how did they fuck his face up so bad

Attached: doomguy.png (814x859, 724.89K)

a fucking slav lmao

das rite

Attached: germans vs slavs.jpg (3040x2720, 814.02K)

kinda what i expected desu

absolutely based and slavpilled

bruh his eyes deadass boutta finna fall off on the sides lmfao

Designed to be seen in helmet lol

white hands typed this post

Why didn't they keep the sandy blonde from the concept art?

Attached: Doom_Slayer.png (1004x1183, 938.58K)

because your people raped

ayy tru senpai hunnid

Why the fuck are his eyes so far apart?

meanwhile, this is what the better slavs actually look like

Attached: EC566674-BE52-43E2-BDB1-F4BA75888AF5.jpg (466x466, 17.73K)

Isn't this basically just what Doomguy's face has always looked like? It's just like the original sprite

Ironically posting as niggers isn't funny. It never has been, it never will be. Get new material.

Berserk pack not even once

Without the distortion
I think the model wasn't meant to be seen outside of the helmet

Attached: face.png (1920x1080, 1.02M)

I think it is blond. His hair's just matted down from being sweaty and in a helmet

maybe it was just easier to edit his face instead of the visor to get the look they wanted

He looks nothing like the old face in the HUD.

Why does doomguy look like Michael Shannon

>they included the black nazi soldier


Attached: 1585351012079.png (384x452, 121.14K)

nogga have you seen a russian?

Reminds me of the Bruce Wanye model from the Arkham series, a bit more wide though

Heres your pic with a non-shit FOV and lighting
I'm guessing for contrast, if it was blond it could get muddy under the visor

Attached: 1585433908248.png (1024x576, 602.05K)



Attached: Vasiliy-Stepanov-03.jpg (700x546, 35.28K)

Attached: 16276234353452431.png (960x960, 1M)

Why yes, I am Russian, how could you tell?

Attached: qFtnEPp2pvk37bnISQRXeHd1HOJ4E3c_voZzm3A7NMc.png (859x960, 229.03K)

you're only supposed to see his eyes for the majority of the game

they made his eyes bigger so you can see them in the helmet easier

well he descends from Blazkowicz, of course he is slavic

Hehe you know most of those are Nordics, Russia and the baltics have a lot of Nordic people.

When do you see his face in game?

wtf im nazbol now

The Innsmouth look...

Der Nazis ist Untermenschen

Attached: 1584687931849.png (1939x1859, 892K)


It's the eyes and forehead. That's it. Just shrink the eyes and make his forehead a little bigger

Attached: 098247190381089234701892347.jpg (474x355, 25.87K)

What a waste of time these threads are.

i fucking love this image so much
im making my own version with soviet leaders desu

he looks like cgi hulk from the first move just without green skin kek

id released the image. Its free PR to keep people interested in Doom Eternal.

They need to be closer together as well

this is shopped

I know he shows his face in the OG but I was kinda hoping they'd keep it hidden like in 2016

They took this screenshot with a fucked up FOV and are better.

Look at his eyes. How wide and big they are.
Like says;
Since he's not meant to be taking his helmet off, they probably colored his hair dark just so at the right angle you could see it during cutscenes the brief times he has his helmet off(in shadow, naturally), and when the visor is angled just right. Same for why his eyes are so wide and large, so it's easy to express during cutscenes.

The kind of detail in the concept art would've been unnecessary, much like how rudimentary Doomguy's face in '16 was. Compare BJ's face which went through some incarnations to manifest the OG portrait because there are a number of cutscenes where you see his face.

Attached: 5d835e38232e30dc41c42887bf493705.jpg (680x907, 79.38K)


is there a full pic of zombie slayer's head?

Attached: DOOM_STATUE_ZOMBIE_DOOM_SLAYER_2_0015.jpg (1500x1500, 798.84K)

>Extremely scared that people in the future would think Hitler invented fascism instead of him
that's fucking hilarious

dude this is a thread about doom what the fuck are you talking about


He looks like he's seen some shit, i mean probably has since he fights the hordes of hell but still...

yeah, motherfucker looks IDENTICAL to the hud face.

did you just blow in from reddit last week or something?


Attached: D80528D1-FF84-49F3-89F9-1DF614D92081.png (990x630, 2.65K)

why does he look like a lizard man lmao

They built the model for the visor that distorts the proportions of his face and it looks alright there, the rest is pretty much placeholder

Attached: file.png (722x870, 1.15M)

He used to be a stormtrooper

One of my biggest complaints is that they didnt add a doomslayer face to the hud to ape the original.
Imagine it
>pick up BFG
>the face grins

What's the last time a boomer shooter did this besides Ion Fury?