Why do folks assume Banjo and Kazooie won't return next Smash?

>Clearly beloved addition to the roster
>Nintendo themselves picked them out of all possible candidates for the first Pass
>Microsoft is clearly a fan of the collaboration too, openly embracing it
>Everybody wins

Hear me out. I think if 3rd parties return at all, they're becoming part of the base game. It's companies like Square whom we shouldn't take for granted. But BK? Great chances.

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You think we’re getting another rare (No DK) character next game?

really depends on how microsoft feels about nintendo by the time the next smash game even starts development.

Why would the ONE third party with no new games get to stay in?

I'm no Rare fan, but I do hope B&K make it to the base roster of the next game. I also think that the all these dlc characters should make it to the next game aswell. Or at least that's how I envision it.
I hope it'd be a KI character.


If he isn't getting any more games, then he can always return in Smash 6's base roster.

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Why would he?

The only DLC character who will 100% make it to the next game is the ARMS rep, since Smash never cuts entire first party franchises

Because they never needed new games to enter in the first place?
They're the definition of a legacy pick, honoring Rare's past with Nintendo.

My man. And hey at the very least I think it's all but guaranteed Terry is base next time. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if we get a second SNK character.

>Hell I wouldn't be surprised if we get a second SNK character
Can't wait.

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>at the very least I think it's all but guaranteed Terry is base next time
Fucking lol Terry is not coming back. He's without question the least popular third party. For Terry to stay someone infinitely more loved needs to be cut

>Smash never cuts entire first party franchises

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The only case has been Ice Climber but that wasn't a real cut, it was due to hardware restraints

The only people who truly believe that banjo will get cut IF smash 6 happens are retarded, seething Stevoids who are desperate to find some kind of angle to make it out like they weren't totally ass blasted and still haven't recovered.

The only time an ENTIRE Nintendo IP has been removed from the roster is Ice Climber, but it was only because of the 3DS

>implying there will be a next smash

>keeping Terry in a game that will have HEAVY cuts
Keeping Terry is redundant when Ryu is in the game

Both Sakurai and Nintendo has never ever cared about your made up fanrules, nigger. Now fuck off back Smashboard.

I dunno I think a lot of folks warmed up to him thanks to his lengthy presentation. That on top of his stage being considered the best DLC one yet, the immense amount of music tracks and the character himself being fun and charismatic to play...Yeah he's definitely returning, more so with how downright eager SNK was to lend their material to Smash.

Sakurai confirmed cuts will happen, and why the fuck would Terry stay? For Terry to stay another third party needs to be removed. You think fucking Sonic is leaving before Terry LOL

>I think a lot of folks warmed up to him
They didn't warm up to him they just moved on with their lives. You seriously fucking think people wouldn't be pissed if they removed Sonic or Megaman or Simon to keep room for the third shoto?

Because there's a chance that Nintendo and Microsoft's relationship may change between Smash Ultimate and an eventual Smash 6. Unless Microsoft somehow goes out of the console business, which I don't see happening for a very long time, if at all, it seems unlikely that they'll return. Heck, it was a miracle they made it in at all.
>everyone who didn't want banjoke is a stevoid!
Grotesque Steve is still living in your head rent free?

SNK seems the easiest third party to work with. The same effort needed to bring Cloud and Hero back with their bare bones representation could lend us thirty times as much content with SNK lol

Sorry faggot but there's only room for one fighting game icon DLC fighter to return in the base game

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Why do you assume those won't return if Terry does? Granted, Konami's a wildcard because their feelings on vidja change like a rollercoaster; but the other two are sure bets. Besides if any of those fail to return it won't be because Terry got more priority. It'll be because negotiations fell with their respective companies.

>SNK seems the easiest third party to work with
That would be Capcom and Konami and Sega, each with THREE fighters
>The same effort needed to bring Cloud and Hero back
Cloud is Cloud fucking Strife. He's too big to cut, shitty representation be damned.

