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Tales thread
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My favorite girl and wife!
They just made Ion a playable character in Rays, but i dont understand why they gave him melee artes while having piss poor health.
>dies from reading a bit
>"why did they give him piss poor health"
Why the fuck does he do melle is it because of Sync? I thought he was just an especially and healthy strong clone? And normally Ion just does spells cause of his staff.
Thats my point, why did they make him be a melee like Sync when he’s holding a giant fucking staff. He doesnt do amazing damage either so theres no bonus to giving glass health.
I love Tear
I like the two cute homos and also the pirate loli.
Legendia is the best.
You already posted her.
Chloe is sexy.
ion was a good guy.
I tried playing it, but the fat PS3 doesn't play it and I gave my PS2 away to my brother in law by then.
[Spoiler] I know the voice actor of the villain Walter and I wanted to play his game. Found out when we played WoW in the same guild and he voiced one of the bloodelves boss fight in the black temple. He tanked himself. [/spoiler]
Ion was taught martial arts as part of his training, he just never had the opportunity to use it since he's so weak physically.
It's been a while since I played Abyss so I forget if they explained it there, but they explain this in Rays and both games are written by Miyajima so I trust she knows what she wrote herself.
They also explained in Rays that Harold stuck a mirror in his heart to boost his physical ability so he could do his undercover spy job, but it only works in short bursts which is why he stuns himself when he runs out of cc.
How do I unlock the cameo battle in Xillia 2? This EX dungeon is confusing as hell and Google has scattered conflicting info.
Hopes for Arise?
good game
An actual release date
Richard (in the f-arc) is unironically objectively the best Tales character.
Luke did nothing wrong.
the combat is actually good and not abortions like berseria and zestiria
Nah, he only looks as good as he does because the protag is fucking Asbel "Neutron Star" Lhant
he was an ass
that was the only thing he did wrong
He was 5 years old, user
I know it has a lot of issues like a shit story and underwhelming combat/dungeons but its still my favorite. The music is just too good. I still need to go back and do the character quests.
Started the series with Abyss and liked it a lot. Played a couple hours of Symphonia, Vesperia and Eternia but none of them really grabbed me, then for some reason I was able to sit through Legendia. I can't really explain it myself.
Seemed alright from the trailer, but it was way too short to truly gauge it.
7 years old, and halfway physically matured at the time he was created. He was an asshole not just because he'd only been alive for 7 years, but because he was cloned from an asshole and spoiled to hell. Most 7-year olds have better manners than Luke.
Any Rays player here up for a unison?
got into this series back when one of my friends showed me symphonia and i was amazed at a real time rpg, took the plunge and played the fuck out of it. then got legendia and abyss on the ps2 and played the fuck out of both of them, then for the psp i got the first radiant mythology, thought it was neat but the combat felt stiff as fuck.
then i got into this period of time in my life where i was like "fuck everything" and just stopped giving a shit about video games until like 2015ish, and thats when i dabbled into vesperia on the 360 and got the 360's version of a platinum trophy and then picked up a ps3 and xillia 2 (i completely skipped xillia 1 lel.) xillia 2 is probably one of my most favorite games because i really love the battle system, and how honestly most of the characters in this game are dicks, or rather just cynical as fuck to each other. it felt really genuine to me for some reason and for that it will remain as my favorite for a while.
i havent gotten a chance to try zestiria/berseria (or graces f) yet, but im gonna try to give them a shot once the world stops being shitty
Symphonia 2 was fun
best boy
>Richard and the Captain's friendly banter the entire chapter at the expense of Asbel.
Love to see it.
Mithos did nothing wrong
Reminder that Natalia won the Luke bowel and Ashe is fucking dead!
I'd still like to see a ToS prequel where we play as Mithos' group, though I know it'll never happen ;-;
Funny how Guy was the only one that saw that. Literally best bro.
Looked cuter in the Symphonia ending.
Vesperia's okay so far but the HP bloat between Normal and Hard is something else. Enemies go down too fast on Normal but the fights drag on too much on Hard. It feels more like an Evil/Unknown mode than the usual Hard.
Give me a Graces port ffs
Graces is among the worst fucking games in the franchise and Cheria sucks major cock.
>muh asbel, God fuck off
I'm going to breed Estelle!
She already has a baby with Rita
I wish I could go back to being 13 and discover Tear all over again. She can absolutely have me anytime.