and you take it
Felt so good. Valve is back, bros
Wake yo punk ass up Gordon, we got a city to burn
I hope that when he seems Gman Eli insults him in the most ghetto way possible
>Wake the fuck up gordon, we got a dyson sphere to burn
top 10 gaming moments for me, they captured it perfectly, the sounds that play when you grab it are so satisfying
You can also notice Gman on the left in that scene
When Eli curses him he waves the way he stands but seems like he can't see Gman in that scene
The fuck? Sauce me.
Holy hell.
yep, i think this was intentional to let you know that gman in HLA was ALWAYS the gman from episode 2. He went back in time to orchestrate the events of HLA, and him walking away in the ep 2 hanger shows us that he's back in his relative present. It's a nice touch, and dare i say, KINO.
>Lambda symbol in Alyx remains.
>Warning! Vital signs critical! Seek medical attention!
>You have Gordon's gloves.
>Dog appears.
>We've got work to do!
>Hands you Crowbar.
>audio feedback from grabbing it
Absolutely 10/10 fucking kino, jesus christ.
>tfw you realize theres only one advisor in the hanger at the end of the game because alyx killed the other one on the train in the quarantine zone
Oh fuck so THAT'S why he was captured? I was wracking my brain trying to figure out how the Combine managed to imprison him in the first place, especially when Eli tells you he was just sitting in an abandoned apartment when the Combine found him. I guess he was playing 4D chess and knew Alyx would find him. The Vortigaunts cock blocked him out of an agent in the present, so he went back in time to take someone else.
Still what I don't understand is why the Vortigaunts made us free G-man.
Gman and Eli have tighter similarities to their Half-Life 1 analogues. I'm not sure that's the reason, but it's a neat detail.
>>Dog appears.
New Dog model looks so good
I'm disappointed that we didn't get to pet him when he was smol. You can find schematics and a photo in Alyx hideout though
The vorts didnt make us free gman, they were being sucked dry by the combine to power the vault, they were cut off from the vortescence so they probably didnt have any idea gman was in there in the first place.
inb4 next game we play as Dog
The Vorts tell us to go into the Vault, though. Idunno. Even if they were cut off from the Vortessence, they'd remember how the timeline used to be, so they'd at least wonder what the fuck this new Vault is and not readily tell you to go to it.
good point, there is the pocket dimension theory that's popular here (pic related). If this was the case it could be that Gman was controlling these vorts, that doesnt sound super satisfying though.
Gonna play through HL2 again, it's gonna feel real cathartic to be back in Gordon's boots after Alyx. I really love the dichotomy between Alyx's game and Gordon's games. Gordon's a demigod and does everything better and faster. Alyx is played in VR and it's a slower, more methodical, |human" experience.
I hope they don't make VR games with Gordon as the protag. I'm hoping the ending to Alyx means that Alyx is going to be the VR protagonist and Gordon will remain the mouse+KB protagonist, going forward.
>Eli have tighter similarities to their Half-Life 1
Tyler streamed today and infodumped a lot of his shit, one of the things he said was that valve atleast at one point, has been considering making gordon games only in flatscreen, with all the other characters (alyx, barney, etc.) as VR games. Would make sense considering their standings in the plot.
Fingers crossed they go in that direction. There's definitely some real good Source 2 visuals to show off in a flatscreen Half Life game not bound by VR performance requirements.
Pick one of the many black scientists you meet before the Resonance Cascade and that's probably who he meant.
None of them sound like the type of people who would say SON OF A BITCH AND HIS UNFORESEEN CONSEQUENCES
Yeah i'm fine with it, just hope they actually bother to make them, theres clear room to improve on the VR side but i dont know how a flatscreen half life could take off without valve getting some serious innovation.
at first i thought yes but then i remembered how in ep2 he got pissed about gman and at the time i thought that was out of character as well
Why did they bring back a dead character whose VA died some time ago?
>keep one of the characters whose original voice actor died
yeah ok, should have brought breen back too with someone new to ruin him as well!
Nah it's totally out of character. The most common curse word in Eli's vocabulary is goddamn.
>Goddamn you, Breen, you let her go!
>Now he's using my little girl. Putting words in her mouth. Goddamn it.
