What's so attractive about Emiya Shirou?
What's so attractive about Emiya Shirou?
i think it's because he can jump high or something.
he's one of the most based protagonists in vidya history
he lieks swords
He is broken, He don't care about His life and because of that He do a lot of danger/heroic things.
He's the main character of a VN
He has a nice sister.
A Fate spin-off with Shirou turning into a magical cyborg Kamen Rider when?
His dad was cooler and a better protagonist in a better story
Sudden realistic style in anime when shit gets intense is probably my favorite trope.
I want to fuck him
Prisma Illya is a miracle of the universe
back of the knee maybe?
based illya poster
>Sudden realistic style
He was probably so awe struck by her he thought she was real.
Could that possibly be the thought process of every "PEDO REEE" poster has on Yas Forums now days?
Have you SEEN his high jump? It's fucking unreal.
>has actual characterization, so he's memorable in a medium where 99% of the protags are intentionally written to be forgettable
>has an extremely nice house and has other assets thanks to his dead foster dad
>has connections to the yakuza
>he's fit
>he can cook
>easy going, without being a pushover
>hard worker
If he was just a normal guy in the real world, he'd be pretty high up on the tier list for datable men all things considered.
Taiga > Bazett > Sakura > Illya > Rider > Caren > Saber > Rin
He can cook
He's just a standard shounen protagonist transposed into a VN
Based. It is absolutely criminal that Taiga didn't get a route.
>>easy going, without being a pushover
He was a complete pushover until the war started and Lancer gave him the gay bulge.
Who are the red head and silver hair girl?
user is colorblind, how unfortunate.
So that Fate Cooking game is never getting localized is it?
Nah, he'd fire back on Fuji-nee. He just wants to help out, so he goes along with whatever people request of him. That's not being a pushover, that's just being unhealthily selfless. If he didn't want to do it and he still went along to avoid conflict, THEN he'd be a pushover.
I wanna squish his cheeks. He's so adorable.
t. Rin
Who's in the bottom right? Know nothing about Fates.
It's a guy, congrats you are gay.
Jokes on you that's what I was hoping for FAGGOT.
Fujimura Taiga, the older sister figure of the protagonist. Good luck finding any decent porn of her, though. Nips have no taste.
Yes, let's ignore his completely one-sided relationship with Shinji.
Taiga. I only ever watched the 2000s Stay night so I remember her being really annoy. She is kind of hot because I love teachers
That did not answer my question
Play the visual novel and you'll see how fucking based he is
He roasts the shit out of Shinji on one of the days in the prologue. Just in his usual dry, subtle Shirou way.
>shirou's such a a sword autist he makes saber bring excalibur to their bed
Uh, bros?
>lewding Taiga
>uh, bros?
>implying you wouldnt make her bring the sword you faggot
Taiga is a fucking sex machine, and you know it. I bet she could ride a cock even better than Sakura. More manic energy and less whorish worm slobber.
Why was she naked
Are you blind, she's wearing the kaiser's new clothes
She deserves those lewds. It is a disrespect how much she gets ignored
He's a test-run for the later introduced real harem protagonist.
>several spinoff games and animes make it to the US
>still no official VN release
>implying you wouldn't want that threesome
Should I watch this show? I've seen it posted a lot of times.
Why is Guadako so thirsty
It's quite adorable and humorous.
This user cute posts
very cute and funny!
How familiar are you with Fate as a whole? It's still enjoyable in it's own right, but it's a spinoff so it makes a shit ton of call backs to past characters.
God I wish I had a cute little sister who tricked me into looking at her nude body.
Taiga is best girl, and I love her dearly.
someone post it please
Eh I know the characters from the main shows. It's not like my motivations are for story over watching lolis make out (where are those webms at?)
It's good for the slice of life and fanservice bits but the actual main story and drama are fucking terrible.
He's a massive fucking chad
The pure, unchanging goal of wanting to be a hero is incredibly based. He doesn't care about the holy grail war or even want to be a part of it, he only wants to be a hero. What a fucking chad.
Actually I might not need the show after all.