This. Prepare to have Smultimate updates for the rest of eternity. They'll do a deluxe edition for N9, Definitive Edition for N10, etc

For Terry to stay another third party needs to leave in his place. Go ahead. Name one less valuable then Terry.

Not them, but Banjo. Easy.

Why would you keep the 3rd third party shoto and cut someone like Snake or Bayonetta?

Joker. One and done.
Flavor of the month guy without the legacy and history Terry represents and brings with him.


All of three already lent fighters in past games. For the standards of what a company brings via DLC SNK came across supremely generous.

>legacy and history
You mean it's history of living in Street Fighter's shadow for 2 games then dying?

Why do you think showing your zoomerness is a badge of honor here?

I fucking hate Persona but that tranny is infinitely more popular then Terry. His 1 game outsold the entire Fatal Fury franchise

If you're arguing in bad faith sure, but it's undeniable SNK left a mark in the fighting game scene, downright to inspiring Smash's creation in the first place.

Smash is a zoomer game you tryhard. Did you not see the last 2 fighters?

>downright to inspiring Smash's creation in the first place
Lol no it didn't. And that wouldn't justify a base roster spot

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>His 1 game outsold the entire Fatal Fury franchise
Doubt you have the receipts to back this up. Even even SNK's strength was in the arcade scene. Legendary performance in the 90's.

>Legendary performance in the 90's.
Yet falls short in comparison to Street Fighter and Pacman, so why would Terry stay?

>Lol no it didn't.

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Ryu represents Fighting game history

We don't need Terry to do that. The role is filled.

Idk, some trilogy remake akin to Spyro and Crash Bandicoot.

By that logic the series in the roster who fall short in comparison to Mario and Pokemon's sales should get out. SNK games might not have reached the popularity of SF (in certain parts of the globe, because in others it was very much leading the scene) but that doesn't mean it wasn't important in it's own right.

>Jojo redditor

>muh popularity
>came from the game responsible for smash's existance
>Sakurai loves him
>even the people who didn't know who he was love him
>even though he has a DLC gimmick everyone like it
Fuck you and your retarded "rules" either kill yourself or fuck off back to smashboards and take every other similar retard with you.

Can Ice Climbers even be called a franchise? There's like 1 game from the 80s with no cultural relevance outside of Smash.

>Yet falls short in comparison to Street Fighter and Pacman.
You could also say that to other characters in the roster

Nope it's a Nintendo game first. First party characters get to be added just for existing. Third parties need to EARN their spot, especially when characters get cut next game

I look as Banjo as I do Bayonetta. Third parties that are in more because they're honorary Nintendo characters (the former actually was one in the past) than because they're industry wide icons. The basis for their inclusion is different from others who got in because they're big names in the medium even if they have lesser to null Nintendo connections.

By franchise I meant IP. That's what I'm saying.

Something tells me Snake might get the boot cuz of drama between Konami and Kojima.

Yeah legacy and history, one being how KoF shaped the modern fighting games and the other being that KoF is the entire reason smash came to be.

Bayonetta is an ACTUAL nintendo character. They publish her games. Banjo is Microsoft full stop. He's gone the moment MS loses interest in Nintendo or Nintendo loses interest in MS

>KoF shaped the modern fighting games
Street Fighter did that.
> KoF is the entire reason
lmao Sakurai was still going to develop smash either way

Third parties will most definitly be prioritized in terms of cuts, and it's not like banjo is a major hitter in terms of the third parties in smash

I mean, yes it is an IP, but they're not really a multi game series.

Sega still owns the copyright. Nintendo just licenses it.

Banjo, Terry, and Joker are 100% gone because of how non-mainstream and small they are.

Pacman, Sonic, and Ryu are the only locks.

And Mega Man isn't?

>Hmm, we could have Banjo as part of the base roster but...

Nintendo has their own money invested into her IP. That's the point. This was never the case for Banjo

Megaman fell from grace really fucking hard. Megaman 11 was a really small release. I don't know if he's important enough to take priority anymore

It'd be based if one of them wasn't a swordie, Lysithia, for example, starts as a Mage.

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