>Play 2:SotfS for the first time
>dialogue is cringe about how I’m going to die
>humanity doesn’t exist anymore, doesn’t make any sense with 1 in mind
>even more cringe dialogue
>gank squads that despawn after an amount of times
>broke my sword after going through the boss and can’t repair it because the retard can’t find his key
>Emerald Maiden’s voice is so dry that results in Bearer Seek Seek Lest, only redeeming quality is tits
>partying and backstabbing take forever to do
>hitboxes are fucked
>for some reason 2 estus+Estus shards
What the fuck am I playing? It’s not unplayably bad just pants of head retarded and has almost nothing to do with the original. I beat the conjoined fish guys inside the pirate ship
Play 2:SotfS for the first time
Yeah, fellow Dark Souls gamer, DaS2 is complete trash, you should drop it right now, only idoits think it has anything to offer. I can't believe B team thought it was a good idea to experiment with the formula instead of just making a copy of the first game. Thankfully BASED Miyazaki-san basically did that with DaS3 so you should just skip to that, or even better, just play the Dark Souls Remaster! Praise the Sun Bro!
Shut the fuck up idiot, this is legitimately, unironically bad. It has some good ideas but what the fuck were they thinking with this shit?
>B-b-b-b-but Dark Souls 3!
Every fucking time
Desu it's a wonky game but I had more fun with it on the whole than Dark Souls 3 - now that was a boring game
On the topic of 2 though, I never played the DLC, and I feel like I should get to it since everyone says it's the best part
don't expect it to be that much better, but they are pretty good
>can’t repair it because the retard can’t find his key
yeah, he's the retard..
>>Play 2:SotfS for the first time
That's your problem right there.
I made the same mistake and played this version first too.
You need to play the original ds2 first to properly experience the game.
SoftS version is even more filled with ganks and cheap bullshit.
How did you have more fun with 2 than 3? 2 feels floaty as fuck, and has some pretty damn boring barebones bosses so far. I’ve only beaten two bosses in both of these games yet there’s a shocking difference in quality between fishguy and the watchdog
How does the original hamlet area compare to Sotfs?
Theres that word again lol.
Is that all you have to say?
>SoftS version is even more filled with ganks and cheap bullshit.
This is probably why DS2 lovers will always be hated by Yas Forums. I absolutely loved that shit. That shit got me seething, but when i beat it it felt great. Some people just dont have the constitutions to press on through games, they need that instant gratification.
Dark Souls 2 is the worst game in the series by a long shot.
>DkS2 bad
Oh boy, he hates the best dark souls rpg.
Nothing in dark souls 2 even comes remotely close to the difficulty of a depth 5 fetid rotted cursed chalice dungeon in bloodborne. The difference though is that bloodborne isn't a shit game. Playing souls games for the difficulty alone is fucking dumb
> no BB
The chalice dungeons are shit, same with these levels, there’s your similarity
chalices are way better than anything in ds2
I love Bloodborne but who the fuck cares about copy-paste chalice dungeons with literal artificial difficulty?
>the best defense of this game is by this tranny lover
kek. DS2 fans are just sad. I won't say the game is absolutely terrible or anything, but come on.
Literally who?
I recently did a play through of all three games, and while I love all three of them. 2 is my favourite, for me it has the best world, story, and most importantly, replayability
Some faggy youtuber. He is Jesus for DS2 fans.
>DS2fags can't read
explains their worship of youtubers
>dark souls 2 is good because it has cheap bullshit that is really hard
>bloodborne has harder cheaper bullshit and that's why it sucks
No thanks, I can defend DS2 without this retard
Maybe his fans, but practically nobody I’ve seen here who defends DS2 likes him
different posters schizo
Who are you quoting?
>literal cherry picking
>dks2 fag
They're all meming you, I like 2 but I hated the DLC. Actually to date I haven't liked any Fromsoft DLC, I think the people who post saying they're good are just trying to shill for free for whatever fucking reason.
I played 3 last of all of them, so keep that in mind
2 feels like a less polished version of Souls, but with a lot of content. What's there is obviously inferior to the other games, but you have so much to do, and a large world that's still fun to traverse due to fantasy elements that it's still a good time.
3 felt like crap to me because it was like diet Bloodborne. Combat is just roll roll roll roll roll, bosses are flashy but less fun than ever, and it's the first game that didn't add anything cool or interesting to what Souls is. I can say that the costume design was pretty cool, and certain areas looked great visually, but something about it is just not exciting to play after seeing all the others.
Idk all the dlc has some amazing ost like Sir Alonne, Artorias and Gael
The only dark souls dlc I like is 2’s. Artorias of the Abyss was just a pain in the ass, always feels like a chore rather than something fun. Painted world DLC was just underwhelming. Ringed city was okay, was fun but the lore was retarded
The only good one is Old Hunters.
DS1 has a good fight but otherwise is mediocre.
I agree, but it’s still pretty enjoyable compared to 95% of games released since it came out. Not a bad problem for it or the series to have.
>he didn’t like Kalameet, Artorias and Manus
Get the fuck out of here
Would you recommed Sekiro to someone who only likes Bloodborne and the first DS?
Yeah, the story was nonsense. No satisfaction at all.
Like anyone gives a fuck about your shitty opinion just because you wasted more time than the average souls player
I tanked way too fucking hard in DS1.
It's not cheating, but it's definitely not the most fun strategy.
I would, for sure
Then don’t do it?
>normalfag friend buys DsR on Steam
>visit him again 1 week later
>all stats 99
>soul count 9999999999
>still casually walking around in NG with his fully leveled artorias greatshield up 24/7
>hp is so high it actually goes beyond the visual hp bar, making it look like he takes zero dmg for the first few hits of anything
Pc port was a mistake.
>cherry picking
Like at least 50% of the scenarios and interiors in DS2 look fucking awful.
Same goes for DS1
Dark Souls doesn’t have that many interior areas. As evidenced by that screenshot, you’re clearly wrong
>as evidenced by this screenshot of one room of one area of each game
SotFS is the best Souls game overall, being summoned for Ivory King was the most fun I’ve had with the series
Didn't some other guy make a multi-part video series completely DESTROYING his Dark Souls 2 defense?
>SotFS is the best Souls game overall
Probably true if it's the only one you ever play.
So you literally admit you’re cherry picking. Ok dude
I'd recommend sekiro to anyone with good taste. You don't have shit taste, right user?
Well I hate to burst your bubble, but this screenshot shows you’re clearly wrong
>Sir Alonne
Awful hitboxes and gay Dark Souls 2 tracking and getting caught by his grab because of Dark Souls 2's shit rolls... not fun.
Shit fight.
I didn’t make the image but continue exploding at your keyboard
>2 has better interior design than 1 because a literal fucking sewer in 1 doesn't look as good as a castle in 2
More like autistic furfaggot Mauler nitpicking and sperging out with tons of subjective opinions.
I did exactly what you did, cherry pick an example that made my position favourable and made the other look bad. And what do you know, now you’re getting butt hurt when someone uses your gay tactics against you.
I’m completely calm man, because I don’t use fallacious arguments unlike you
bloodborne's DLC is GOAT, play it if you haven't already
Experiments are nice but they also have to take into consideration that they could be failures.