How is it in 8 years not a single studio has produced gunplay as good as this

How is it in 8 years not a single studio has produced gunplay as good as this

Attached: download (2).jpg (202x249, 12.42K)

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cause rockstar is the best studio ever

Tbqh I think this version of Max is the best character Rockstar has ever produced

Shooters have been dead for a long time

I keep seeing this meme but I don't quite undertsand it.
What particullarly do you think is good about it?
I've played it and the aiming is unrespinsive and unreliable since you don't always shoot where the crosshair is pointing, movement is pure ass, extremely slow and unresponsive and the arsenal is very small and the most generic selection of samey feeling guns ever.

It wasn't that good. Get 9mm pistols and aim for the head and that's it.

Literally everything you're saying is the opposite of how this game plays

I feel like your complaints would be addressed if you were just better at video games. I genuinely mean this.


I wish they didn't use that stupid filter the entire game.


Literally play the first and second game with mouse and keyboard on a computer and come back.

I never said I had trouble beating the game, it was just boring and unpleasant to play because it limits me as a player with its shitty physics demo simulation and boring weapons selection.
This is pretty much also true.

Its a great game for sure was hoping some of it would rub off on GTA5 but the shooting was garbage as usual.

How good is control i see its on sale right now and im kind of getting max payne vibes from it. any anons played who woud recommend?

There was next to no point using any other weapons. Dual 9mms were accurate, you got plenty of shots, and a single headshot was all you needed. Even against armoured enemies you didn't need to use rifles. The game is mostly about pressing shift and clicking on everyone's head as fast as you can.

Max Payne 4 when?

I've played the first and second a hundred times over, pretending the third isn't best gameplay is nostalgia goggles

>third person shitter
>good gunplay

God gameplay sucks. Literally just aim at the enemies and shoot


It's trash, got for free with my

>Boring weapon selection
Cause max Payne 1 + 2 were famous for having you use plasma rifles and bfgs right

>implying rdr2 isn't the best game currently available

It was great, and boomers rooted against it because "NOOO YOU CANT PUT A COVER SYSTEM NOOOO"
Few games will ever come as close as having such a good gunplay and realistic body armor mechanics.
Nostalgiafags should be genocides

See, there's your problem, you played it on consoles. Free aiming on consoles is utter trash in Rockstar's games. Use soft lock-on or hard lock-on, or play it on the PC like God intended you to.

Yas Forums hates red dead because some YouTuber bouncing on an exercise ball said a lot of meme words over some jumpcuts for half an hour

>hardcore new york minute
cant fuckn do it

>good gunplay
>every weapon has precise 100% pinpoint accuracy and unlimited range

Attached: 1515554994714.png (576x432, 214.13K)

>Every range at which you engage enemies is A game about real life shootings depicts guns accurately

Yes because you're constantly shooting at enemies that are 20 kilometres away from you, so unrealistic ugh makes me want to post a gay anime reaction image

>Anime reaction image
>Shit worthless take
Every fucking time

I don't what kind of garbage guns you've been firing lately but in real life, quality guns will always hit point of aim at the specific distance you've zeroed their sights at. The only valid complaint one could make is that full-auto in Max Payne 3 is too controllable, and I concede that would be true for the FAL rifle.

Most games don't give you the good weapons right off the bat, and it's hard to get good weapon feedback in a third person shooter.

What about Max Payne is about real shootings? Was it the parts where you fly through the air in slow motion blasting dual handguns?

Honestly I liked it, I never understood the hate it got on release.

zoomer gang noguns rise up

Attached: 3333344443.png (597x400, 78.75K)

>Special Ops cops start deploying in the terminal
>kino music starts
>Start running and gunning with a FAL towards cover
>reach a walkway on the 2nd floor
>no cover just glasses
>throw away fal, pick double berettas
>Jump in slow motion from the second floor poping headshots as I dodge a sea of bullets
>laying on the ground I start rotating and taking shots at enemies
>the last one pops out from behind a pillar
>shoot him in the leg
>close in and execute him

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Euro nogunz give themselves away way too easily desu

This is one of the few games that felt cinematic without just being a movie game. The cutscenes were well directed and usually pretty quick, and then back to the Rock solid gameplay

cutscenes being unskippable was horrendous though

>Confuses bullet deviation with recoil and handling
I have fired more guns than you, I'm just not a dumbfuck like you are

Is this opposite day?

