Is this worth playing? also why does the music sound like dogshit
Is this worth playing? also why does the music sound like dogshit
If you like obscenely slow pacing, motion blur to the point of insanity, relentless and tedious battles even inside towns where you're just trying to save your game or buy some healing items, random chances to get 1 hit game over'd before you're even allowed to take a turn in every battle, and RNG mechanics behind every single system in the entire game then sure go for it. It's your funeral.
But hey "the press turn system is sick bruh"....
if you have shit taste like the two of you seem to have, then you'll hate Nocturne.
>why does the music sound like dogshit
because you have no taste.
and Yes.
zoomer cancer thread
all of this is fixed by playing on an emulator using turbo and savestates
The ost is great.
Your tastes is dogshit
Yeah, I’m thinking based.
pretty much based.
Yes, it's fun.
Atlus getting used to 3D sound mixing, compare it to DDS1
enjoy walking for half an hour because you entered the wrong one way door
>why does the music sound like dogshit
Don't bother playing it, you won't like it.
>obscenely slow pacing
what the fuck are you doing and where because it sounds like you're in the exact opposite place you need to be.
>moton blur to the point of insanity
>relentless and tedious battles even inside towns where you're just trying to save your game or buy some healing items
battles and hardly tedious if you're actually good at the game and town battles make sense lorewise and again, arent really a problem unless you suck dick. If the battles in this game are "relentless" and "tedious" i don't know how you'd have the patience for a regular JRPG because nocturne random encounters are barely anything to complain about.
>random chances to get 1 hit game over'd before you're even allowed to take a turn in every battle
get more agility
git gud
>Bad Music
Yeah no
Literally never happens copeling
y'all are retarded
the music sounds like dogshit cause it's awfully fucking compressed in the original ps2 version
i don't think he was talking about the compositions
>Muh RNG
Use buffs retard
He's definitely talking about the composition
How come no one seems to have time anymore? Am I the only one who still likes slow methodical games? It's like if you're spending even a second of your time not brazenly progressing towards a very specific goal then people get frustrated and give up
Is it because of how easily accessible entertainment is these days and its shot everyone's attention span to gold fish levels?
>why does the music sound like dogshit
Because you have shit taste.
>random chances to get 1 hit game over'd before you're even allowed to take a turn in every battle
Maybe if you don't use your stat build and magatama properly. If you do there's less then a 0.1% chance of getting 1 turn KO'd.
Based retard
you didn't play it until the labyrinth of amala dungeons did you?
I'm talking about the sound quality of the tracks themselves, it sounds low quality compared to other PS2 games.
The songs are kind of cool but they sound compressed to shit. I'm sure someone will tell me it was done intentionally though which I'm more willing to accept.
>why does the music sound like dogshit
Please don't play it. I'd rather not have your kind playing it.
I've beat the game twice
It aged well considering it's a PS2 game but looks gorgeous even today.
It's just a standard SMT that doesn't hold your hand, that's really it. You're meant to enjoy the gameplay and soak in the atmosphere.
It's true that the audio sounds like it was recorded in an empty swimming pool but that becomes part of the charm ultimately. It's a PS2-era game that was mid-low budget even then, so it has some less than stellar production values, but it has a heart and soul that makes it worthwhile all the same.
Your wife called. Her boyfriends want you off the computer so they can start-up their cam show.
I mean Nocturne OST has many battle variations, and Alternative solo tracks but I assume that it was so much that they had to compress most of it
so why are you lying?
Just because you had issues in one area doesn't mean everyone else had.
I'm not you retard
The compressed distorted music somehow works with what is going on in the game itself.
All the gibberish being said is pure kino when an enemy or boss's idle animation syncs up so it looks like they are the one saying the gibberish.
You'd be surprised how many of the animations are timed to fit with the music or lyrics.
ok im downloading an iso thanks friends
It's unlike anything else, enjoy user. It's my personal favorite video game.
>Worth playing
>Atlus game
Pick one
>not a faggot
Pick one
seething fatlus cück
Okay tourist.
Strap in, it's a fucking experience.
Atlus USA fucked up the audio, it apparently wasn't that bad in the original Japanese version.
No wonder you have to play friendship simulators
>all atlus games are Persona friendship simulators
Okay retard, at least learn what kind of games you're shitposting about.
Which Reason was the worst and why was it Isamu's?
All Atlus games are trash, sure. But considering you are seething so hard over someone not praising your company, then I assume you play their friendship simulator garbage as well.
Uh, hello, based department?
>implying any reasons are worth it
I just wanna grill and kill god
best jrpg of all time
Okay cuck.
>Okay cuck.
Then just reject all Gods.
Whats the harm in rejecting one more?
If you love artificial difficulty and zero fun, the yes
>become god of your own universe
Bet you're one of the fags on the verge of killing himself because of the quarantine
>artificial difficulty
lol what a loser
Nah you fool. YHWH is in all realities in SMT. You go make your own reality, YHWH will be there to own your ass.
>friendship simulator
At least actually look up the games you shitpost about.
Read more than post in the conversation, Fatlus brainlet.
I have and what you said is still retarded. I don’t really see how stuff like mainline SMT, Radiant Historia, Trauma Center and Etrian Odyssey are friendship simulators.
anything with even the smallest simulacrum of a person in it can be a friendship simulator if you are bad off enough.
no, Nocturne is shit. the only people that like it are the guys that suck Dante's dick.
>Still not getting it
It takes a Fatlus to be this retarded.
But I will explain it once.
If you are a Fatlus fanboy retard, then you obviously like their most famous games, which also include friendship simulators. You also enjoy literally eating shit but that's another story.
B to the ased.
I don’t like Persona, dude.
Stop replying to the retard you idiots.
Games you never heard of until superior ones shine light onto them far into the future is always a major red flag. They were not talked about much for a reason.