Xenoblade Chronicles gets it's 432rd re-release

>Xenoblade Chronicles gets it's 432rd re-release
>Nintendo continues to ignore X

Attached: xenobladechroniclesx.png (924x1320, 1.79M)

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Switch's CPU is too shit in handheld mode. It would have to be a docked only game.

Honestly there’s no way the switch can handle it undocked

There was an X?

did XCX run like trash on the Wii U, is it that demanding?

I'm playing this in Cemu right now.

Is it actually viable in offline mode? I'm just at the beginning when you are asked to join 1 of the 8 groups. I checked and it says online play was really really needed. Is that true?0


Single digit FPS in a good number of battles

This game was so comfy when it first came out, especially with all the Miiverse integration. I haven't touched my WiiU in years. Might pick this back up during this whole lock down fiasco.

Mira. Home.

At least it was until I fucked everything up.

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>last gen nvidia shield tablet cpu underclocked
great power there retard

It's the most demanding game on the console and on CEMU.






This game had unironically one of the best OST of any WiiU game


>Xenoblades second rerelease, not counting wii u's short lived wii virtual console
>X "ignored" ie they havent seen the reason to bother downgrading it to the point itll run on the switch, and then release it
If XBHD sells good I bet they'd consider it user. Just be patient for fucks sake the games not that old

This song is 100x better.


The Wii U didn't exactly have a great CPU either (it was basically just a tri-core version of the Wii's CPU). It was by far the system's biggest bottleneck.

X Is held together with duct tape and cum, with the way they talk about it, it's amazing the game even came out

i loved chronicles 1
didnt like chronicles 2 and X

this would need to be a docked-only game but something The Witcher 3 isn't? lmao

They've already said they wanted to do an X remake but it was a miracle it came out on the Wii U, and the Switch is likely out of the question.

>Not posting the arguably best song of the entire lineup


Step the fuck up, niglet.

witcher 3 was downgraded a ton to happen on switch.

still beats the underclocked mobile chip used in the switch. only advantage is better gpu and more ram.

Well, online play gave you bonuses for belonging to a team. I think i always had free skell insurance due to that. But i never played online with people

XB1 couldn't happen on 3DS due to shit hardware so they had to make it for New 3DS only. If Nintendo cares about a stable framerate, they would make it docked only.

As they should. Did you not see how emotional people got when Xenoblade 2 was announced and the setting was more like 1 than X?

X was a worthwhile experiment, but a failed experiment.

certain end game equipment requires parts obtained from online only encounters. they can also be bought using tickets, but tickets are primarily earned by completing online only encounters.

It ran fine for me
I only ever noticed dips when my skell exploded

>witcher 3 was downgraded a ton to happen on switch.
no shit, but in that case why make it docked only instead of just implementing handheld specific optimizations/downgrades?

if you played xenoblade 2 on handheld mode before, xenoblade x would look and perform worse than that. it already struggles on wii u and that's it running at full power instead of reduced handheld speed.

Attached: xenoblade 2 handheld mode.jpg (1280x720, 343.15K)

online is optional unless you want to minmax your character

I fucking love Sawano

I'm sure Switch could handle it in undocked mode. It would just run and look like shit.

The main reason Nintendo doesn't seem interested in porting X is because they would have to support the dedicated server online infrastructure instead of relying on peer to peer like they do for many games.

So basically nothing of importance if you're just in for the story ride. That's good to know. I went with the group with the one doing collectibles and shit just so I don't have to run around and go out of my way to find stuff that much.

Listening to this while looking for lobsters in NLA and doing quests was peak comfy

best game Monolith Soft has ever made and will ever make

Attached: XCX_60fps_cemu.jpg (2560x1440, 1.41M)

>xenoblade 2 handheld mode.jpg
Why post such a disingenuous screen? The UI doesn't get scaled down, it still looks crisp in handled mode, unlike this shitty troll pic


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>overdrive theme makes you want to get better at overdrive so you can keep it going
Beat it without fully utilizing the overdrive system. Damn shame, I fuckin love this song.


good. that shit ruined the series. you can stop pretending it was good.

fake screencaps always make me laugh

All people did was whine about how terrible this game was when it came out, now that you can't.... wait, you can still play it. just buy a fucking wii u.

fuck off retard, it was easily the best game of the series

No actually the people who whined were over some character's boobs slider. They were never going to buy the game just like smash rosterfaggotry threads

>nobody even posted the flight theme yet

people complained about the censored parts but everyone agreed it was a great game otherwise. niggers who never played it memed it as a bad game


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If the Switch can handle Witcher 3 and Doom it can handle any Wii U game.

>it's 432rd re-release
1. It only got one downgrade port as a New3DS exclusive
2. XCDE is a remake, not a rerelease
3. X will get its day in the sun, stop crying

Pandora's Tower was better.

I keep meaning to try this out, how is it?

>Selection screen music that you skip over within 2 seconds
>one of the best songs in the game
What did monosoft mean by this?

I don't speak or understand German, so this song here is pretty good to me.

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Talk to sakaguchi.
Meanwhile is tinkering in his basement modeling an ant scale city.


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X was the definition of a flawed gem
I loved so many things about it but jesus there are some questionable decisions

If you wanted the game to run/look better you had to download some data packs directly to the wii u itself

I don't like that he's so samey but goddammit if I wasn't getting Xenoblade X feelings from his LoGH opening.


It makes me want to go back to Mira.

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b--but the switch is supposed to be more powerful than the wii u!!!!!

That's silly. Monolith Soft are learning new things with each new game they make. Just give them another chance to make something big and this time with a more clear vision instead of having to change direction partway through development.

I did not think Yas Forums could get this fucking stupid

Anyone here remember /xbxg/? Shit was comfy AF

I fucking hated it. Just like every other general it instantly devolved into avatar fagging and circlejerking.

not necessarily, those games are more gpu bound than cpu bound. X is cpu heavy if you ever tried emulating it, it's more heavy than botw.

but /osg/, /agdg/ and /acg/ aren't like that at all. In my experiene only shit tier waifu simulators with very little only interaction turn into immediately shit. I.E. Tera, FFXIV etc.

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It's one of those games that would benefit from an enhanced port that touches on the flaws.

And yet, here we are. Maybe one day, user. You never know.

Any game that has character customization will devolve into avatar-fagging.

How it runs in emulation is not how it runs in a hardware environment brainlet

HB and Yelv best party

It really bummed me out when 2 had way worse sidequests than X. At least they weren't as bad as 1's but X's is on a whole different level. What main story? X is about the sidequests.