>Euro y-you never fired a gun

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The real question is how is there no HD release for xbone and ps4

the cutscenes really ruin all replayability

>the way enemies reacted to your shots
>the ways enemies would collapse after succumbing to damage
>the brutal exit wounds on headshots
>the satisfying feedback of a .44 pistol whip to the jaw
>the visceral THUD you felt Everytime max dove through a window and landed wrong, probably broke a rib but pushed through the pain to keep fighting

This shit was unbelievable kino

>include bullet travel time
>have to lead your shots
>except headshots are magically hitscan making the game braindead easy

Attached: max payne 3.gif (345x259, 553.39K)


Rockstar like to pretend Max Payne 3 and Red Dead Redemption 1 fucking didn't happen or something. LA noire got a PS4 remaster of all things but not this. And trapping Red Dead on last generation is a borderline crime


>guns shoot where you aim them
>this is somehow a bad thing
Found the CSGO shitter

the whole airport was pure kino


>except headshots are magically hitscan making the game braindead easy
This is LITERALLY the only legit complaint I have heard so far

No, you're literally retarded. You think favela niggers are going to zero their guns. You think Max Payne even uses sights in the first place. You think you can retain perfect 100% accuracy target on sight with a handgun from 100 yards away. You think you can do this while in mid air too. I say "think" here but these aren't thoughts. These are just your mental turds, spewing in the thread, stinking it up.

Why was this game so fucking kino? Everything about it is fucking amazing, and yet I feel like it's vastly underrated.

>that soundtrack

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was this supposed to prove him wrong or something? this is pathetic and makes you look even worse

Yeah I did some digging on the internet too and someone says that a fat alcoholic former cop wouldn't be able to survive getting shot forty times in the chest and swallowing bottles of pills at the time. Idk how they fucked it up this bad


Sold like shit at the time since max Payne fans thought it was too different and the average normie didn't know anything about the franchise and didn't want to start at the third game. Unironically a case in which a reboot would have been smarter than a sequel.

I don't know. 3rd person shooters took a huge nose dive this gen. I can't think of any great ones.

Everyone wanted a ticket on the Max Payne express

Yeah I can't think of a single example that comes close to max Payne
Not even GTA and red dead 2 shoot as well as them, although red dead comes close

You literally just argued it is actually realistic for guns to hit 100% on target. Now you're saying oh it doesn't matter anyway because the game is unrealistic. You look like an imbecile right now.

>every weapon has precise 100% pinpoint accuracy and unlimited range
Yes, that's the definition of good gunplay. Fuck off zoomer

I have an idea for a prequel called "Min Pain"
>Set before Max Payne
>Wife and Kid not dead yet
>The game revolves around doing chores and mundane marriage stuff
>Imagine Postal 2 but third person and with Max Payne's gun play

>You think favela niggers are going to zero their guns
No, that's why they also miss, but there's not much to zero in max payne 3 ranges
>You think you can retain perfect 100% accuracy target on sight with a handgun from 100 yards away
You never get to shoot at such range
>You think you can do this while in mid air too. I say "think" here but these aren't thoughts
>all of this is still about shooter's aim and not gun accuracy
Keep up this shotshow, it's always funny to laugh at internet morons spewing bullshit excuses to justify their previous retarded shit

MP3 was fucking trash

Based game

Attached: double tap.webm (1422x800, 2.91M)

>people actually like max payne 3 and not ironically
>people actually praise the retarded headshot bullet time simulator as "good gunplay"

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