Animal Crossing thread

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how do i make shooting stars appear? the red owl is here

>have to make room for something
>decide to get rid of beetle
>character tosses the beetle into the ocean

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Is there any chance i could get another Visitor tomorrow after The turnip girl?
I have a lot of bugs stocked up, i wanna sell them to the lizard for more bells

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Before I keep spending time on this has anyone had success spawning tarantulas on this island? The only bugs here so far were centipedes

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I really wanted oranges, but I got cherries. Which are also pretty chad, but damn, I just fucking love oranges.

Cherry Chads, RISE UP!

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Do non native fruits only grow once or do they just take longer to respawn? My peaches that I harvested yesterday aren't back today

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Apple here. so true. you chads are always allowed to sell in my ass town of apples.

When the FUCK are we gonna get gynoids back, if ever?

How do you get her to appear? I read that she appears the night your museum opens, but I looked all over my town last night and she was nowhere to be found.

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please someone with cherry furniture I'll trade for my apple furniture.


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takes a couple days

Bros, I followed all the steps to make my first tarantula island, but all I'm getting are butterflies. Do I have to go to the island after 7pm? I started clearing it at like 6:45 to get a head start. Also, is there a way to scare off the butterflies without using my net's durability?

Any islands want some oranges? Or any islands open to just hanging out?


my museum opened like a week ago


all fruit takes a few days to respawn now

I'll accept myself as a cherry chad even though I was hoping for oranges

If it's a clear night with little to no clouds, then just stare up at the sky with nothing equipped and wait until one shows up. They usually appear in clusters, and you may be waiting a long time to see one. It's something to do when you wanna take a break, just watch some youtube vids or shitpost until you hear one fall then grab your controller and mash A.
Your best bet is to find an user who has a meteor shower happening and hope they post their dodo code.

Anyone know if you can make Gene's Rock-a-Bye from God Hand in the tune maker? I'd kinda like that as my island tune once I unlock it.

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>go on my first island tour after laying down a house plot from the town hall
God has blessed me with his luck holy shit. 5/7 of my villagers are god-tier so far, too bad one of the duds is a campsite villager so I'm probably going to have to buy some amiibos or something

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I want her on my island so bad man....

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So turnips don't rot when leave them outside unburied right?

Any chance someone could let me catalog the Fighting game arcade cabinet? Ill give you a piece of snowman furniture

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fuck off

>find an oversized shirt for sale
>it's listed as a dress

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I'm a bit behind so I'm sure this has been answered already but is it true that your first three vilagers are predetermined personality types (I think it was lazy/peppy/normal) and that islands will only have those types of villagers until the third one moves in?

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>but all I'm getting are butterflies
That means you didn't get rid of the flowers. Run over them or pick them.

Nooks bow to the Boardanoff
in contact with snowmen
rumoured to possess psychic abilities
control main street with an iron fist
own spider islands all over the world
direct descendant of Joan
will bankroll the first Nooks Cranny on Mars (Boardanip will be be the first town)
own basically every duping facility on Earth
first designer villagers will be Boars
entire family said to have 200+ IQ
ancient Japanese scriptures tell of an angel who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented wealth with them
They own turnip R&D labs around the world
You likely have Boardabots inside your house right now
The Boardanoffs are in regular communication with wisps, forwarding the word of the afterlife to the tanukis
They learned fluent animalese in under a week
Nation states entrust their bell reserves with the boars. There's no gold in Ft. Knoox, only Ft. Boardanoff
Daisy Mae is 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
In reality, she is a time travelling beings existing in all points of time and space from the Boar bang to the end of the universe

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If no bugs are spawning on the ground, then no spiders can spawn.

Pick the flowers, don't transplant them. I don't know why everyone thinks digging them up does anything cus on the beach they still attract bugs. The stems left wherever don't spawn anything once the petals are gone.

And yes, #1 thing is go there after the thing you want starts spawning. Random islands lock into a spawn set when you arrive so they will never spawn if you get there at 6:59.

turnips rot after 1 week no matter where you leave them
they don't rot if you leave them on the ground randomly (until the 1 week elapses)

I have nothing valuable to offer but if someone has a shop selling it I'd like to come as well

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>The data mined files calls the cafe: Museum Cafe
Does this mean the Cafe will be in the museum?? I kinda like that if true

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Thanks, I was getting tired of burying them

Someone open an island. I'm sucking dick for free tonight.

Based Melty Chad

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Wait wtf, turnips can rot?

I am literally on this island right now. I cleared everything and nothing spawned.

museum is getting a second floor
those random stairs to nothing have to be for something

But that's apples to oranges.

>tfw I didn't realize this is a male until I looked him up on a wikia like 5 days after he moved in, thought he was a girl that whole time

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South hemisphere here, come fish

If you have a wand/wand recipe, donate to me


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>user please, it's past our bedtime...

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Literally camp the dodo until you get a few people then close it

I get tiger beatles occassionally

I did pick all the flowers. They're all just the green bulbs now, and it's the bamboo island so there's nowhere for one to hide, right?

The cafe was in the museum in City Folk so its cool to see they are going that route again

>Go to a Yas Forumsillager's town.
>Enter his house.
>Nothing but QR code porn patterns on his walls.

Do people unironically jack off while playing Animal Crossing? Why not look at the picture online at a normal resolution?

yes, and it's the way you get Ants for the museum

Put the resources on the sand
Remove stumps
Remove rocks
Scare off roaches and tigers

You always start with jock and uchi, then lazy peppy and normal are mandatory for the three houses you build

You have to destroy the rocks

:O Holy shit i hope thats true. Museum is my favourite thing so far. I would love any additions

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I tried that island two days ago and couldn't get tarantulas. I might have fucked something up though I'm not an expert.

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>Does this mean the Cafe will be in the museum??
No, it means literally nothing.
The datamines were from the game's day 1 release. There's every possibility they were planning on a second floor and didn't do it due to time constraints. There's no guarantee any of it's being added back.

>rocks and stumps
goddamn it I knew I forgot something