Itt thread games where you play as the young jubilant black youth

Itt thread games where you play as the young jubilant black youth.

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haha just some kids being kids. Probably A's and B's students too.

The epic racism thread posted on the video games board.

>it's only good when Whites do it

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fucking niggers

Nah they're all retards, but obviously OP is racebaiting too

I just want to talk about games that have black

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All I see are astronauts, mathematicians and scientists.

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oh ok.

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there was a period where this was every single Vine coming out, that period sucked

The way they dress is so cute.

That dumbass isn't even doing it right - the original prank was to pretend to fall over.

yeah. Memes and social media are a great mix, huh

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If only everyone could be as well behaved as Asians.

user dont be an idiot, most countries have all mathematicians, astronauts and scientists they need
what they DO need is cheap labor in the types of jobs that nobody in his sane mind would take, so let them in because we sure as hell ain't doing the shitty jobs


the state of nu4chan

>its another lets have a Yas Forums thread on Yas Forums episode
go back

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>just let them in
and that's why your country is shit, leaf.

This is Capitalism's fault.

uh-oh, the russkies are here to radicalize the fatties.

Do am*ricans really put their milk in 5 litre bottles?

t. basement pustule who can barely type a coherent sentence.

quick question, are you retarded?

Being unemployed, you don't have to do ANY jobs.

go suck you're moms hairy dicks faggot

All I see are cowards, criminals and HIV carriers.

i hate black people

t. black guy

No, I'm not am*rican

You know, I would totally play a new Bully from a young jubilant black youth perspective growing up in the hood.
Could be a massive hit like San Andreas. Make it happen Rockstar.

I know you've been here for all of 2 weeks, but you always had your containment board for this shit.

Not american yet managed to be retarded anyways
double ouch

Learn the Differences
A prank.
Doing it to disrupt others and vandalize.

these niggas must be paid actors then

Sickening...that store still sells toilet paper and I'm not there putting it in my cart.

lmao at all the white cucks posting their ancient gifs of those fags breaking milk jugs

holy shit how desperate to defend chimps can you be

I'm not exactly sure why smashing yourself to the floor can be considered a "prank", but ok

Quicker question, are you circumcised?

It will never happen people ( white journalists) well complain about racism

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>it's just a prank, bro

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Look at all of the women on board.

Today I will remind them

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> niggers
> working

Based blacks, destroying america

yes, thank god.

Uhhh hello, based department?

The racism is the fact that OP probably wants us to think "they're all like that" and that those who behave badly are products of biology rather than environment.

Be me a piece of shit disturbing the peace
>It just a prank bro

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Post hand or bbc with timestamp

Huh, so for once, OP was right.

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Why? To both this thread and the video.

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this is reddit

Please have sex incel

How do i report a thread for racism?

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Begone, newfags

Post your jaw, faggot.

bruh look at this dood

I'm on it sweetie, these racists are about to go back to Yas Forums whether they want to or not.

Make me

Not until you have sex

Fuck off dumbass

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>Please have sex incel

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When all these guys are in med school they're really going to look back on this and laugh!

is you guys are so anal about people immigrating to places they shouldn't be why don't you guys deport yourselves back to Yas Forums first

by kysing

God hates niggers

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hummm what makes africa different fron the rest of the world then?

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I am confuse op is asking for games where you play as black people

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Americans should be genocided

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>without immigration a country would simply just run out of people to work certain jobs

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Pretty shit comparison considering Yas Forums and Yas Forums are on the same website and are literally one click away from each other.

based on the thumbnail i throught he had a katana and he was gonna start ripping apart shit now im fucking angry is just a bunch of niggers chimping out without anything original happening

But wait a minute, these are some really shocking numbers. Surely, there must be some reasonable explanation.

>racism good!

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Actually, I use tomorrow

The worth of nigger 'soldiers' laid bare

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If nobody wants to do those jobs, then the employer and the free market can offer incentives in the way of benefits, vacation time, child care and health care to entice employees to take the job and move nearby.

But since retards like you vote based on identity politics the rich can now just import tens of millions of illegal immigrants and visa holders.

do americans really...?

Is that Linus?

I wish I could laugh and smile with my family

Do your fucking job, hotpockets, you fat incompetent piece of shit.

oh nononono

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dont care didnt read + ur gay

>Defending nigger behavior
Hello cuckold.

well show me where is rhodesia nowadays ::^)

At least it's better than white people who are clearing the shelves and hoarding everything.

>the lengths the trumpanzee goes to feel superior to someone, anyone
I'd feel sorry for you, but you deserve everything you're going through.

Pretty shit comparison considering Mexico and USA are on the same landmass and are just literally a car/bus drive away from each other

Where's your mum, mate? I fancy giving an old slag 7 inches of BSE up her arse,

>Hello cuckold.

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>imagine not using tomorrow

Took the (((white))) man in UK and USA to do it. Nigger soldiery just got humiliated again, and again, and again.

Have sex incel

>being a fat embarrassment
Oh hi, amerishart.

Holy shit you're so mad about people showing how bad black kids can be. How do guys like you end up on Yas Forums? Stuff like the thing in the OP are super common anywhere with a large black population btw

Post your jaw.

Yes they are very different intentions they probably paid for it afterwards while the niggers probably just ran off.


>Nation states are the same as Yas Forums
You chimps are so brainless its laughable

zimbabwe chads completely BTFO rhodesian libtards redditors

It's funny that you think I'm fat or unfit. Keep coping moron.

>smashing a Watermelon on his head
wow, that's dangerous

Why do it on the video games board? go back to your redneck hugbox, dwight.


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>not liking Yas Forums tribalism
please kill yourself you fucking midwit redditor

Then they cleaned it and went to donate blood, right?

>he thinks neocons would say any of this
Reddit-going teenager detected

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Why does one part say whites are 63% of the population and then below that it says they're 72% of the population?

I asked first

I can smell the cheeto crust on your manboobs over the internet, butterball. I bet you cry a lot about it, too.
>bawww that tfw no gf why god
Because you have breasts.

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>3k dead in one engagement for 2 enemy losses
Starving negro cope, the farmers arent coming back

sorry bro but i cant respect a person that got killed by a nazbol

Post your jaw.

Fuck Google for killing Reader. Directly lead to companies like Facebook and twitter growing, ruining social media forever.

OP here
Can we talk abou video games ?

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I asked first mr incel

Stats on white population in the USA can get warped by the counting/lack of counting of 'white' hispanics. Theres no consistency to that.

Post your jaw.

>CNN headline news here showing you the fallout of the Coronavirus panic buying. As you can see everything has been thrown on the floor, even a bottle was left open and spilled on the floor most likely where someone was parched after buying twenty packs of toilet paper

Post bbc

Post BBC coooming to your waifu

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>Hello niggerito.

yeah and?
it's literally Yas Forums



why'd you reply to yourself?

lol i remember being in that thread, im the one who mass replied and said incel

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>Why yes, I did reply to myself.

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Same trailer trash, different level of pretentiousness.

Paris, I am hereby promoting you to the rank of Based, with all the privileges and rights that entails.

this response is pure cope for being disproven


Jannies will delete this thread flaccid by the way

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