I never played a Persona game. Which one is the best?

I never played a Persona game. Which one is the best?

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Persona 4. Check this 4.

2. The others are for faggots.


Gameplay wise, P5
Writing wise is more subjective but I prefer P3.

all are good though.

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user there were three more persona games before the 3 you listed

Persona 4 Dancing All Night



3 is the best

Yas Forums only likes 2 because of le epic Hitler meme man

It depends what you're looking for.

for real?

1 > EP > 3 > IS > 5 > 4

Daily reminder

SMT Nocturne

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play a real chin megoomi tensay game

2 is the absolute peak but 3 is a decent sequel

Out of those three I'd say 4 is the best all-rounder.

What are yuh talkin about?
Persona 3 was the first Persona game ever made
>also haven't played those 1's yet so I can't r8 them


3 FES >5 > 4G >>>> 4

Regardless SMT gameplay wise and design wise is way better.


P3-P5 are pretty much a different series from P1-P2

haha but peroona didn't happen before 3 heehee

Story-wise Persona 2.
Gameplay-wise Persona 5.

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5. Or 4 Golden. The farther you go back the most player hostile they get, and the more bullshit they put you through. Like bosses where you can only damage them by literally rolling a dice etc. Also the further you go back the more awful the gameplay and level designs get. Do you like cut n paste corridors facing N/S/E/W? You're gonna need to.

Stick with 4 Golden and 5.

if you're a rookie, P5 (classic) is definitely a great starting spot. I have personally played all of P2-5, and 5 is still my favorite. Great style, neat story and themes, fun gameplay, best waifus.

OP Play 3 FES.
It has the best story of any of the games.
It also has Fuuka.
Fuuka is love.

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2EP/IS > 4 > 3 > 5 > > > 1

Bad taste, no wonder you haven't played 1, you fucking pleb

>based on 28 literally whos

Persona 3 and Persona 5.

Don't listen to contrarians that overhype P1 and P2 and people that has P4 anywhere that isn't the very bottom.

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Doesn't matter. They're all decent but you have to play them in order. 3 is tough to play after 5

3 and 4 have better writing (with 3 being darker and 4 being more upbeat and SoL-ish) but 5's gameplay is way better and the only one in the series that comes remotely close to mainline SMT

The writing in P4 is fucking garbage

5's is unironically even worse. 4 at least has good moments like Heaven or the Adachi fight. 5 has one good story arc, the first one, and the rest are legitimately terrible, with maybe two good social links to lighten things up.

They're all stupid. Least stupid is the one with least cutscenes.

Persona 5 by far

absolute garbage taste

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5 > 3 > 2IS > 4 > 2EP > 1


4 at least has good interactions between the main cast
5's story falls apart halfway through

You mean the part where Nanako dies for 5 mins and the entire motive is suddenly plot dumped to you all at once?

>5 has one good story arc, the first one
So you were just shitposting then

Anyone who thinks 1 is bad is literally a personabab with garbage taste

What does that have to do with the writing?
The story of P4 is the worst in the series.

Remove aigis, makoto, rise and yukiko from S tier because they belong in G tier. G for garbage.

1 was never good, kiddo.

>thinks writing only means the plot

5’s story is leagues betted than 4 and every other persona. LITERALLY FUCKING NOTHING HAPPENS IN P4. The crowning achievement of P4’s plot is that Yukiko forgets details about her kidnapping. That’s fucking pathetic. After all that shit, she’s like “lol I now remember shit I could have told you months ago while we were doing nothing and investigating in circles”

Lmao, nothing happens in P5, it's just villain of the week shit for the whole game

5 is the best overall but 3 has the most soul.

You’re retarded. The Phantom Thieves are making huge progress with every villain in unique game changing arcs with twists and turns. Every villain makes them bigger and more prevalent in society and that affects how they operate. Stop blatantly lying faggot. The actions in P3 and P4 don’t affect shit. Those entire games are filler. They’re abominations that should not be counted among real persona games P1, P2, and P5.


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>What does that have to do with the writing?

You do understand that someone had to write those interactions, right?

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All those words to say nothing kek, every palace is an irrelevant filler arc that does nothing for the story until Okumura

>Mitsuru not in SS tier
>Ginko, Sae, Doc so low
>no Eikichi at all

You disgust me.

>literally coping to the point of not even reading the post
Cover your eyes, wouldn’t want to hurt your nostalgia feelings if you see the truth that nothing happens in 3 and 4.

>The Phantom Thieves are making huge progress with every villain in unique game changing arcs with twists and turns.
gayest shit I've ever heard


Cope more please

Gameplay wise the newer ones. Plot wise I'd say 3 or 4.

t. have played 3, 4 and 5. If you are only for it for the dating sim aspect then listen to me since the older ones don't have it


Australian perspective:

Persona 1 - 3: Fucking expensive in PAL regions. Not worth it.

Persona 4 Golden: Fantastic.

Persona 5: Haven't played it.

Hope that clears things up.