ITT: We say what we liked and thought could be better in Half-Life: Alyx. If you haven't completed it, and or don't have VR to do so, this thread ain't for you
ITT: We say what we liked and thought could be better in Half-Life: Alyx. If you haven't completed it...
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I thought the hologram mini-games got annoying near the end. And it feels like the combine fights never reached their full potential.
Overall i really liked it though
Same. I wish that in the second half there was more combine encounters. I was getting used to VR for the first entire half of a game and once I got good at it and felt badass as fuck shooting headshots left and right, the game was over. But I guess it's better to get less and wish for more than to get too much and wish for it to finally end.
Also same thing with holograms, but I think that's mostly because once I found out about gordon freeman I was impatneit to go and meet him, Since I expected to see gman inside the vault and that fake out got me. I liked those puzzles for an entire game before that, except the lock and key one
And one last thing is I wish there was more variety in locations
imo this game is 9/10
I was a little disappointed there was no live animals in zoo ):
Not even a little alien freak one.
There was tons of headcrabs though
It's not really special at that point. I was hoping for something different. I got ant lions. But i was hoping for a normal lion or monkey or something else
Everything about Jeff was like SAW and Silent Hill combined
Shit, now I actually want a SAW VR game
I don’t care. Give Artifact 2 news.
more enemy varity
make combine less retarded and stronger
better "final boss"
faster walk speed
more destructable stuff
less annoying 3d puzzles
Thats the point of the HL world, its barren and dead.
I'm only playing Art2 on 2 conditions
>remove 3 lane and other attempts to simulate DOTA (just be your own game damn it)
>VR mode
too much dialogue ruined my immersion
everytime i was starting to get immersed this bitch started to open her goddamn mouth.
no melee weapons, were disappointing. I really hope when they make another one (if they do, please please not 13 more years)
that they improve what they made in this one. Cause it falls just short of perfect, but it's getting there!
I felt they were very modest with talking honestly. There was a few points i had hoped Russell would talk more, so i can get to know him better.
no cremators
what were they thinking!?
Are they combine alien? Why do they speak english to eachother?
Basically all this.
Especially the walking speed, having a big setpiece moment like the part where the strider is destroying everything around you and having you walk like you're going on a leisurely stroll really fucks with the immersion.
You can change walk speed with a launch option fyi
I was a bit disappointed about how little you get to actually stand in the same room as non-hostile NPCs.
imo HL2 strikes a really good balance of having you be totally alone sprinkled with moments of slowing down and seeing people talk every once in a while.
people complained about HL2 cause those slowed the action down, and slowed the opening of the game, but with the switch to VR and the detail Valve was able to put into the game, I feel like they would've worked very well.
It's especially a shame because the animation work is done very well on the few NPCs you actually do see and is very convincing.
It was incredibly disappointing, but separating the fact that it's a Valve game; it's easily the best VR game ever made, but that's not saying much.
My complaints:
>AI is fucking braindead, when will games at least match F.E.A.R.'s AI, which wasn't even that advanced. Imagine AI that could surround you in VR like they did in F.E.A.R., it'd be fucking incredible.
>There needs to be a walk speed adjustment option, it's way too slow.
>The puzzles got WAY too repetitive
>No new groundbreaking game mechanics
>It's a HL game where the gimmick is the VR, whereas HL2 the physics was the gimmick, but the problem is the VR gimmick isn't that great because VR itself isn't advanced and cheap enough to warrant trying it.
>The ending was really disappointing and shit all over Marc Laidlaw's work.
>Shitty resin mechanic that makes you search for shit to extend game time
>Terrible voice acting
>The soundtrack is abysmal, this is actually in the game:
Who the fuck thought that song had any place in a fucking video game, jesus fuck, I literally started laughing when it played because it was so bad.
Valve, blowup your echo chamber and completely destroy your ego and realize you fucking need Laidlaw to write your story and you need Kelly Bailey to soundtrack your game.
Alyx is a 7/10, but by far is the worst full-length single-player game Valve have put out, right next to Episode 1. It's a monumental disappointment.