Even when Eli and Alyx's lives were on the chopping block under Breen's threat of offworld teleportation, Eli was as cool as a cucumber.
>Go ahead, Breen! If that's the worst you can do, send us both through your portal!
Even when his life was on the line against the advisor, there was no battle cry against them. Just a final parting wish to Alyx and Gordon.
>Listen to me! Destroy that ship!
What happened was they got a younger voice actor with more gusto in his pipes so they figured they'd add more life to Eli. What Laidlaw would have wrote for Eli back in 2007/8/9 for this HL:A scene probably would have went something like
>Gordon! Gordon! Wake up, son! She's gone. He-he must have taken her! Goddamn him! "Unforeseen consequences"! We can't let him have her, Gordon! Not my Alyx. Pick yourself up! I'll raise Kleiner and Magnusson. We've got work to do.
Does the fact that the reset Eli's death mean that Valve was unhappy with the Ep. 2 ending and didn't want to continue the series?
What's wrong with that?
It meant they were too creatively bankrupt to continue on from there. Also allows them to go woke with more black presence in the game.
but they swapped out alyx for eli so yah...
That makes non-VR port even more obsolete
Eli > Alyx
He lost his cool for 10 seconds after his daughter disappeared in front of his eyes. He regains his composure very quickly. "We've got work to do".
I hope they get the Black Mesa soundtrack guy for HL3
shit was SO cash
They changed the ending because of epistle 3, this has nothing to do with being woke
>shit was SO cash
zoom zoom
The BM OST is good but it's nothing to do with Half-Life, user. It's loud, it's very cinematic. Get a bit more taste.
His daugther vanishes in front of his eyes after he knew that some space jew took her.
How the fuck he should had reacted?
How would he even be aware of a time change? Doesn't add up.
>>shit was SO cash
>zoom zoom
that meme is older than you, clearly
No, the other one ran away because of DOG.
White Forest is about to go the way of the Railroad and Black Mesa East.
"Wow, this really sucks. There's no need to be brash, so I'll refrain from cursing."
Didn't he also found a remodeled Kleiner?
Also Valve made like 8 variations of the same NPC just so it could only be used in a 30 sec scene.
Bravo Valve.
He isnt? Gman used alyx in ep2 to deliver a message, in universe that was like 2 hours ago
Play the fucking games
Eh.. Not really.
Not much new in alyx that cant be done in half life alyx besides it being inferior because playing on k+m would simply make the game easier.
Because when alyx said "Prepare for Unforeseen Consequences", he immediatly got it on what was going on.
Again, the man was desperate, you can't expecet a person to hold its manners when something extreme like that happens.
He and his daughter were about to die and he egged Breen on with total calm, ending with
>Don't struggle honey.
so they ret-conned the end of episode 2? Give me a quick rundown, I will never play VR.
What would you want nudged Yas Forums?
No u gay
I want the jannies off Yas Forums.
Me actually having a purpose in life.
Dont have the image thr whole game was unironically vr for alyx.
>Greg Coomer
Done. You pass butter.
me into my grave
HL2 getting a proper continuation instead of this HL alyx GARBAGE
surprisingly good cloth physics
I want HL3 to be VR only
Valves incompetense to bring Index to Norway
Soon HP's "index killer" will release and MIght as well get that instead.
There is no reason why it shouldnt be hybrid.
But theres alot. Like level design. in VR you want to explore every corner because the enviroment is so believable. in non-VR you mostly blast through and miss alot. Also the feel of space is different. Like forexample, Russels lab would feel super small in non-VR.
Daily reminder that this ending wasn't so powerful because of Eli's death - it was Alyx's reaction that fucked everyone up. That's a main reason why changing the ending is a fucking travesty. Also just reminding you that this entire game has only one single significant story moment, which is the ending. I wouldn't look forward to getting answers because a) it's going to be the most uniterestingly contrived shit ever and b) it's not going to come out for another decade.
Imagine if they brought Breen back. It would be ever more lame.
Narratively, Eli's death was very important too. And this just turns Alyx into a person needing rescued.
Just take me back
Let me undo all of those mistakes
Let me smile again
I'll do whatever you want