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N64 isn't a retro console

literally never
they dont give a fuck, and it shows

Gameboy and GBC first.

yes it is.

Sin & Punishment better be on it



Literally just emulate

i just dont understand whats so hard about it. they're not even selling them elsewhere. they're just holding them and not doing fucking anything.

I'd rather have an N64 mini

Why release ROMs when they can re-release the games as "remasters"?

Never. Nintendo has gotten people to reliably buy online thanks to Smash and Splatoon. There is no incentive for them to add anything else now that they have a large portion of people paying for online games.

It's the exact same thing that happened to the quality of free PS+ games once PS4 required PS+ for online.

n64 mini is never happening.

just do it yourself

Attached: 1581303820061.jpg (690x408, 59.03K)

but roms would make more money

N64 emulators can still be buggy and that's all nintendo does with their "retro" consoles. They just steal emulator software and resell.

I legitimately don't think I'd be interested unless they gave us the option to play the games without the Anti Aliasing

Attached: GameShark_UHDMI.png (1920x1080, 1.73M)

Not really, considering they'd be part of the $60/year subscription while they can sell OoT HD for $60 on its own.

N64 was a shit console. Literally only two of its games are still playable and they're both Zelda games.
Give us Gameboy/GBC or GBA instead

According to /vr/ the last retro console was Dreamcast.


nigga i dont give a fuck about that i want mystical ninja and BUCK BUMBLE

I really doubt anyone who wants an Ocarina remake would be swayed by access to the original

>Switch's NES and SNES selections cucked out of Castlevania and Mega Man because Konami and Capcom decided to release their own collections.

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N64 was in a generation before DC.

That would require effort.

>ywn play a nonfucked version of conker or paper mario again without forking over 500+ dollarydoos
why is n64 emulation so fucking shit still and why does any controller that isint n64 work like total shit
i would never have any problems aiming in zelda on n64 but try using emu and even with the sensitivity on 0% it still does a full 180 from a tiny flick

Which is why SNES games came long after Smash and Splatoon!
Your post is logic-free.

it literally wouldnt

Not giving a fuck about it unless they put Rare’s games

just buy their collection

june, they release this with episode 1 racer and rogue squad/BFN

i aint buying an xbox one just to play N64 games

That type of control stick just isn't made anymore man. This is the sole reason why I want a mini.

No more Nintendo info until June desu.

/vr/ is fucking retarded and shouldnt even exist as a board

same, and so i dont have to play at PAL framerates either

There is not a single implementation of N64 emulation that is 100% accurate.

Hopefully never. Only NES and SNES were any good and Nintendo knows it

Nintendo is the HK of the gaming world:
You suck, we hate you, our stuff is years behind the market standard, is twice the price of what it should be worth, our fanboys will fanatically buy everything we offer twice over while defending our crappy practices online, and we'll never give you what you want directly, and if we do, there's a major downside.
Also you suck, and we hate you.

This would be cool
But I'd rather have an N64 classic, the snes classic makes for a far better experience than the snes/nes games on Switch. There needs to be full screen options.

>talking about /vr/

That's like saying you can't represent a true curve on a coordinate grid. It's true but it's also meaningless at a certain point. The Wii N64 emulators were accurate enough to be indistinguishable

It's the Disney method. Don't you remember the Disney vault?

If Microsoft had source code, they would make it happen. Issue is that Japs cant code for shit so they dont try.

This, we barely have new avatar icon. They don't care.
Even hack scene has trouble with emulators, still no Gamecube emulator on Switch.

GB/GBC stuff is gonna come first and you know it.

If you could pick 20 games for an N64 app, what would you pick?

There aren't that many N64 games.

But they weren't accurate. They were nearly identical to PC emulators at the time. They still use HLE and required specific configurations on a per-game basis and even then it still wasn't accurate. So to say making an emulator for the Switch or even porting it to the Switch, making more emulation profiles for whatever new games they add, and make it work for online play, is objectively false.

maybe some day user

The thing with emulators is that a lot of it is just brute force. It's why you need a 8-core CPU for acceptable PS2 emulation (software rendering) and why emulation of anything past 6th gen is still in its infancy.

perhaps when you pull those cocks out of your mouth OP?

I don't even know why you faggots still use this service when you could literally emulate the whole library on your PC

Sin and Punishment
Super Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
Mario Party 2
Star Fox 64
Kirby The Crystal Shards
Paper Mario
Bomberman 64
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon

ok boomer

Because if you're paying for online play you might as well play around with the ROMs they give you access to.

it's retro as fuck. 1993 was almost 20 years ago, 17 years old in fact. The NES was considered retro since the gamecube days, and by the time the gamecube was released the NES was about 18 years old.
The dreamcast alone was released late 1998, which is 21 years ago, and the N64 will be 24 years old this june. The gap between today and the N64 is as big as the Gamecube had with the fucking Atari 2600.

You're old, chump, Coronavirus is going to take your ass.

Swap out Bomberman for Quest and this is also my list.

>N64 was released in 1993
What the fuck where did the time go?

>HLE and required specific configurations on a per-game basis
Neither of which are problems when you have an incredibly small specific library of games. If people were still making N64 software, sure, but hacking in multiplayer is easily doable. I'd argue it favors HLE because it doesn't have to worry about specific timings for patching in inputs

user, it's 2020 not 2010.
It's 27 years old.

>$60/year subscription
It's actually only $20.