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made me cry when i realized nobody will love me even 1/10th of what mipha loves link, not gonna lie

you, the kass fan, and the twink link people need to fuck off.

Mipha a cute, zelda a shit

what does the kass fan do?

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I don't hate Zelda in BOTW but I agree Mipha is indeed cute

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She's dead

Bring her back then!

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I'm sure there's a way for her to be resurrected, user. Time travel shenanigans is an option too.

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he kind of stopped... but he was a furry obsessed with Kass. He spammed threads and emailed Nintendo about marrying him, etc etc.

it was at least a little entertaining because it was one insane dude. The twink Link and henti type people should be excommunicated though.

>tfw it all hit you

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He would literally come to any thread that was even vaguely related to BOTW and start spamming shitty Kass porn. I hope he got hit by a drunk driver and died.

The only acceptable answer. Best girl is still alive as well and will actually very likely be in BotW2.

I want to FUCK her!

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She's fucking dead you dumb retard and botw 2 will probably be just as garbage as the first one

How do I into master mode?
These enemies at the plateau are a little silly.

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wow ur so cool and contrairan, user

Yeah boo hoo except Link didn't give a single hot fuck about fish girl and only ever wanted to smash Zelda's ass from the word go.

TFW they rub salt in the damn wound in the DLC

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Master mode is anti-fun, you have to play like a tryhard to merely break even in most encounters.

Yeah why would anyone want a harder difficulty to encourage trying hard?

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In master mode you aren't supposed to fight you are supposed to avoid enemies.

Stop attacking head on, you'll just break your weapons extremely quickly. Instead exploit sneakstrikes, which do 8x damage per hit, use environmental effects like knocking Bokoblins into water and fire, bait them into walking into fire, use bombs to try to get them to drop their weapons, freeze them to deal a big break hit, and if enemies are near water or metal shoot electric attacks into the water/metal to do an AoE attack that kills enemies dead. Also exploit attack boost buffs over everything else, since if you're doing Master Mode you shouldn't be taking hits. Shield parries work wonders for deflecting attacks and disarming enemies, especially beam attacks.

Look who got filtered.

I love her

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wgere did she got that water proof lipstick

How do i get a mipha gf?

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Thank you user. Have another.

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Is there evidence of mixed race children in the Zelda universe?

I hope they're finding Ganondorf's corpse to snatch his triforce piece to wish them back.

Anyone else believe Zeltik's theory about the sheika energy being Spirit energy? I think it makes a lot of sense

Nope, even the Gerudo children are pure Gerudo even though they have to have mixed parents

How would feel if she was brought back but only as a zombie skeleton like ganon, her other form doesn’t appear at all

it starts off hard then gets easier later in the playthrough when you consistently get strong enough weapons. if you really want to kill them early on you have to set sticks and clubs on fire to maximize damage, use bombs, or using magnesis to hit them with objects. you have to focus on killing one enemy at a time because they start healing really fast. later in the game lynel's multishot bows with ice arrows do a shit ton of damage, because it freezes them and simultaneously breaks them out of it, which does triple damage.

i fight them just fine, you just need a lot of experience with the fundamentals. no one should play it on their first try because they won't know the effective strategies.

What did she mean by this

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posting in a based thread

Link was tempted by zelda's fat ass and couldnt help himself

If they care about the story of the game she shouldn't be brought back and she definitely should not ever be revived, her appearing in a flashback or as a ghost during an important moment to say something to her brother would be cool though

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Okay but what if I despise Zelda but want to fuck Mipha and Riju at the same time?

Yep. Good god damn

I fucking did it bros

Fuck the beginning trials, they're harder than the final trials.

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For me it's Urbosa
Yep, this is the best opinion on Yas Forums right now

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>Mipha's dad put her diary on display for all of Zora's Domain to read

What the fuck is his problem?

People have told me that Zelda was already using the full triforce to seal Ganon at the end of BOTW though

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She's never needed the full triforce before. I'm hoping that's just for the aesthetic

Is that dead body in BotW2 even confirmed to be Ganondorf or is it just barafags hoping and praying with all this cringy "hydrated" Ganondorf art

Face not blank enough.

Mipha was sweet, but you're lying to yourself if you think Link gave a shit.

Unless there's some other male Gerudo who turned into a spooky mummy right under Hyrule castle It's definitely Ganondorf

Imagine a girl that sticks up for you instead of laughing along with the shit talking

It literally is gannon... he has the gerudo symbal... he has a wound on his torso. Who knows if he'll really turn back into bara gannondorf though

Mipha is pure sex.

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Kinda fucking lame of them to do Ganon again in a game that's not a direct sequel. Seems like a downgrade too, there's not a way that Ganondorf can top Calamity Ganon.

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Imagine unironically wanting to fuck the smelly desperate subhuman fishgirl over the gorgeous blonde princess with an ass that just won't quit.

god i wish.....

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*in a game that is a direct sequel

Well done bro. I felt great the first time I did it, too. That sword looks so dope fully powered up.

Oh i get it... thats pretty funny lol

It is a little strange to have Ganondorf right after we fought Calamity Ganon but Ganondorf is potentially an actual character instead of some mindless force of nature and so is definitely better

Actually it won’t be a downgrade because unlike calamity Ganon, Ganondorf will have an actual fucking personality

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>An actual character

Ganondorf's only semblance of actual character was in Wind Waker where he was being a whiny bitch and blaming the goddesses for his own fuck ups.

When it comes to design and actual fun gameplay for his boss battles, Ganon was always far superior to Ganondorf. Maybe they'll do a better job this time around but I'm not holding my breath.