Tifa's tifas

And here are your remade sex icon tits, bros. Hope these ain't too unethical.

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you literally just made this thread
no one cares
resetera won, like it always does
get over it

keep seething coombrain

Sorry, OP, but Yas Forums is now filled with tranny apologists that will unironically claim those are big


We need more realism in final fantasy

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Zoomers ruined videogames.

>realistic bodytype

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I dunno what the ruckuss is about, but that's some nice tits right there i think

Coomers are brainwashed into only liking baloon tits and nigger butts, anything else and they throw a hissy fit.

>this time it doesn't feel like she was designed by a room of dudes who wanted to make her "sexy" purely for themselves and the male gaming audience.
but that's exactly what it feels like lmao

Good. This is a game catered towards patrician resetchads such as ourselves, not jizzhead Yas Forums brainlets

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Looks like ResetEra wins again, bay bay

Stop samefagging dumbass retard

ResetEra always wins, bay bay

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Biggers tits who were on original characters was also nice. But trannies feels offended by it because "it'S nOt rEaListiC"

wow, this coomer is MAD

The author should be forced to dig their own grave and then get two behind the ear, USSR style.

>So what if we have a badass BBW female warrior in charge of male soldiers? It's a video game, bro, it doesn't have to be realistic
Why the hell does ResetEra get so much power over this industry? The west is one thing, but now the east too? How did Square Enix get so cucked that they can't look at these arguments and laugh at their faces?

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Imagine being such a failed abortion and obsessing over pixelated titties

Unironically because zoomers ruin everything.

>pushes an sjw agenda
>says nigger
nice attempt to fit in, tranny

We are more likeable
We have entrenched ourselves in the industry and are in every developer's studio, because we are hardworking, unlike you shut-ins
We went to make our own games, just like you told us to
We have based journalists on our side, broadcasting our message and beliefs
That is why, my dear Yas Forumsnigger

rent free, go fap to some blacked porn


holy cringe

>We are more likeable
maybe if you stray away from politics
i have an online pal who's nonbinary and he's generally likable, but as soon as the topic gets anywhere near politics or sexuality, he devolves into something else

I guess, but i don't think ya can blame "trannies" for all tit related changes in video-games. It'd be concerning if they removed her tits completely, but they are literally still big. It's most likely some designer that wanted to make em "realistic" with no actual influence from any "trannies"

sad and small like my penis

can you post a picture of some tits that are big enough for you?

Those tits right there are anything but small

You are fucking delusional, my dude.

where's the fucking picture man?

>"It would be nice to regularly see lead male and female video game characters who don't look like models carved out of marble, but hey, one small step at a time."

Can someone explain why Americans are so fucking fixated on "realistic" body types or just realism in general? And why they can't seem to enjoy anything without complaining about how not realistic whatever thing is in some way.

>dude it's a video game who cares if women with giant tits are fighting half naked it's not real

>I only see boobs, so you only see boobs you SEXIST PIG
fucking puritans

Those look like orangutan titties.

jej this is just sad

They are still censored with black bars.

Tifa don't look like an athlete at all let alone an elite one. Look at the women that participate in the Olympics. Those bitches have thick and muscular legs and arms. Even the runners while skinny still have muscle definition all over. Meanwhile Tifa has some almost invisible abs and that's it.

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What's up with this meme that Yas Forums wants big tits in video games?

>kill people that don't have my opinion

>We are more likeable

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I dunno if you realise but you're just restating his point

Can someone explain why non-Americans are so depressed that they regularly post on Yas Forums about how video games are their escape from life so they need to be as bright and colorful and over the top as possible and realism is bad because it reminds them of their miserable lives?

The same people who cry about the women with giant tits being unrealistic are usually the ones who like and make stuff where those 120 lbs women who beat up 2 guys by themselves.

>elite athlete whom only a small handful of people in the world can relate to
Are these fuckos so devoid of brain power and imagination that they can't relate to anyone who isn't Literally Me?

they're only interested in "realistic" body types for females. they don't care that 99% of the men have bodies like superman or captain america, but if a female has a chest larger than a C cup? guess what is the ONLY thing they will focus on, ignoring almost everything else

I am American you dip.

why are progressives so fucking obsessed with tits
not even obsessive for the greater good, the worst kind of obsessive

they knock over a domino then spend the next 10 years accusing everybody else of knocking shit over
it's certifiable behaviour

You might want to reread it the.

And the same people who cry about how every video game girl should have giant tits because realism in video games doesn't matter are the same people who bitch about every western game where a woman isn't immediately knocked out and raped to death if she ever dares try to fight a physically superior man. It's almost like Yas Forums is just as selective about when realism matters in video games.

Reminder to CückoldryEra that Trump will be re-elected.

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>they don't care that 99% of the men have bodies like superman or captain america

Picking male superheroes who've had their physiques dramatically lessened in their modern interpretations for "realism" as your example probably isn't the best choice to make.

>Yes I am a poster in ResetEra! How could you tell?

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Last time Trump got elected, we got even more powerful and grasped more of the industry. I'm thinking it will be 90% ours by 2022 if Trump gets re-elected.

>the top 1% male body is "realism"
>the top 1% female body is not
really makes you think

Cloud loves Aeris

>I get scared and confused if I don see familiar thing.
This is actual autism. These are the screeching retards devs listen to.

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Compressed and shrunken, worthless black bra.

what is that on the bottom left


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>Rise of Tomb Raider
>really difficult puzzle
>video game critic
Just burn it all down.

Forget about the size. The boobs have no shape/curves and no jiggle physics. And shit censor outfit to top it off

Entertainment is the last stand of leftards so that makes sense. You became more and more radicalized over turning white characters black, or turning male character into women. Or reducing the breast size of female video game characters. Among other pointless shit that have no impact in the long therm. You brag about getting into the industry and its "journalism" meanwhile the entire world is being shaped by right wing ideologies, little by little. It's like you try your hardest to give value to stupid, pointless works of fiction because in reality you can't change anything.

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Nice cope, but you're obviously seething over our influence.

not mad enough to chop off his own dick though

How old are the people sperging out about an anime video game character's boobs? The game came out in 1997.

Tifa is a drawing, user.

>Nice cope, but you're obviously seething over our influence.

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Of course it's a 42%er, of. fucking. course. it. is.

these women dont look like athletes either they look like teenage males

Typical video game journo desu

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What the heck is the talking point here even supposed to be? Especially the black girl in the second comic. These feel like a parody.

that's what female athletes basically are, lesser men

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Are you retarded? If you train athletics since you were a kid your puberty delays and doesn't come as strong.