>>No new groundbreaking game mechanics
This is flaw with literally every game in existence.
OST is kino and you're gay. This post is 3/10 made me reply.
wait really? Gimme the setting bro
I agree with some of your points. But i think the ending was great. Laidlaw epistle 3. Was simply a could have been. That's been dormant for 13 years. We might as well get a fresh take.
And it means (atleast i hope so) we can continue on in the next game with Gordon and Eli bringing down The G-Man
While the strider wasn't difficult it was still really intense.
Also learn to use the existing jump. It enables fast movement.
How to improve:
>More combine fights (Ideally with a very aggressive combine attacker that pushes your position, like the cremators or something)
>More non-mandatory puzzles for upgrade materials and ammo, less for moving through the map.
>Remove the (move the circle to the other circle dodging red circles) hacking minigame, VR sensor jitters at all and you waste 30 seconds is really annoying
>really would have liked a scene with barney in it, to see some of the sabotage work he did in CP before gordon showed up
>option to press and hold a button to throw an item with a trajectory indicator. Throwing items seemed really unreliable compared to other VR games
>The "There is a pickup nearby" sound needs to be different for ammo and upgrade material, and it needs to be directional
>weapon mods need to be toggleable, Reflex sight is great on SMG but I ended up preferring irons on the pistol
>Flashlight should be toggleable
>Jeff was elder god tier
>That fight with the 12+ antlions at the same time combine are shooting you from the rafters
>double electrodog fight, realizing I have to avoid killing zombies and circle around was awesome
>Most "electric wire" puzzles were great, hacking puzzles were fun but got repetitive
This is bait all of your points are retarded and bunk.
AI serves it's purpose perfectly. FEARs AI was fucking brain dead too but they had voice lines so it didn't seem like it.
Walking is way too slow I agree.
Puzzles were fun
Plenty of physic and interactive environments brought to life with a AAA budget. You can't say nothing new was introduced. HL:A literally has unique gameplay mechanics.
VR isn't a gimmick. It's a vehicle for gameplay that immerses the player.
Ending was phenomenal
Never had to look for resin they were always in obvious spots
Voice acting is amazing (this is where I knew you were posting bait)
Soundtrack is incredible
Basically you're fucking stupid.
Good music
This game is amazing. And it still feels like they're just scratching the surface of VR. I think HL: Alyx was them holding back a little bit in terms of what they want to do with VR, just so they can build a solid foundation, and in HL3 they're gonna go all in.
I need the fucking soundtracks NOW. Holy fuck
More genre breaking shit like jeff, HL2 had a bunch of stuff like that, HLA is very safe and tame in comparison.
this guy has it right, HLA is like VR's HL1, and what we want is HL2
Dialog was beyond cringe, should have made her a mute.
Completed it
what I liked: character animation, the sound design mostly, the story, the radio dialogue between alyx and russell is great and it's a good way of story telling while you're playing the game
disliked: lack of variety of weapons which is unlike the previous games, the game was designed on teleportation to move around, AI is pretty braindead, the weapon upgrades aren't that great
overall, it's good and it's breaking new grounds which is what the earlier half life games did
>the radio dialogue between alyx and russell is great and it's a good way of story telling while you're playing the game
nigga that was the worst part of the entire game, complete soulless voice acting
To be honest it's not like HL2 had a real weapon sandbox. HL1? Crowbar, Pistol, Magnum, Shotgun, MP5, Rocket Launcher, Grenades Trip Mines, Gluon Gun, Tau Cannon, Snarks, and Hivehand. HL2 removed everything past the grenades in favor of a second automatic in the AR2, the Gravity Gun, and a one-chapter-use Bugbait. The result was that you just sorta pulled out the SMG, AR2 or Shotgun, and occasionally the Magnum.
