Just started this, what am i in for?

Just started this, what am i in for?

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My wwife magilo



Just have fun playing it. I know that Yas Forumstards think "fun" is a buzzword now but fuck them

Tales of games fucking suck
I tried play Zesteria or whatever the fuck it's called and it was fucking gay and boring

Cringe as fuck anime character tropes

Xillia 1+2 are better than Berseria, Zestiria, and yes even Vesperia.

You're in for a revenge plot that somehow turns into a power of friendship plot

a ps3 game that plays and looks like a ps2 game but for some reason is on ps4

yelling and comfy prison bases

A solid rpg adventure with a likable cast, decent music and a good story. VA is also surprisingly good for what's mostly a bunch of literally whos.

ps2 games were great. I wish they still made games like that. also, you're misremembering how bad ps2 games looked.

OP here. It looks like a Switch game. How does it look worse than Vesperia.

Fucking hated xillia 1, so I never bothered with 2. isn't 2 the one with the silent protag? the fuck were they thinking? this isn't persona.

If you like Anime you will like this Game. If you don't like Anime you will not like this Game.

I thought X 1 was alright. X2 I couldn't finish. It was so boring. The battle system was a step up for giving the mc multiple weapon fighting styles.


I want to make a babby with Velvet!

I found it incredibly boring
Put something like 20 hours into it that felt like 80

Not even Magilou, the greatest sorcerer ever, could carry the absolute slog that is the combat of this game

the silent protag is so you don't get spoiled immediately for what happens later on in the story

Braindead story and button mashing

>getting tutorials 60 hours in

funny how all these games pretend to have complex combat systems when all you do in all of them is just spam attack as the main character, who is always the best fighter, and there's never a reason to be anyone else. arise will probably be no different. oh well...

That sounds like someone who worships the big black cock would say

>all of them is just spam attack as the main character, who is always the best fighter, and there's never a reason to be anyone else.
if you play on normal or easy mode then sure. the real way to play tales is unknown mode.

the story is fine. just typical jrpg fare. if you think it's bad you clearly don't play a lot.

fair enough. I did like how Berseria had a lot of difficulty modes you unlocked throughout the game. and there are a lot of mechanics.

Not sure if shitpost but Zestiria was considered to be pretty mediocre

Yeah the silent bit is major spoilers, which is why you don't get the voices for him until a new game+

Berseria was so fucking boring that even a second playthrough didnt do my opinion of it any favors. Quit that shit 2 hours in
All the characters in Berseria except Eizen and maybe Magilou are fucking insufferable, and combat just devolves into DEVOUR DEVOUR DEVOUR every fucking time

When I tried increasing the difficulty all I got was super sponges.
I dont remember any different mechanics other than breaking guard, but it's been a while.

>the real way to play tales is unknown mode.
Fuck no, DEVOUR and therion mode not letting you die is still stupidly OP even in nightmare mode or whatever that difficulty is
not that the difficulty is anything to write home about in the first place when it's just the same old "mooks turn into damage sponges!" bullshit

a lot of decent doujins

A pretty good game Tbh

mediocre gameplay, shitty plot and the best cast of any JRPG this decade

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Why do birds fly OP?

This is the only Tales game I've ever managed to finish

Good story.
Bad gameplay.
Great bantz.

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the duality of man

I enjoyed both games but it does have its flaws. Mainly the dub (milla's lisp) and the amount of backtracking.

>just started this, what did I think of it? Please poison my well

>Humans become monsters entirely because of the darkness of their hearts
>these monsters are also sentient and remember their lives as humans most of the time
>Your MC is one of these monsters, and you gather several of these in your group
>Monsters in the main world still act like savage animals and pick fights for no reason
>animals can also become monsters somehow
>Maotelus cures all the monsters and turns them back into humans, but not really
>Makes malakhim invisible to humans again, but does nothing about the fact that they're still vulnerable to corruption and turning into dragons
Berseria's worldbuilding makes absolutely no fucking sense

just turn off your brain :)

I prefer nonsense to overexplanation. Overexplained backgrounds and stories are a modern meme that won't die.

Very mediocre game, with an even worse plot. Magilou is the only good character in the entire game.

nobody cares about the world building in tales games because they're all the same variation of "church is evil" and "the monsters are spirits/humans"

There's literally nothing that can be done about this. Apparently the secret boss of the game explains that the reason malaks are vulnerable to human malevolence is because they were cursed by the heavenly seraphim for wanting to mingle with humanity. These seraphim live above and basically watch smugly as malaks turn into dragons

Great cast
Awful monotone gameplay and dungeons
Decent story by Tales standards

>a ps3 game that plays and looks like a ps2 game
That actually sounds fucking awesome. PS2 games were great.

What can I expect from vesperia?

That ending was fucking shit. SHIT I TELL YOU.

Basically the same thing.
You have to play the 2D takes games for any varied gameplay.

If you purchased Berseria OP, you really didnt deserve to keep that $20

Berseria is still easy on chaos because Velvet is literally immortal. Just hard stack Focus and you'll be stunning on every hit, which then lets you spam therion mode which makes it so you always survive a lethal hit with 1 HP and have enough invincibility time to just devour again.

The only time I found Chaos hard was when the game forced you to do a 1v1 with Rokuro and I had essentially no fucking idea how to play that character and never changed his artes from defaults either.

I loved vesperia in middle school but replayed it and was underwhelmed. Get ready to go through a lot of samey dungeons that are 100% comprised of rooms with a single path and 1 offshoot to a treasure chest and nothing. Prepare to either snooze your way through 95% of battles on normal mode or question why the game's massive tutorializations don't cover the basics of extending Yuri's combos, something you need to get through the first boss fight.

it's not in a good way. there were more bad ps2 games than there were good ones. tales games are like the fast food of jrpgs and it shows with berseria heavily since it was made in less than 2 years so the level design and systems are really poor.


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you learn about combos in the very first fight

A game about the revenge of the Tales series staff against Hideo Baba.

Not even joking.

Extending combos, not performing them. The first fight tutorialises the basic AA-AA-AA-arte-mystic arte combo. It doesn't tell you how to extend it with free run cancels or dash cancels to go beyond just 3 attacks and you absolutely need those mechanics for the first boss on hard.

Something about birds

If you like tales games it's all right. Middle of the pack

The MC is a monster pissed at her brother-in-law for murdering her little brother (that he agreed to, yet nobody decided to ask her opinion on this) and doomed the village in the process
She's also eternally salty that her brother in law never fucked her even after his wife and child were killed by monsters (who're actually humans acting like monsters for some reason)