Other urls found in this thread:
she lives on the upper plate though
Sounds like a bitch.
man face
>that voice
God damn, so bad.
Are you serious? Please say you are trolling.
>acts completely different from the original game
>voice actress is horrible in english
>only alrightish in japanese
At least Barret more or less is how I pictured him outside of the sunglasses.
I won't fault the actors for their shitty grunts though, don't know why the voice director made it even more grunty than shitty shonens.
This. Why is she not Italian
how lonely are you
Is Jessie implying something about Biggs?
>Jessie's voice actress is bad
Outside of Barret for the most part, this seems to be a running theme in the game. Either their voice actors are horrible or you got bad lines that were used in the final version. Jessie is the worst sure, but it's still impressive how bad they all are.
the voice actress is great, and she had zero character in the original despite admiring to having a crush on cloud before being crushed
you faggots are so desperate to hate anything new and popular it's fucking pathetic
the voice actors are all great you zoomer faggot
Nah, learn to read; I really liked Barret's actor. She's pretty bad.
You faggots are so desperate to like anything new and popular it's fucking pathetic.
only ac/kh/cc secondaries have any issues with the voice acting
lindbeck does a great job
you can't even explain why she's bad
you can't even come up with a reason as to why she's bad - I've literally never seen anyone complain about Jessie until this thread
what a fucking coincidence
the voice actors all sound perfect, and their cheesy lines fit the original 90s goofiness - fuck off back to KH and AC
I mean you never asked so don't blame me if I never provided details but since you're so curious that I don't like your waifu: It's Lindbeck as Lindbeck. She has a big problem of using same voice all the time which is probably not her fault like most voice actors that reuse the same voice. However she has always had a problem with her line reading which has only gotten worse with FF7R's weird voice direction.
>still no valid reason
awesome. kill yourself.
Censor this, or else.
>focusing on the VA because I brought her up
fucking retard
jessiebsounds nothing like magilou
>reusing the same voice and bad line reading
>not a valid reason
I'm sure you will move the goalposts again for you waifu.
The voices are fine.
go be autistic in the 2 other tifautist threads
>focusing on the point user brought up
Man I wonder.
You're a fucking retard. Tell me how she sounds anything like Magilou.
>focusing on that point because ehe didn't have one to begin with and can't even bring up another character she sounds like
fuck off and die
I swear you fucking idiots will find any reason to complain. First it was Aerith's VA, but now all of a sudden out of nowhere its Jessie's.
Either die of corona or learn some other English word besides 'autist', Mr. chingchong-pingpong.
We don't support censorship here and we never will.
>poster count not going up
>just one user dogpiling on someone daring to criticize FF7R
>getting even more hostile over jessie being criticized
These threads are always interesting and pathetic
fuck off autist
>can't come up with valid criticism
>get called out for it
How did she escape censorship? Will this be fixed in a later forced-patch?
I would be okay if it was valid criticism, but it isn't. Lindbeck is the only experienced VA on the team. If anything Wedge sounds awful.
Tell me how she doesn't. It's the same deal as other reused voice actors, their vocal range is very good. You can hear the same voice and bad line reading.
That's some projection but again since you asked her Jessie has the same limited range as her other roles, including:
Black Cat, Anemone, Cassie Cage(sometimes, it varies), Morgana, Cheelai and Morgana on some bad takes.
She's a great singer, I'll give her that.
>Final Censorship 7: The Censorship of Censorship
Hope you're all ready for the FF8 Remake where all the girls are 50 kg overweight and wearing burqas.
Just because you disagree, doesn't mean it isn't valid, especially since half the cast are experienced VAs. Lindbeck is one of the less experienced ones especially when next to Emery.
Imagine being so up your ass you care about tits in a video game.
You've failed to give an example of this "same voice" theory. I gave an example of character she does that sounds nothing like Jessie, and you've yet to provide an example of a character she does who sounds like Jessie.
>implying Biggs isnt a thousand times better looking than Cloud
>man who has been ignoring user's point does it yet again
>not sound at all a like
I bet you think Steve Blum putting on a slightly different tone counts as vocal range too.
think cloud wants to be jessie's girl?
>shitty, sloppily-done remake with cringy writing and cringier censorship
I hope no one here paid actual money for this wad of AIDS.
>first Aerith soudded bad for no reason
>now it's Jessie all of a sudden ITT
when people stop being autistic it'll be tifa's turn
Did anything interesting ever come out of that datamine?
>jessie va is bad
I was wondering why Jessie put me off so much. I love her character in the original despite hardly appearing yet I couldn't stand her in the demo. Now after rewatching her scenes from the demo, her voice was getting on my nerves.
It's almost like Square enix hires bad actors or misuses good ones all the time.
Welcome to ten years ago, user.
oh god no wonder guess i'm sticking to jap.
y'all really pathetic now that you are actually photoshopping nuTifa
false flagging, mouth breathing tranny
yes it's this thread that made me suddenly realize this and I'm not trying to fit in or anything haha
Jessie is a thick bitch. She's so dense that her mass alone kept her rooted to the project while everyone else in the OG trailer got recast.
jessie is THICC
Not enough censorship. I won't feel properly protected from their evil girly parts until they're wearing at least 35 burqas at once and fighting by screaming anti-Trump slogans with a megaphone.
frankly the right looks like an uncanny sex doll face tbqh famalam
>The blatant unnecessary need to remind us that Cid isn't it in and we won't make it to the port in this game
an actual stick
how can a caveman have such a cute voice