>or don't have VR to do so, this thread ain't for you
Fuck you, I give my opinion anyway
The good:
>Loved the atmosphere
>Loved the SMG nearly becoming the AR2
>The areas similar to HL1
The bad:
>For a 10 hours game there was surprisingly little content in the end, you get few enemies, few weapons
>The puzzles really felt tedious
>Braindead AI and the enemies in general that linger in front of you for a long period of time before acting
>Slow movement speed if you teleport
>No resistance crossbow
>Too much exposition told directly, surprisingly too little through level design like you would expect for a Half-Life game
I would have forgiven the 3 weapon shit if they added a revolver. That was one of the only weapons in the entire series that felt good to shoot
This was my one complaint. But youre kind of on a one way mission to the vault, going deeper into the quarantine zone so it made sense, but it sucks almost all story was thru radio which is an awful trope in most games. I thought it was still amazing overall.
I loved the game overall.
I hated the Northern Star level. It was just tedious and boring, corridors, corridors, corridors, setpiece, 20 other corridors (all of which look the same), setpiece and then it's over. It only lasted like an hour but felt like 10 years.
the soundtrack was great.
Shut the fuck up.
They're a weird borg-like conglomerate that conquers and assimilates everything. Nobody knows what they really look like, not sure if they even do, it's possibly just a massive structure without a head which might have started as an effort of one race but in time turned into an absolute clusterfuck comparable to grey goo.
The combine soldiers you meet are humans enhanced with combine technology, there's no point in bringing in a whole army if you can build an army locally.
>there's no point in bringing in a whole army if you can build an army locally.
Specially when bringing the army require a really large amount of energy to restart a portal storm.
launch option:
+hlvr_continuous_normal_speed 150 +hlvr_continuous_combat_speed 150
You can set it higher
Laidlaw and Bailey both did consultation work on this game user.
god damn look at this chunky combine boi
This. 90% of the hotel could be cut out and nothing of value would be lost.
when are the custom maps coming out.
I just want to shoot combine wtf.
I think the wire puzzles work because theyre the ones that have the most interactivity with the environment, the tripwire one where you have to hold the door open slightly and reach in to disable it was fantastic, but im pretty sure most people just kicked the door open from a distance or something.
>this thread ain't for you
Fuck off. You can't tell me what threads I can post in.
I think Valve needs to work out some VR friendly system for loading the custom maps first, which might be tricky.
It's not HL2 where you can just spin up the console and type in the name of the map you want.
I gotta agree, once I finished the game, I realized that a lot of areas were fillers, it's kinda disappointing.
>gravity gloves + grabbing and catching mechanics were extremely saisfying
>electric hacking/puzzles
>puzzles were unique
>puzzles developed as the game progressed
>gun handling
>horror elements without jump scares
>interesting ending
>some of the combat music
>lack of enemy variety
>lack of weapon variety
>puzzles were repetitive
>lack of world-building/lore before the end stretch
>teasing a future HL game that hard after blueballing everyone for over a decade last time
>slow title screen
Not sure about difficulty. I played on hard and only really died in the last hour or two. I was getting really low on ammo despite fully searching every room. What do you even do if you fully run out of ammo with no melee to fall back on? Does setting a lower difficulty make enemies less spongy? I'd like to do a fast rerun for achievements, but if I have to dig through every room for ammo I might just skip it.
I think it was pretty great over all but making it a VR exclusive is bullshit.
>too many puzzles
>not enough weapons
>no melee of any kind, not even the ability to use objects as melee weapons
>no jumping manually
>weird snaps/teleports when getting on or off a ladder
>What do you even do if you fully run out of ammo with no melee to fall back on?
You're fucked. This is my biggest complaint about the game to be honest. It feels like the game had some melee system built in up until very close to the release that was removed haphazardly last minute.
>What do you even do if you fully run out of ammo with no melee to fall back on?
Apparently the game has a subtle L4D style director where it spawns ammo depending on how much you use your weapons, if that's why it seems like certain ammo spawned more or less than it probably should. So using your shotgun a lot spawns more shells to compensate.
>What do you even do if you fully run out of ammo with no melee to fall back on?
The game is supposed to spawn more ammo if you run out.
