When does it get hard?

When does it get hard?

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Right around the time you realise that Hiddy never gets to meet Ginny and that the Warrior of the West armour on a woman doesn't make you look like her.

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When he broke the seal something else came out together with Shuten Douji and instantly fucked off through the roof.
What was that?

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Lady Osokabe.

Tamamo no Mae. Along with Shuten Doji and Otakemaru, it's one of the three great yokai in Japanese mythology. It's also probably gonna go possess Chacha, explaining the DLC of the first game.

>Tamamo no Mae
Cant take the poopfox serious after FGO

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Or good.

I'm killing every faggot Mujina I see from now on. Fucking pathetic.

When I look at Kasha

Alright how do I beat the stupid fucking castle? It's eye beam and hand shockwaves whatever the fuck both one shot me.

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When mumyo shows her pits my pp hard

>friend playing through the game
>"wait, that's not a lewd loli in a skimpy outfit"

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the DLC

When you stop looking at Reddit meta sheets and play the game based on discovery.

Holy fuck I can't believe it was that easy.

Why did we kill him when he just wanted to hang out and get wasted?

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Alcoholics deserve death.

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I just beat this after taking a break from her. Had 10 extra heals, 4 quick change scrolls. I shot thr eye with a cannon dodging fireballs, then slowly killed the worms. Think i just got lucky

when you forced to get btfo by wirriam in cutscene lmao don't fucking matter you win the fucking fight retard devs make nioh 2 protag lose like a fucking weak ass bitch in cutscene

Cant believe people think this game is easier that DaS

Harder than bloodborne too honestly.

Nice cat

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At it again huh?

Mitsume Yazura is cute!

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Bros... I’m getting filtered by Katsuie Shibata. I do no damage. What do?

Please Yazura-san, stop grabbing my hosts!

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Do every side mission and get a better weapon then temper it to do optimal damage.

when dream of the demon comes out

Hit him and don't get hit also don't get grabbed.

Holy fuck you’re rich, how do you make your money?

Sell tea utensils you aren't currently using

You just have to fucking die bro.

he's very weak to poison

That's what she said

meant for

>just wanted to hang out and get wasted
That club isn't just for show, user.

>not throwing yourself in front of it to get grabbed instead

I've almost spent that much at the blacksmith, 65mil total so far.

>I’m getting filtered by Katsuie Shibata
Everyone did. He spams attacks as if he was not a slow fat boar. Had more trouble with him than the final bosses.

Just hit him?

Even without this meme build, I found him pretty easy. He just makes sure you're constantly paying attention to what he's doing and dodging at the right time while avoiding any fire he shits out. He's a boss that punishes you for getting lazy or impatient, which is great.

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I'm up to 239 Random Expeditions and they just dump everything on you. Fabled Umbracite, tons of gold, more glory than you'll know what to do with, and I even nabbed a 170 divine weapon. Tea utensil drop rate is the best thing to shoot for if you just want cash, build your teahouse for it and run Isanagami (the whale) as your secondary spirit.

user, I have 11 CON at level 300. It doesn't matter who gets grabbed, my expedition is over and I'd rather them get stretched than me.

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Yazura is based, cracks waifus backs and tosses them aside

Fuck braindead invokers

Under the stat effects for equipment and weapons, what does that hexagon looking symbol mean? It's in the same place that the "inheritable" icon is for certain stat effects.

>I'd rather them get stretched than me.
But your Hide prefers to be the victim user

All her ranged attacks have severely loud audio ques and consist of giant glowing balls and lasers both of which move slowly and don't do very much damage at all. You can unlock and watch behind you for them or just listen and judge when they'll be approaching which is quite easy to do. Chug Daion-Jin's Sake if you want the elemental ailments to stop, and aside from that it's business as usual.

It means it's a locked effect that can't be changed and will always be found on that type of equipment.

>people find this fun
Lol pathetic

Any why did he get the best girl? Does she like getting bulled?

Hide is not a masochist.

How good are Yokai weapons? got one in the first mission

user, NOBODY finds killing a boss for the 9999th time for a certain drop fun

>Yoshitatsu's sword hilt is fucking amazing
>The blade is weird wavy flame shit

theyre good until you want to use a set weapon, you can soul match them with soul cores to upgrade them cheaper than weapons and inherit some unique bonuses like +anima

is there an idiots guide to tempering

select a thing that's useless

replace with something you want

All you need to know is that stats belong to certain groups and you can't have 2 different stats from the same group, the groups are fairly obvious but Attack bonus (stat) belongs to the melee damage and skill damage tree.

Basically what you want is:
>Attack Bonus (Primary stat) A
>Melee Ki Damage +
>Melee Ki Consumption -
>Imbue [element]

Just reroll till you get them.

I didnt get filtered until Shibata. Died like 20 times to that fuck.

You likely don't want an Imbue unless it's Purity or Corruption so you can get the bonus effects, because that slot could otherwise go to something else and buffs are both stronger and far easier to come by.

I got my shit slapped by snek but I haven't had trouble with a boss since. I've only just beat the snow odachi guy though

I roll with imbue poison 2kat with 66% damage against poisoned enemies and +41% poison accumulation, it's pretty strong and there really isn't anything better to put there. 1 Double-Headed slice usually gets enemies poisoned.