Name a worse written game

Name a worse written game.

Protip: You can’t.

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Persona 5

I agree but that doesn't stop me from liking some of the characters. Overall, it would say it's a pretty shitty game, and every single ending sucks.

Just post the goat tiddies

>Shitty game
Gain taste please



Low IQ faggots like you that will never amount to jack shit shouldn't cast judgment, go wage slave until you die.


kys furfag

Any Mario game. And most Zeldas.

Undertale was my favorite game of the 2010's, with Tetris Effect being a very close runner up


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toby fox did a track and tweeted about it on release. the tweet was deleted by the next day


>My face is tired


Your game that you never released.

All Resident Evil Games
Final Fantasy 7, 10, 13, Tactics Advance, 15
Suikoden IV
99% of Fighting Games
Kingdom Hearts beyond Chain of Memories
Every game you like

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Truly goes to show you how overrated Undertale is. If it were released without Toby's homostuck history it definitely wouldn't have the autistic fanbase and "reception" read: Critics appealing to reader's biases so they don't get pissed and stop giving them traffic it had.

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Borderlands 3

Any game that isnt undertale or deltarune

Doom eternal

Mother. All 3.

Lisa the painful > undertale > lisa the joyful

Undertale > lisa the painful >>>>>>>>>>> lisa the joyful

This is 100% factually correct

I can name thousands.

5 years later and this game still makes shitters absolutely seethe over how popular and loved it is.

I just don't get it. It literally is just occasionally charming. That's fucking it. It's fine but the pedestal it's been put on is insane and completely blown out of proportion.

It turns out that people can have different opinions of things than you can. Your inability to understand that is likely related to a developmental condition such as autism.

>Undie seething that someone doesn't like his friendship simulator

Deltarune fucking when

YIIK is the biggest example of why you should redraft

People like it, you don't
It got stupid popular, sure. But that's because it does things for many that don't do much for you

The writing was the only good part. The game was essentially a dumb fucking mini game. It was alright. I really didn't get why everyone loved it so much. Mayne because it was so well written for a video game.

Supposedly the devs reworked a lot of the story to the game after their mother died to make it less cynical

>phenomenal and memorable soundtrack >loveable characters
>good writing
>each fight had its own gimmick and there were many ways in defeating the enemy

All in all a great game

A more engaging turn-based battle system of minigames, fun characters, expectation subversions, anime power of friendship ending, the choice to see the reaction to being bad with a memorable boss fight tied on that path. And something something homestuck

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Diablo 3

I really dread to think what that fucking first draft looked like.

Star Ocean 3

Undertale was the best game of the 2010s. It honestly could have come out in the late 90s/early 2000s with how much soul it had.

Honestly, it was probably better than what we got, or at least more consistent.

Literally any other game, this game is a masterpiece. Don't let contrarians tell you otherwise.

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What is your well written game?

Homestuck isn't a game, unfortunately.

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Surely you jest. The story is the main draw of the game, not the gameplay. This is one of the few games I've played that really got me invested in the characters.


I mean we get it you don't like Undertale, fair
But have you played the Kingdom Heart franchise? Read up on that shit sometime ffs it's all over the place.

As a really big fan of the game, I gotta say, I can see where you're coming from. Objectively speaking, it didn't do anything groundbreaking, but for some reason the story and characters really resonated with me in a way most games haven't. It's not really something that can be explained I guess.

Life is strange (every game in this series)

Nier Automata.
Not even fucking joking.

Life is strange

If Undertale is one of my favorite games I played in 2019 should I just end it? I thought it was really funny and interesting but everyone here hates it so I must have garbage taste or be retarded.

KH's biggest problem is how long the story has gone on. Because everytime Nomura gets a wacky idea, he has to find a way to fit it into an already convoluted plot web. They really should've used KH3 to completely wrap up Sora's story and start fresh in the next game with a new set of characters with a completely separate string of conflicts.

What is it about Nier that you dislike?

A preference in a video game isn't something worth killing yourself over
There's more aspects to your life than the things you enjoy

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No, I was the same way. All I ever heard about it was from Yas Forums about how it was some furry/tranny/sjw trash heap. But when the Switch port came out, a lot of my friends were talking about playing it years earlier so I decided to give it a go, and it was probably my favorite game I played last year as well. Really wish I had played it on PC first though. The stuff with your client crashing is much more compelling than just the game restarting. They should've had the game crash itself on the console releases as well.


I wish I had friends who had even heard of Undertale. I had my playlist on shuffle one day when my friend and I were getting in the car and Megolovania started playing and he looked at me with this disappointed look and said “what the fuck is this” and I tried to turn it around on him by saying “dude, there’s no way you play video games and haven’t heard of Undertale or this song” and he just said “never heard of that shit” and asked if we could listen to some flavor of the week rap song he liked

All the quakes

I wish I had friends who hadn't heard of it but would be receptive towards it. I really like seeing people's reactions to the end game stuff but everyone I know has either already played it or only played FPS games.

>ctrl+f danganronpa
>0 results

Pointless>>>>>>>everything else

Unfinished turd

So does Undertale even have a "message" or anything? All I got from the game was a deconstruction of RPG battles and stuff.
The most groundbreaking thing it did was the foresight Toby had in nearly everything.

Hey it's a pretty good unfinished turd.


Its just a game chill

RPG playing fun with RPG tropes and being quirky. Instead of defeating every monster, the goal is to befriend them. Instead of defeating the god monster at the end of all jRPGs, you befriend him instead. When you kill them, the game characters recognize your actions. When you mercilessly kill as many as possible, the game characters recognize your evil intentions.
A fun little game for $10 with a good OST

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