>What do you even do if you fully run out of ammo with no melee to fall back on?
The game is supposed to spawn ammo around the world whenever needed but there was moment where I was stuck without ammo and had to exploit the AI to proceed so it doesn't work very well.
Personally the lack of melee didn't take away from the game for me but I think it should still be in it because it's a half life game.
what the fack, I never used the shotgun because I felt shotgun shells were too damn rare to use. What a great meme.
>weird snaps/teleports when getting on or off a ladder
I was pretty happy about this desu. Climbing ladders in boneworks was a huge hassle.
A lot of people did the same, turn out if you use the shotgun often you'll get ammo a lot more often.
I found that this was the perfect balance.
+hlvr_continuous_normal_speed 120 +hlvr_continuous_combat_speed 150
that climbing section just before the final boss was infuriating.
fuck boneworks.
Should have been an option. It feels like they were side-blinded by locomotion in Boneworks and its what a loud audience wants. So we get hamfisted locomotion that uses teleportation to fix needing to be perfect
I like it the game overall, but yeah, I also feel like was left wanting more.
On the bright side of all of this, the modding scene will be spectacular once the SDK hits
Imagine the mods people have made for source games, but in VR, and in a better engine like s2
>So using your shotgun a lot spawns more shells to compensate.
No. I didn't use it much last time because the game wouldn't let me have more than 14 shells at once. So 2nd playthrough I'm using it more and I get the same amount as last time, had to stop using it by the end of northern star because I'm not getting any shells. Meanwhile I'm swimming in pistol ammo as usual.
i was certain there was a reason they brought up a gorilla with a headcrab. that would be an interesting if not terrifying boss fight
anybody else just save SMG ammo while using pistol to the point you have 500+ and then you never got the chance to use them?
Had fucking 800 SMG ammo when I finished the game. I barely used the fucking thing because I wanted to use some of the mass amounts of pistol ammo I had. The Strider boss fight shouldn't have been a turret fight
don't say that about murray
to think pretty much 90% of his head and body are gone and hes just brain
The game is almost perfect, but I think the stakes were a bit too low for most of the game. I understand its to allow some breathing room to get acquainted with the intensity of VR, but there are points were I felt like the game robs itself of otherwise well-earned tension, particularly whenever Russel feels like cracking a joke, or Alyx being a little too relaxed relative to how the player is probably feeling in a given moment.
Gameplay is absolutely fantastic, and the later chapters have some of the best sequences in the entire series. I don't blame Valve for playing it a bit safe in some areas, but I would love to see a sequel raise the stakes and evolve upon what they established, mostly to get more variety out of the environments. Half-Life 2 went EVERYWHERE while this game was almost 100% City 17.
I didn't find him in the game, does anyone have a screenshot?
SMG is really efficient and powerful, deletes everything
The Strider fight was lousy imo, reminded me of getting chased around by the chopper in HL2
Turret segments suck dick too.
>The dialogue between Alyx and Russle
>The weapon handling (like to reload the shotgun or smg you could use the second hand to push the part in, but you could also just flick yout wrist)
>Interactivity such as the piano or putting on random helmets and masks.
>The end sequence where you zap the combine with green lightning, that was the coolest shit I've done in a video game in many years.
>Horror elements, but no jumpscares
>The fucking ball puzzle can suck my nuts
>Disappointing weapon and enemy variety
>The game is shorter than I had hoped
that part was a nice touch since they mimicked it from HL2
thats one of my gripes with half life in general i think the combine would at least experiment with earth life rather than constantly warping stuff in.
Don't worry, the next Half-Life VR will have an AIRBOAT SECTION
Yep, my thoughts exactly. I enjoyed it, but when I was over, I was like "Wait, that's it?"
I need more, valve
You've got a great framework and everything for a VR half-life game, but you need to add more
Those are the gray guys
I don't think blue shotgunners or white machinegunners have helmetless corpses in the game
Combine exterminated basically all fauna except for humans as a side effect of trying to get rid of Xen infestation.